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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Minor milestone and then on to a major one.... Finished the centerline hatchways. Done... Finito... I still have much to do on this deck still, but that is all going on hold. I'm pulling her off the jig and making a cradle. I gave some serious thought to only using pedestals but my experience with them is "iffy"... so something a bit substantial that will look nice and not detract from her lines is in order. Meantime, here's the picture and I think I'm ready for either new batteries, a new memory card, or a new camera... something is acting up here.
  2. It's great to see an update, Tom. You have been busy and the work shows it. Very nice. I'm going to offer a correction... not think a few steps but dozens. Like a chessmatch. I've re-written my building plan at least 5 times as I discover something else I didn't consider.
  3. Wonderful work on the ship and stove, Mick. Not so wonderful on the finger. I think we all do "senior moment" stuff from time to time and hope there's no permanent damage.
  4. Fantastic... now you're dragging ship building into electronics manufacturing. Really, I'm in awe. That is just super.
  5. Charlie, I think you're making the same mistake a lot of us have with the assumption on kits materials reflecting reality. Go with the research and ignore what is in the kits would be my advice. With all the badly scaled parts in a kit, why wouldn't the planking also be wrong? I find I have to watch myself when doing planking and check the drawings and other resources continually. If I fall back on my kit experience, I'll normally be wrong.
  6. This mill is one of those machines that comes under the heading of "art". Beautiful, functional, working art.
  7. Tools and works of art at the same time. Beautifully done, Michael.
  8. If you're using Windows, edit them in Paint. Just resize the pictures to 1500 pixels maximum in both directions.
  9. Amazing work, Daniel. Even more amazing when one thinks about the scale. Yikes..that's tiny.
  10. Gerald, I'm enthralled with this build. As for the picture problem.. I think you're missing a step or two. Have a look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts-and-pms/
  11. Thanks for the comments and the "likes". She'll be coming off the jig as soon as the last coaming is set into place and before the rest of the deck planking. I found some nice 1/4" mahogany and i"ll make a cradle that will hopefully do her justice and not hide her lines. I gave serious thought to pedestals but they just seem flimsy. i have one ship on pedestals and I get nervous anytime I have to move it. The longer I wait, the more problems I'll have once I begin removing the jig so time to bite the bullet and get her done. Bear with me on this....
  12. I just remembered... this: http://www.arsenal-modelist.com/index.php?page=accessories∂=37
  13. Now that's a great tool, Micheal. I'm thinking it could also be made out of brass. Gotta' go dig out my brass rod and see if I have enough. Thanks for designing and building this and sharing the plans.
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