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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Michael! You're right about my next model. It should be easier...one hopes! All the best. Cheers Patrick
  2. So very true, Bob. It always helps to keep things in the right perspective. Thanks and all the best!
  3. Hi Willie Love it! Apart from the minor technical issues, (of which only you would know about, because you're the operator), the only way that your video could be any better would be to sail her in a more natural setting. Perhaps a lake, or the river, where the colour of the water isn't so clear. That'd be far more realistic. But, that's nitpicking, of course. Damn marvellous job you've done! All the best Patrick
  4. Thanks Mark. I wasn't 'fishing for compliments', trust me. It's just that I recognise that I galloped ahead with the internal construction, to the detriment of the external paintwork. Now, it's getting harder and harder to address that mistake so that I can give her the perfect paint job that I usually pride myself on (there are so many things getting in the way). Big mistake! Oh well! Cheers Patrick
  5. Ahhhh. The cat's out of the bag, now, Piet!!! I'm definitely looking forward to this build. Talk about mega teeny tiny! What a challenge, but, no doubt you'll trump it. Luckily I reserved my chair early. Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Bob! Over the past week, I was starting to feel really disappointed with myself, because I had started to focus on all of the mistakes and stuff ups on Majellan, rather than what I've actually achieved. Seeing your comment, plus everyone else's Likes and comments, made me realise that it's not that bad after all. Owe you big time, for that! Thanks Thanks Steve! When I was first starting construction, I must admit that the deck plans were so confusing, that I was always getting lost! It's only now, that the construction is well underway, that things are starting to make sense. Took a while, though. All the best guys! Patrick
  7. Hi Bob Nice job! They're tricky fixtures to make, no doubt, and the fact that you're using styrene for the first time, makes them even better. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Piet Please, please, please jabber on more!!!! It ain't getting easier for me to guess! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Frank Lovely work, overall, as always. The brass jig is a great idea that'll ensure precision and uniformity. Oh, by the way, they're your 'discarded' frames...I can only wish to do one that good!!!! All the best and keep the tutorials coming. Cheers Patrick
  10. Big kudos to you, Mark. Those windows and galleries look great! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Mehmet Very nice. I especially love the character of the deckhouses and the wonderful aged effect the weathering gives them. Top job, once again. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and Likes. Very much appreciated! Majellan has large awnings that stretch over the decks to provide shade to the guests on board. The first awning covers the spa on the Sun Deck, whilst the second stretches over the large settee on the Bridge Deck. I've started to do a mock-up of these awnings, which can be seen in the following photos. Internally, I've continued with the fit out of the owner's suite, in particular a small office area that sits just aft of the entrance to the sleeping area. Still loads of work to go, of course. I hope you enjoy the photos! All the best, folks. Cheers Patrick
  13. All I can say, Piet, is that you've got an evil streak there!! I guess we'll just have to wait a little longer...
  14. Woohoo! Well done, Dave. Your Admiral must be happy because now you have no excuse for not listening.....
  15. Hi Keith Nice one. I reckon you've got the deck planking and deck houses down pat. Man, they look good. Great job on the hull, too. You're on a winner, Keith, for sure...I can't wait to see what you're gonna do with the ketch! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Kees Mmmm. Can't wait, now. I'm sure she's going to be another one of your masterpieces. But, maybe just a bigger teeny tiny hint? Cheers Patrick
  17. Very nice progress, Frank and it's great to see you back at work. She's a little beauty, for sure! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Walter Who cares about the proper names for these things as long as you know what you're doing
  19. Hi Nenad Mark's right, Nenad. Great attitude you've got there! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Mike Even the clamps are beautifully built, with their curved corners and nice straight edges. True craftsmanship and attention to detail there. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  21. Truly magnificent and beautifully detailed! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Mick Lovely work! I especially love the last photo taken from overhead. All your hard work is definitely paying off. It won't be long before the deck beams go in, I'm sure. Cheers Patrick
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