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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Hi Mates, Thanks so much for your comments, and likes – all so nice of you. Working from three sets of plans creates continued confusion (Corel, Billings, and Vasa Museum). Anyway I was going to remove the upper main sail to give it bit of ironing. It was much too creased compared to the others. Glad that I had not buttoned down and glued the parrel ropes into place. Then as I was reinstalling- it struck me that It was missing blocks with which to attach ropes from the main top gallant sail to the upper yard. Then went back to another plan and saw what the problem was. ========================= Then going back to the foremast trying to visualize pin and anchor locations for shrouds from the installed sails – tried to loop one rope through one of those four blocks that I had attached to the grating frame and grrrr- realized that I had not pre-enlarged the block holes. So- trying to “remove” that grating frame with a “pop” ended up detaching that white railing and then the tool dropped and fell onto that canon carriage; easy fixes but part of the process apologies for just droning on with this post. The lower main sail is next up. Regards,
  2. Karl, Yes as Steve just said that looks great - PS: You are giving me a thought for mine as well (:-) Cheers,
  3. B.E., Just catching up - as usual brilliant work in such a small scale. That hook tip is superb as well. Your colors also work so well together. Cheers,
  4. Hi Mates Minor detail update. Worked out a "plan" to make the fore lower appear as if the parrels are "functional" When all buttoned up it will be like this. PS: Frank thanks for sharing - happy not to be the Lone Ranger. Cheers,
  5. Hi Mates, Martyn, – so very nice of you thanks -- overwhelming !! Patrick, Denis, Frank –thanks for your comments so appreciated as well. And mates thanks for hitting the likes – so nice of you to click your thoughts as well Continuing with the lower main. So it’s furled and almost ready for attaching to the mast. I was looking at Anderson regarding the parrels and decided to challenge myself for this and the lower main mast, coming up next. I will run a center parrel rope (only on one side) to simulate it as a working item. Will run the rope through that small block and run it to the weather deck. Where it should be attached is not clear. I may also add another set of blocks to the end of the rope as noted on Anderson’s drawing. Fiddle blocks - no - just a couple of single blocks and then a cleat at the deck next to the mast. Probably overkill – but since all of the lower sails are furled this might be a nice bit of extra work that I will be happy about. Anderson writes that he has problems with this particular set up – but so it goes. Parrel ropes certainly needed to allow for adjustments as a mast was lowered given the increase in mast diameter as a yard was lowered. PS: I have noticed a BIG mistake that I have been making using tarred rope to attach some blocks to yards and sails. That said I just want to stay consistent in my errors for these bits. Grrrr. Now for the really hard part -- installing the yard Regards,
  6. Martyn, Yes looking awesome indeed. Really enjoying following along. Your work is super precise and well articulated. Cheers,
  7. Ken, Indeed superb work - thanks for all of your extra details within your log for this ship!! Cheers,
  8. Hi Peter, Just found your new build log. Will follow along as well. Nice choice indeed. Looking to be a very good start. PS: Regarding your Aug 7th post and yelling politicians - well I won't say anything - I concur. Cheers,
  9. E.J,. Yes sails do add a nice finishing touch. That said get ready to spend a lot, lot of extra time with your build. They (sails) are filled with added work – much more than I had anticipated. Making the sails is easy compared with mounting and rigging them. Not regretting this by any means. But I can work for hours and seem to get nothing done beyond preparing blocks, ropes and knots for one sail (;-) then trying to mount them to their respective masts along with all of the lines and ropes hanging limp to be secured later; so far so good. If I might suggest for your next build find a kit that comes with sail/rigging plans as part of the kit (mine did not). You will be glad that you took the challenge. I’m glad that I am. Thanks for your nice post In the aggregate it will be so worth the effort. My Santa Maria from so long ago was a walk in the park compared to this build. Cheers,
  10. Hi Mates, Here are a couple of full view rigging update views. The sail on the table is a reduced size lower fore. It will be furled - full size furls would have looked too thick (thanks Frank for that tip) Cheers,
  11. B.E., Thanks so much - Always appreciate your visits, and encouraging comments. Regards,
  12. EJ, Catching up--- yup that planking is very nice indeed. On my next build I will have to add that level of details to the hull. Hoping this wont "disappear" after sanding and such? Cheers,
  13. Mark,- Too bad well 2024 but not to be in your neighborhood at all - 2017 would have been awesome indeed. Frank - No excuse for you, I don't think? -- ha ha Denis - Martyn - thanks ! funny as well PS: Installed the first two parrels. Cheers,
  14. EJ - thanks its getting there. Sails it turns out are also a nice learning curve for me. Parrels were much easier than I had imagined, and yes mounted sails do get in the way. zappto - thanks for your very nice comment. The Vasa Museum is, indeed an amazing visit - especially for us members. OK sorry had to add a couple of the eclipse EJ your view will be much better than mine ======================= On a piece of paper pin "hole camera" shade reflections just out my door. Cheers,
  15. Hi Mates, Minor update – first effort at installing parrels; I will also remove top gallant fore and main sails in order to also add these bits. I got a bit lazy with those two most upper yards. This top fore sail broke the ice with parrels (that I intended to in any case add to lower yards. SO; Thought I would share what I think is a fairly easy way of doing this (for me in any case) Photos go through sequences. Anderson writes about parrel lines running down to the deck?? hmmm - Think I'll pass on that part. ================================ PS: last photo -- now need to see if my new glass is up for the job Oh and the Admiral – Not a fan – told me that actually when I drink I know very little and forget most things – She was not in on this Ha ha.. As always thanks so much for the likes, posts and just dropping by - as always. Cheers,
  16. Rich, Thanks so much for your wonderful compliment. Very much appreciated. Yes the Corel's "out of the box" stern is not, well, the Vasa stern. After I started this kit, and more or less completed the hull and weather deck I starting to "see" all of the kits errors. I decided to go back and fix as many as I could. The stern being the first "fix". That said I was, at the time, a real novice and new very little. Very kind members along the way also offered great guidance indeed. It is always nice when some of what I learned can also be useful for other members. PS: I'm still learning but now feeling much more comfortable. Though I look at other logs and think OMG I'll never be that good ha ha... Again thanks for posting those old photos from earlier in this log. I had forgotten about that stern fix it. YES the Vasa museum is indeed spectacular. Regards,
  17. Continuing work on installing sails – now onto top gallant fore and mains first. Here are some updated pics. My goal is to prepare at least one sail per week; •Attach yards •Make sailcloth edge reinforcements •Make needed edge cringles •Make head cringles •Prepare/attach all needed blocks •Attach all needed lines •Prepare parrels ============================= As always thanks so much for your continued and very encouraging support. PS: I need to check my settings – since the software update I’m not getting notices from all of the logs that I also follow. Hmmm? Cheers,
  18. Greg, Photo etch parts add amazing details to kits indeed. BUT so hard to work with BRILLIANT work on your part. I have seen photo etch after-market sets added to 1/12th Ferrari kits - they make the completed cars look amazing! Cheers,
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