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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Thanks everyone for your input......... my choice was B or E also........... although F looks a little darker than B on the picture, in reality it's very close in color, D is the lightest color. B is Micro Mark's Age it Easy Grey, matt varnish, driftwood wash.... E is Weather It, matt varnish, F is Weather It, matt varnish. driftwood wash, and D is Micro Mark's Age It Easy grey/brown, matt varnish. Too bad the picture samples don't show their true color, B and F are the two that look real close to the real colors. Before I do my next deck I'm going to make sure I have enough stock to make up a mock deck to show the finish, I don't want any avocado walls staring me in the face!! Frank
  2. Brian, the sample wood is limewood ( our basswood ). I'm not familiar with holly, but when it comes time to do the decking on my next build I will certainly look into it. Right now I'm just trying some different finishes. Would the holly take a better finish ? Frank No Augie, it's not for the Supply. I'm just trying to come up with a more suitable looking deck color for my next build. I'm not that pleased with the color of the decking on the Supply, but it's way too late to change it now. Frank
  3. I'm trying out different applications to see what comes close to a looking like a sea worn deck. I'm posting a picture with some different samples and would appreciate some feed back as to the colors. If none of these come close to the right look , it's back to the drawing board. All suggestions are welcome!! I have to say this, all the colors are more to the gray side ....... the lighting kind've shows a little different but it's very close . Thanks Frank
  4. Nice! work Augie.... looks like that is a very well thought out kit........ Wow!! 100 hrs. already, seems like you just opened the bx Frank
  5. Adam, you're a card !! ....... you watching the Pats NO game? 17 17..... great game go'n on. frank
  6. Augie, I think you're getting to be a bad influence!! Frank P.S. although, I kind've like the toothbrush idea!! I think I'll get one of those!!!
  7. Look'n good! Mike..... I'll bet you're happy to get started on them you'll be finished before you know it . Don't forget to brush them with diluted white glue when you finish shaping them. Frank
  8. OH yeah!!..... that is one great looking stern! Frank
  9. Hi Bob, as for the wood prep, after sanding and you're satisfied with the over all look you might try a wood sealer, sand lightly after drying, then put on your primer coat , if any discrepancies show then you can correct them . Then you can paint. I don't use a sealer all the time, some do, depends on the wood also. As far as the paint goes, craft store acrylics are fine ,I've used Ceramcoat , and have had good results. I 'm trying out Jo Sonja artist matte acrylics now on the advice of EDt, I really like them, they brush beautifully and lay real flat. You have to thin them accordingly like any other acrylic paint. As far as the brushes go, I like using nylon with the acrylics especially for large surfaces. I have some sables that I use for smaller and detail work. Just don't have your paint too thick, it's always better to do a couple coats rather than one heavy one, you don't want to hide any detail. when you're satisfied with the paint job, then put a couple coats of matte varnish on , and maybe a light sanding between coats. I'm sure others here will chime in and give you some alternate advice. If I can be of any more help , just PM me O.K. ? Frank
  10. Now, that wasn't hard, was it!........ Looks real good Sjors, nice job on the tops!! Frank
  11. Nice of you to say that Augie ....... but , I'll tell you, that's one thing I miss here in Calif,...... a BASEMENT !!........ When I lived back in Ct. we fixed up our basement and I'll tell you it was put to good use... Ah, those good ole days!!
  12. your progress is looking real good Augie........ I think it's the basement workshop that inspires you frank
  13. Hi Ed.... just catching up on your build log, this is such excellent work ,and presented in such a professional manner, I'll be checking in from time to time on your progress ...... there's a lot to learn here!!! Frank
  14. nice Popeye, ........ everything looks ship shape, like your color choice on the stain........ I know the feeling when you spill whatever it is your using on the table, good thing I use a work bench , man I've tipped over many paint bottles, that's why I'm trying out tube acrylics, so far I 'm getting to like them .I bought some Jo Sonja artists colors, they are a matte acrylic lay real smooth and flat..... I think they have some stains also, might give those a try , anyhow your build is looking real good keep up the good work!! Frank
  15. Hi Sherry, just catching up on your updates........ I must say again, you are a really talented person..... Like Matti I like the blue color you choose too, it's got that nice warm worn look ...... clever idea with the hinged door!!! ........ Oh yeah!, can't forget the miling!!!!.... you are really on the dark side now!! Bye, Bye Sherry Frank
  16. Very nice Michael, just outstanding work!! Frank
  17. Look'n good !Sjors ........... must be very tempting looking at that Aggie box everyday !!
  18. Hey Mike ....... you might want to pm DanVad as to the 2 travelers, I only did one on my Supply and I too used Petersson's book to help me on the rigging. I'm sure he can give you some good advice. Frank
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