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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Looking very good indeed. I will also have a drink in your honor today and watch my Dodgers ha ha Cheers,
  2. Patrick, As usual your updates are so informative - so much learning going on. Your research is so impressive. Oh! your build is also super impressive; such great work. Very much enjoying following along. PS: Steve from Glendora hot enough for you this weekend? Cheers,
  3. Don, I apologize for filling your in-box with so many "likes" - couldn't help myself. Glad that I found your build. As has been said, your super well done details are superlative indeed. Great project! a feast for the eyes. I was looking for a place to park my chair and follow along -OH I just found one in the nosebleed section (I have binocs -no problem) What your shipyard doesn't serve drinks during bus. hours? PS: I need to set up an auto bar/shipyard lock-out system such as yours ha ha - Cheers,
  4. Jerry, Very nice indeed. Just happened to see your update. Excellent work. PS: SO hard to believe that men actually crossed the Atlantic in that tiny little boat AND also thought that they might go off of the edge of the world. Excellent build. Regards,
  5. Super nice build. Just saw the completed photos on the home page and went to your log. Congrats on a beautiful build - and as has been noted the weathering is awesome Regards,
  6. Frank. Thanks so much - yes these sails will work. Peaceful about this part of the build. Costeo Thanks, I have followed your work - Your mastery of this work is so excellent. Not at your level of skills - that said, enjoying increasing my work by learning from builders such as yourself. PS thanks for looking at my build log.
  7. Pucko, Post a specific photo of what you exactly mean. - and pos. one of the planks as well. I'm sure that members here will have some ideas. I have certainly been helped a lot. I may even have an idea as well. I looked back up to your stern photos and was not sure what you are trying to work out. Cheers,
  8. Pucko, Peter sent a photo for another good look at door spacing. I was looking for other things in my files and ran across this one - then thought for you. If you don't have this one it may be of help as well oops it was almost 9MBs Glad I noticed I resized it. 780 kbs should give you a lot of definition.
  9. EJ, Just catching up - as all have just posted - stern and all of its details - looking very good. Nice update.
  10. Hi Mates, Minor update–working on finishing up the first sail (lower main) Then noticed (first pic of 1/10th) that a shoe block is used where I had already laced two deadeyes with a single block in-between. PS: I know that you know where that is, just having fun adding red circles here and there…… Looked at Syren, and elsewhere could not find this type of block – so trying to make some. Prob. too much time spent here – may just use the single block instead. A work in progress ----====================== PS2: Joachim thanks for the post. I remember that extra extension. I saw it when I bought the lathe, but passed on it. I looked again at Proxxon and elsewhere no longer seems to be available (even eBay did not have one) Cheers,
  11. Pucko, Nice update PS: Be careful with your spacing here. This caused me a lot of grief.
  12. Henry - Thanks for posting this. Vocabulary is still new for me - really enjoying the learning process as well, Also thanks for your very timely info, i was incorrectly going to pull all of these fairleads. Yikes - thanks again Denis - After reading Henry's post I will follow his lead and loop ropes around the lower part of the pulleys and tie them off to pins here and there. PS: I have notice one and two "n"s in the spelling of your name at from various members. Joachim - Thanks so much - glad that you are back indeed. Your Amerigo Vespucci is an incredibly beautiful build - almost impossible to find enough superlatives to describe your work.
  13. Bruce, I don't think that any members have mentioned how amazing those whaleboats are (:-) (;-) Awesome indeed - rare to see such detailed work in such a small scale. Cheers,
  14. mates, Thanks for all of your very nice posts and likes ! Frank (Riverboat) SO nice to see you active again - we've missed you on your build logs! - welcome back indeed. thanks as well for your continued visits, and super nice compliments. Buck - You're the best always - Thank You Frank - this is the lathe that I have. For longer yards see note.
  15. Joachim, SO NICE to see you back. Your update is beyond words - such a beautiful effort with such a complicated ship. Cheers,
  16. Hi Mates, I had mentioned that I slightly tweak Chuck’s (Syren) already super excellent blocks. This how I do it. The changes are very subtle, but for me make it worth it. 1) enlarge the pre-drilled holes (I’m sure most of you already do this anyway) 2) using the same drill bit I now angle it to “round out” and deepen the pulley look further. Using a file I add grooves to the upper and lower edges Using a small sanding block I sand the four side edges a bit inward. Last bit I just started “now” after going to Chuck’s site to order more rope I saw his new blocks that included the four pins that attach the two block sides together. Hmmm – that looked so great. Granted his blocks are larger but nonetheless wanted to add that look as well. Using a tiny drill bit just drilled eight holes. Here are some comparisons. AGAIN absolutely NOT implying anything at all missing regarding Chuck’s super perfect blocks down to the smallest scale. This pic is a perfect example of how amazing his super small blocks actually are without any of my obsessive tweaks (;-) PS: whatever these are called I have to pull them all off. Again a novice with rigging when I made those it did not occur to me to be sure that ropes will be able to loop through – well they can’t – did not leave enough space grrrr. Cheers,
  17. Tim. Just found your build log. YES your life boat is excellent work indeed (along with its Scottish Maid). I will bring a chair and follow along as well. I am so impressed with builder skills with such small scale detailing. PS: Love that coin. Your country is on my list for visits (:-) Regards,
  18. Dennis, Funny - no she's just a local sweetheart. Super talented. She also works in the movie industry doing costumes. She told me some funny stories when she had to check fits with certain "stars". Thanks for your kind words. Yesterday I finished all of the yards, then wanted to start bolt ropes Hmmm needed to send an order to Chuck. In the meantime I will prepare all of the needed blocks. I also use Chuck's but do some slight detailing to each. Cheers,
  19. Ken, Those crows feet and euphroe block are perfect, well with the rest of the rigging - of course.
  20. Update; Moving onto lathing the yards. First looked for dowels that had visible rings, in order to better replicate the yards looking as if they came from in scale real trees. Example of sailcloth and initial stitching, as well as first turned yard. It looks thinner than 8mm – but it is as Corel sized it. Returned to sewing center to finish up the sails. I’m so glad that I met Ivy – she was awesome. I did the cuttings. She (thankfully) did all of the machine work. The resulting stitching, and the hemming is 100% her great work. She also used an industrial steam iron to fold the double hems, then perfect stitching. Came out so well. All of the following photos highlight her great work. Sewing center also had perfect cutting tools I used an unbleached cotton muslin, that has those little black specks here and there - adds to the unrefined look too the sailcloth IMO - Last two are how I decided to add the reinforcement to the lower main sail. Copied what I saw on the 1/10th - As always thanks for dropping by Cheers,
  21. Hi Mates, Buck - yes I do plan on as seriously as possible bash the Oseberg. I am already building up files with as much info as I can. I have lot's of photos and I have two new Viking ship books. Thanks for asking. I also appreciate your confidence. Vasa update. Went to that sewing center today. Ivy, the instructor, was super helpful - all 12 sails have been sewn. On Wednesday I return for the cutting and hemming. I think that they will look quite "ok" Karl "outstanding" well? - you are so kind thanks! Never thought that I would be near the actual end. Sails, yards, rigging and she"s done - I am also motivated to start the Viking ship - I have no space for two at a time like some of you lucky builders. Cheers,
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