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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Kevin One thing that really impresses me about your Skipjack is how clean and sharp your planking is. This, coupled with all the other visible construction details, makes your hull structurally beautiful. I hope I'm making sense, because the simplicity of the construction masks the skill taken for you to build it. To the novice, the hull is actually more complex than it initially appears. Keep up the great work. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Piet Yep. Totally understand that your Lobster Smack is demanding all of your attention, but, the cause (Wounded Warriors) is more than worthy. Someone is going to inherit a beautiful "Piet" masterpiece; that's for sure. In the meantime, 019 awaits what looks like only a few more minor details before she can be permanently placed on display. When that time comes, I'm sure you'll lament its completion but rejoice in the pride of your achievement! All the best Patrick
  3. Hi Nils. With your Pegasus coming to an end soon, maybe this would be right time to fix the boiler and overhaul the engine??? Hint? Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi David, Salty Sea Dog (Buck), Welfack and Angavarter as well as everyone for their Likes. Work is progressing, albeit slowly. I hope to post some progress shots tomorrow. Buck - In the meantime, many thanks for the photo. I totally agree with you about the magic of the J Class yachts, Rainbow in particular. Beautiful , powerful brutally imposing, yet majestic, all at the same time. Welfack - Thanks also, for your query over the scale. I've calculated the scale to be 1:222 (hopefully that's correct). My calculations are based on the original being 131ft and my model being 17.99 cms. David - thanks, also for the tip about the photo contest. You never know..... Angarvater - greatly appreciated and thanks for the compliment. Anyhow, thanks everyone, and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  5. Nils, once again you marvel me! Beautiful model and the fact that she was RC...even better. Have you been able to fit a new RC unit and get her underway recently? Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Brett Thanks, but being your elected "expert" is bit scary! I'll try my best, however. The owner of Dorade has his own website, http://dorade.org/photos/which has excellent detailed photos of Dorade. There are even some photos of the deck being repaired as well as many others which show the run of the planks. I've included a couple here for you. You may find referring to this site invaluable; I know because I did. Hope this helps. I'm sure that other guys will chip in with advice, as well, but most certainly, single lengths of planks is incorrect. Your idea of shorter planks is the proper way. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Brett You've chosen a beautiful boat to model. Dorade is also one of my most favourite of all yachts; so much so, that I have built my own scratch built model. Please feel free to visit my build log (see my link below). Hopefully, my model could be of assistance. All the best and I'm sure you'll have an absolute ball bringing your kit to life!! Patrick
  8. Me too! I can't wait until the "launch day" comes. A four - masted schooner beating its way to windward, with spray coming over the bows and lapping the gunwales as she's heeled over will be an awesome sight. Good luck with your build! Can't wait. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Ben Looks like she's coming together beautifully, particularly with work now commencing on the oar mechanism. Great progress, so far. Cheers Patrick
  10. Leo! Those cannons are marvellous!! Do you think you could explain further how you built them? Were they 3D printed (based upon your description in your earlier post)? Seriously well done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Ok Piet!!! I absolutely must know what's happened to O 19! It's been a long time since your last post on the sub. Surely, it can't be finished yet? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!!!!! Can I, maybe, if it is indeed finished, suggest a big splash of photos in the gallery section? cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Leo What a beautiful hull you've masterfully created! What's even more interesting is the method of construction you've used. Not having ever used that method before, I can definitely see many advatages of that method, e.g. speed of construction and strength. Looks good. Well done and I look forward to seeing more. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Dennis I'm impressed, yet, once again. I agree with everyone's comments about the overall quality and complexity of the detail but....the ice maker really is the bee's knees! Seriously well done One question though - will you be weathering your hull, deck and deck furnishings, in much the same fashion as Kees De Mol's ship?? Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Matija Many thanks! The pictures painted a thousand words and made the process you use really clear. What's also evident is the amount of work and effort required to achieve your level of precision. Thanks once again and I look forward to more updates. Cheers Patrick
  15. Now that's really clever work and love it!!! I'm definitely looking forward to more updates. All the best! Patrick
  16. Hi Dennis, Michael, David for your comments and everyone for their Likes! Greatly appreciated! David - I didn't know that an NRG Photo Contest existed....how/where do I kook for it? Not that I'd have a chance of winning anything, but it'd be fun anyway. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Mark You may well say "As always, feel free to click on the pics to enlarge and criticism, different ideas, etc. are always welcome. I'm still learning this stuff.", but believe me, I think we're learning just as much from you as you are from us. I'm really enjoying seeing your ship grow before our eyes, photo by photo and, with it, I'm gaining as much knowledge and insight as possible in terms of perserverance and effort. As far as the issues that you're having now, I'm sure that they'll be ironed out in no time at all. All the best! Patrick
  18. Hi Matija Wonderful workmanship! If you get a chance...Do you think you could show how you were able to cut the planks so precisely into the king plank? I'm sure that many of us would benefit from your knowledge and skill. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  19. Hi Bob Gotta love that stove! It'll add heaps of character and realism to the interior. I can't wait to see more progress on the boat. All the best Patrick
  20. Hi Dave Decals - A very nice and ingenious solution to the fine detail work. They look great. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi everyone and thanks for all the Likes and comments. As you can see from the photos below, I've started on the deck's framework. As I intend to fully detail the interior of Rainbow's hull, it's important that as much of it can be viewed and enjoyed. For this reason, the deck will be left open and unplanked. Progress is steady, yet slow. No need to rush things; besides, I'm finding it too enjoyable to rush. I hope you enjoy the photos so far. All the best Patrick
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