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    Model Shipwright Builds (Kits & Scratchbuilds)
    The ACW
    SCUBA Wreck Diving
    1911 Pistols (Collecting & Shooting)
    Cross Country Motorcycle Racing & Vintage Motorcycles
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  1. No further progress on this marvelous build? I'm certain we would all love to see more of your excellent craftsmanship. I hope all is well with you, Kmart.
  2. No kidding, David. It's not exactly cheap but it certainly is way less expensive than another hobby I have enjoyed, building custom M1911 pistols. As the old saying goes, "It's all relative..."
  3. I know the feeling all too well, Doug. I can only pass along the old joke about the famous sculptor who, when asked how he managed to create such exquisite mythological figures, replied, "Well, I start out with sharp tools and the best Italian marble, then remove everything that doesn't look like a goddess." Hang in there! I've built the Prince twice now, though that was many years ago, and it has always been a personal favorite subject. I wish now that I had bought an extra. I'd love to have another go at building this sleek privateer but the few offerings I could find on the net were prohibitively priced. Guess I'll have to settle for being a "voyeur shipwright" and enjoy watching your progress from afar.
  4. That concise little tutorial is going to be SO helpful when I reach the point of rigging the Mamoli HMS Victory model I recently received as a gift. Once I went over the plans a few times with your outline close at hand, I found to my pleasant surprise that the system you described actually should make the whole rigging process faster and easier. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with your fellow model shipwrights. Ciao, Professor
  5. Marvelous execution thus far, amigo. I'm pulling up a comfy chair and anticipating more of this entertaining and I dare say very informative build. Carry on, Moonbug. - Professor
  6. Beautiful work you have going there, Karl. Thanks for taking the time to share it with your fellow model shipwrights. "P/S" means Port (left side) and Starboard (right side). It indicates that whatever modification or accessory addition is being shown should be performed on both sides of the specified part. For example, in the picture you posted, the P/S notation shows that a cleat needs to be installed on both the left and right boom jaws.
  7. Karl, the Syren being refereed to is probably Syren Model Ship Company, a modern day chandler for us model shipwrights. Here's a link: http://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/
  8. Other than affixing ratlines to the shrouds, which is perhaps the most hideously tedious task I have ever inflicted on myself on a fairly regular basis, I have always enjoyed the sort of zen sensation that accompanies the rigging process. If the rigging can be made to actually function accurately, it is a source of a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Intricate rigging, authentically executed, is a highlight of any ship model and a true thing of beauty in its own right. The extravagant sculpture that is the rigging of a big frigate or windjammer is breathtaking when done well, and worth every second of the requisite effort.
  9. Marvelous job, Karl. Particularly impressive are the multiple light prisms for illumination of the deck below. (Were those kit pieces or did you fashion them? In either event, might you have a macro photo of one?) Well done build, mate.
  10. Nice going, Doug. I hope you don't mind terribly if I steal your jig design when working on my schooner "Atlantic" model. Following foreign language or badly translated instructions can be a real bear. As you seem to have discovered a few posts ago, Google translator is frequently less than spot-on in its renderings too. In fact it often reminds me of the old Monty Python skit in which a guide book translates requests for directions into such nonsequitors as "Please fondle my bum" or the famous "My hovercraft is full of eels!"
  11. Well done, Doug. No gaffes on the gaffs. Nice work...and nice word play. Professor
  12. They seem as though they would be more to scale than similar offerings but I'm guessing they're still too large. I have passed in the past on attempting to add the bulwarks rivets; every other effort I have seen, including those by some fabulously talented model shipwrights, has resulted in rivet heads that would be the size of small grapefruits if the model was expanded to life size. Inevitably the ship winds up looking as though it has contracted a bad case of nautical smallpox or perhaps maritime measles. (I appreciate your sharing the link all the same, Ken. It says much good about you that, with all you have on your plate, you took the time to research the product and post it.) Professor
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