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Posts posted by knightyo

  1. So I had a bit of fun the other day drawing out the deck planking.  I felt that 1/8" planks were a reasonable width, so went with that.  I can't remember if I'd mentioned before why I'm planking the lower deck, as it won't be able to be seen due to the upper decks.  The reasoning behind this is that I believe I need the practice.  It will also be a chance to experiment with new wood, and to experiment with methods of trennailing.  If I don't like the finished look, I can modify things for the upper decks, and only we will know!


    With the end of the planks =1/3 of the plank width and the length of snipe = less than twice the width of the plank, I ended up with the below result incorporating the king plank. But.... I didn't narrow the planks as they moved towards the stem/stern.  If I had done so, they would be awfully narrow as they ended.  Thoughts?  Would it be truly inaccurate to plank the deck without narrowing the planks at the ends?  It would be pretty easy for me to erase things and start over.  I really do want the planking to be as accurate as possible.  (I  haven't yet drawn the scarfs in the margin planks, or corrected the ultra-thin planks against the margin plank in the mid ship sections. Also have not yet determined whether or not to go with a 3 or 4 plank shift).  




  2. Ok, I should have the opportunity tomorrow to draw out the Lower Deck planking pattern.... Chuck's Confederacy plans call for a single plank to run down the center of the deck, and planking outward from the "king" plank to both sides to the bulwarks.  What is the general consensus for Triton? Would it have had the king plank in the center? As I look at the cross section midships .pdf, it looks like there is not a king plank in the center....



  3. Hi Jacek,


    By looking at the templates (Stern Part Legend, SternParts & Upper Counter Planking), you should be able to mark out the stern areas pretty well.  The below pic also shows the numbers of planks in each area on a similar sized ship.. (similar, but definitely not exact).. Not sure if the number of planks in each area of the Triton would be the same, but I think it would be pretty close..  I don't have the Anatomy of a Ship Series covering frigates, unfortunately.  I'll bet that would show the exact planking structure....(Hint for anyone who has that book to please look :) )




    (Photo reference is from http://wp.patheos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs/yimcatholic/files/2011/10/HMS-Surprise.jpeg)


  4. 10 hours ago, Chuck said:

    Wood Project source is no longer in business.  They just havent taken the website down yet.   


    For really great maple stock.  Use http://www.ocoochhardwoods.com


    Just send them an email with the list of thicknesses you need if they arent shown in their store.   The wood is very good.  Great prices.  I wont offer Cherry or Maple because this guy and a few others like National Balsa offer great product at prices I cant compete with in teh US.  Just an FYI.




    Thanks Chuck!  (I haven't forgotten about Syren either). 😊

  5. Hi Jacek,


    I've used basswood (I think it's known as limewood in your area?) for everything so far, since it's so easy to shape/sand.  It's a great "filler" type of wood.   I'll be using pear wood however, for anything visible, and maple for the deck planking.   I do think a person could probably plank the entire lower decks with 1/8" x 1/16" basswood/limewood planks, as they wouldn't be as visible, and could easily be stained.  They are very inexpensive, pre-cut, and easy to use.  In fact, a person could build the entire ship in basswood/limewood, and stain/paint to their preference.  I just really like the look of pear wood, and how it can be treated to look "old". 


    I also do still intend on posting a sample deck planking pattern for people to critique when I'm able to start building again.  


    One or more of the templates in the cross-section download area shows a view of the ends of the planks so you can scale the templates to 1:64 and measure the correct thickness/width.



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