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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I too have one of those that Bob Cleek mentions. Works very well. However, age is a battle with tightening anything. I've found to tighten the collet I need to use two sets of pliers to add just a bit of torque. Not the best solution but it works for me. I realize at some point, I'll have toss it and find a better tool.
  2. Image didn't come through, Chris. Just a bunch of code.
  3. I'd amend that slightly.... the military in the US is 200 years of tradition unhampered by progress.
  4. Great to see you back and at the workbench, Alan. I'm looking forward to seeing more work on this as it' already looks impressive.
  5. Welcome to MSW, Jesus. Beautiful work you are doing. No need to apologize for the use of a translator.
  6. I saw many of those and had one for myself in the past. Seemed common not just with programmers but engineering types.
  7. Kevn, you can do as others do and add a profile for the business.
  8. That's true so probably best to wait until all oars are done and tested since more oars in the water will help speed.
  9. I see that you did. Add a signature link (in your profile) so it shows up in your posts.
  10. I'd go along with what Marc (Hubac's Historian) said. Just add on here. That way it's all in one place and makes for easier reference.
  11. Maybe also a bit wider on the blades to help give it all the "grip" in the water they can get.
  12. It may take some doing but try art supply stores and stationary shops. They may no carry them in stock but might be able to order them. Also but do a bit of Googling and see what's available. Lettraset used to the top of the line but I have no idea if they even exist anymore.
  13. For the movie, they actually made a series of sound stages for each deck on both ships in the movie. I've read somewhere (here on MSW most likely) that those stages still exist.
  14. When you're ready for sanding and looking for tools to that, have a look at any cosmetic supply store for the flexible fingernail files. They come in assorted grits and very reasonably prices. I also use an assortment of downs, wood scraps shaped as needed with some sandpaper glued to them.
  15. Amazing finds..... all of them so far.
  16. That is a small model. Looking great. May I suggest taking a 50-50 mix of white glue and water and brushing it on the breechings? It will help to shape them into natural curves and also lie down on the deck.
  17. The canopy is looking great just as it is now. I hope the rest of the work on it goes well.
  18. In the articles area, we have posts on tools... including basics: https://thenrg.org/resource/articles As John pointed out, the basic rule of thumb is "buy only what you need when you need it". It'll save you a lot of time and money as too many new modelers have jumped in and bought a full shop load of tools they never use. Also here;s the section on MSW for tool discussions: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/18-modeling-tools-and-workshop-equipment/
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