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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Congratulations on a beautiful build. She looks right at home on the pond.
  2. I can't answer your question but I did fix the title.
  3. A beautiful and well thought out and finished dio, OC. Has a lot of things going on to hold the viewer's interest.
  4. https://www.archaeology.org/news/11609-230725-vasa-shipwreck-passenger
  5. Nice work. I'm guessing the painted surface at this point matches the infamous Chevy Orange Peel finish?
  6. Very well done, Chris. Display her proudly. You must have kept her in a clean room as with me, it would have had 17 years of dust being blown off.
  7. I think you're one the right path with the "split" beams. The longer pins should work since they also have to through the deck planks and that will be the new reference for what ever needs to be on deck.
  8. Alan, probably best just to keep it all as one log. Less confusion to readers in the future.
  9. Very true but other hand, look at the labor possibilities as everyone would need to be expected to work for their dinner.
  10. Nice workaround, Jerry and it looks great in place. And good on having the STL just in case.
  11. I'm not sure I've seen just a build for a ship's boat. You might do a search using "ship boat" as a search term. They do show up in quite a few build logs for ship's themselves. Also, several kit manufacturers make kits for ship's boats.
  12. Welcome back home, Richard. Great to see your return.
  13. Nor having an iPhone, I would think so. If you can post to a build log or anywhere else on the forum, you should be able to post in the gallery. Note that I have seen others post to logs, etc. so it should work.
  14. The original GT-40 was a beautiful car with it's smooth lines. I think a lot of us in that era built one. Everyone I knew that did model cars had a model of it. Much like they a model of the Ala Cart.
  15. Methinks a bit earlier than 1860. Or perhaps it was a US thing earlier? The Constellation of 1854 had the elliptical stern. So.. maybe a gray area.......
  16. Have a great trip, Glen, the weather isn't a killer out here.... yet. As for the model... just fascinating watching this come together.
  17. I think this comes under the concept of "Captain's Prerogative". And I agree, a couple of carpenters in an day or so.
  18. Hi Geoff from southern end of Oregon. We have quite a few members up around Portland. Hopefully you'll post a log for your next project.
  19. Welcome to MSW, Keith. I suggest using the search feature using such keywords as "LED", "wiring". Many of us have installed lighting inside the model for lights. As the tech has changed over the years, there's a a lot of new products and also methods on doing this.
  20. Welcome to MSW, Greif. I hope you're exploring MSW as we have many different areas for research, build logs, and getting help.
  21. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Roger that all goes well with the medical.
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