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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Matti You may have "lost your nerves with the lashings", but, I seriously hope that this would never be your last model.. You've got too much talent and skill to offer us! Keep up the brilliant work, because I'm a big fan of your work. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  2. Now, that's one hell of a beauty! Nicely detailed and weathered. Full of character and charm. And, once the gravel from Martha's Vineyard is added, it'll be authentic as well. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Greg Thanks! I can't say that the LED lights would be easy, but, it'd be fun trying! Cheers Patrick Hi Nils Thanks. Given the scale of the boat, the engine would only be about a centimetre long. Although, I'll try to fit in as much detail as possible, it'll never be totally accurate. As long as it looks passable, I'll be happy. All the best! Patrick
  4. [ Hi George - thanks heaps! The link is really useful and will get me off to a good start, I'm sure! quote name=mtaylor" post="384679" timestamp="1454186914]Sweet work, Patrick. Should we send you a Caterpillar D9 so you can scale the engine down? Yeah, I know.. wrong engine. Hi Mark! That'd be nice. I can always tell my wife- "Hey Honey. I shrunk the Caterpillar.....!" Hi Nils. I think I have a rough idea about what the Cat engine is. I'm hoping that George's link above will help me to get at least a rough idea of how to make a reasonable example. Thanks BDGiantman. Reading your comments has given me more confidence that I'm on the right track. Greatly appreciated, as always! Cheers and all the best, everyone! Patrick
  5. Hi Michael That scraping tool (ala Druxey) worked a treat! It really adds a special touch to the bulkhead. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  6. Probably sad, but true, Pete. But, now that it's done, at least you can move forward with both hulls. Cheers Patrick
  7. Thanks Frank! Yep. Imagination's working for me. You know what they say..."when in doubt, fake it!!"
  8. Thanks Nils. Now, I've got to do the two Caterpillar engines, or at least something looking vaguely similar. They should be fun!!
  9. Hi folks! Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! I've managed to do a bit more work on the lower deck's accommodation as well as detailing some of the engine bay's myriad of assorted cupboards, drawers and a work bench. To be honest, I really have no idea what the interior of the engine bay really looks like because no photos of the real ship's interior are available. So....I'm using my imagination and whatever information I can glean from photos of similar sized luxury motor yacht's engine bays on the internet. Oh well, at least I'm trying to make it look convincing! Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  10. Hi Kees You never disappoint! Totally marvellous work! Cheers Patrick
  11. ...as we say in Australia - 'Bloody marvellous!!!" And, that's even in-spite of the cock up.
  12. Hey Denis What a brilliant paint job! She's looking really swish, now. I have to admit that seeing your last photos, has reinforced in my mind just how large these full sized hulls must have been. I guess that's a case of 'form following function', given the large amount of fish that these ships would've carried. Nicely done, of course, as always! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Pete She's looking better and better all the time, especially now that the keel and centre board housing, etc are being installed. Have you given her a name, yet? I'm looking forward to the first voyage. All the best! Patrick
  14. Lovely work,Leo. The method to build the blocks looks interesting as well I'm looking forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Eibwen No spam at all, so there's no need to apologise! You've made a nice start to what should be an interesting ship. I'll be following along. Cheers Patrick
  16. Well done, Nenad! Drilling into her hull, would've been nerve wracking for me, but your tests have proven that you've got no need to worry. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Piet I have to agree with George and Mark. From everything I've seen, there's pretty much nothing that you can't do. Your O19 is a perfect example! I'm looking forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Pete I really like the intricate look of the hull, now that the bent ribs have been installed. As for 'decision time', I'm not sure which way you're leaning at the moment. Nonetheless, I'm sure whatever you choose will be good. However, if it was me, I'd be going for the sailing version...but hey...no pressure! Cheers Patrick
  19. Very nice work, Eibwen! Blurry shot, or not, there's no doubting the skill required to o what you've done. Keep it up! Cheers Patrick
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