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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Greg, You got it mate. It's actually a railing attached to a solid roof and not a free-standing railing. Although, I admit I'm guessing as the reference materials are a bit vague on this and even contradictory.
  2. Piet, Are you using the thin CA? I'm not sure there's a solvent that will work as a thinner like with paint. Edit.. it just hit me... clear matte finish paint... thinned. Or clear fingernail polish.. but I don't know if it comes in matte finish.
  3. It looks like someone put a guitar pick in the rigging... I'm wondering it's just not a mistake in the drawing like someone forgot to fill in that area.
  4. Thanks for the likes, comments and good wishes. I've passed those along my lady. I'm now working on the roofs. They have the traditional "top hat" look with a decorative railing around them. So.. I did some drawings in Corel and sorting out the look I want. Then I grabbed some pear (not Swiss) stock and cut it to size and put in the Death Star. I was surprised as I forgot to change the settings but that beast almost cut them out completely. A few more watts or a bit slower on the cutting speed... It might have done it. I'm now starting to shape these pieces as shown in the photo. Once I'm happy with the shape, I'll do the decorative railing around the top in Euro Boxwood. This railing will be really a first leap into the carving arena as the rail has a lute type of shape for the uprights. I'm figuring I'll have to make each bit separately due to the curves and the shape of each. If you look back a few posts of mine to the plan, you'll see what I mean.. but while being a challenge to move my skills up a notch or two, they should be fun. I'm already having fun shaping them once I figured out how to the drops, this should be easier.
  5. Glenn, Depending on how much weathering you want, you might take a look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13233-black-sea-coaster-%C3%A7ektirme-by-mhmtyrl/ Mehmet goes a bit to the "well-weathered look but he's good at it. I'm not sure how they get there... some put something on the wood, paint and when dry, wipe it off and leaves a peeling paint effect. Others use weathering powders like the model railroad guys use. I've seen a bunch of topics on this here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/21-painting-finishing-and-weathering-products-and-techniques/ I hope it helps and you find the look you want.
  6. You should be pleased, OC. Looking great, IMO. RE: The dreaded Carpet Monster. Grab the vacuum and put an old stocking over the hose end, then vacuum the floor. The lost bit, if it gets sucked in will be captured by the stocking. Don't use a fishnet stocking... the holes are too big and it looks rather kinky.
  7. Tough call on the treenails/planking, Matt. I would say #2 as #3 will probably look a bit busy. Maybe test it on some scrap first and see what you like. I love the wood colors and that deck just pops right out at you.
  8. Glenn, Will it be weathered or "factory fresh"? I think the white would probably have been some version of whitewash and flat.
  9. That one's popped recently for some reason.. again. I suspect the writer came across the book and had one of those "I never heard of this before so it mush have been a secret" moments.
  10. This excellent customer service and lesson for certain other companies (and not just models or tools) to learn how to get and keep customers.
  11. So both you and Her Majesty have dead eyes? Yes, it's time to quit for the day when your eyes go dead. Looking pretty great, Nenad.
  12. Beautiful work on both, Gregor. I don't know how you can build two at once as one is pretty much my limit. I'm in awe.
  13. Beautiful work on those boats. Please thank your friend for letting us see them.
  14. In spite of the problems, it looks super nice, Grant. It's funny that we reach for heat with wood and don't even think about it for plastics.
  15. Brian, I love the pear. It's a great wood to work with, IMO. Got a question for you. Did you fit the decks before planking? I'm asking because of the notches and a couple of models I did, you couldn't plank the deck until it was fitted otherwise you'd have some big gaps where the notches are.
  16. Thanks all. Both drops are finished (except for the acanthus leaves - carvings) and mounted. I've flipped it over back to right side up on my "jig" board and and starting the roofs. This should be interesting for me.... More multi-curves to shape.
  17. It's taken longer than I thought to get to this point. I had a minor issue with wood that had defects unseen from the surface, but that goes with the territory and then also quite a bit going on in "life". There will be another pause coming up for Janet's surgeries, but for the most part, that will just entail my keeping an eye on things during the recovery process. The first drop is essentially finished except for some minor touch up (and the carvings...). I've finessed it to fit the hull and the molding and it just needs a bit of touch up on the sweeping curve from top to bottom before gluing into place. The other side is finessed into place and just needs the final shaping to get the curve and then any touch up work. Once these are done, I'll post both sides and a stern shot. I'll need stern shot anyway for my records and to check for uniformity. I won't be applying any finish for now until the wood has a chance to age and regain some of it's patina. Here's the photos...
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