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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I have added a few more things to my shopping list for my build - ordered them yesterday from our friend flea bay - Trees for the Orchard, Hedgerow for the kitchen garden side and side of the orchard, Tall 15mm grass (managed to get it in 1:35 scale to make it taller, Water gel for the ducks pond, And lastly some paint on dust. OC.
  2. I actually enjoy the building more than the completion - I get very sad when I finish a build as it just gets put in the display case and forgotten about, that's why I don't rush mine and only spend a couple of hours on mine each day. OC.
  3. Evening all, the roofs are adjusted and fitted and the flashing was also fitted from paper strips. OC.
  4. I was lucky to see this one back in 2003 - superb power. Not my video. OC. https://youtu.be/5i1wRyjecuA
  5. Thank you again - very much appreciated, I have been finding close - but not quite close enough - lots of clumps on mats that you take each clump off and place your self (that might have to be the route I have to take) perhaps go with 12mm that would be the equivelant of Two Feet tall. OC.
  6. Thank you for clarifying that Mark, and yes some of the skill in that site is amazing. OC.
  7. I had a quick look on that site but no good brother - the closest thing that had to rye grasses or weet was too large, I am after something the right hight and already attached to a sheet/mat so all I have to do is fit to shape on my board upto the farm complex. Thank you for finding that though. OC.
  8. Thank you brother, Just opened the link and checking it out - I think I need an A4 sheet of rye grass (thats what was being grown on the fields where the battle took place - accounts said it was over waist hight so with my figures being 28mm tall I make the rye grass needed to be about 15mm tall. Its to go on the side oposite the roadway where most of the cuirassier charges happened. OC.
  9. Thank you kindly Ken, I am on the look out as I type for bits and pieces in Fle bay - like tall grass/rye sheets hard to find as they need to be scall of about 15mm tall, looking at other stuff I need. OC.
  10. That Matchbox HMS Tiger is a rare one - Understand they have released some PE to enhance it now. OC.
  11. Evening all, work on the stables continues - first thing I did was to add a few more dirty washes to the walk through stones, then I had some lower paint touch up to do where the base plates met the walls, next was the roof sections - these need some adjustment after me adjustment to the one stable (it was shortened) this will lead to a small amount triming off the one roof. The roof is dry fitted as I will need to keep it moving to lign both roofs up against each other and also where they meed the farmhouse. Talking of the farmhouse I decided to do a dry run to see how they look together - OC.
  12. Just keep test fitting the roof part against the railings/hull and adjust as you need to, as the railing is already glued in place - saves you having to adjust Two seperate pieces. OC.
  13. Loverly jubbly mate, what Primer did you use? I ask as i am thinking of buying some Vallejo Primer in Grey (I have thier Black one already) OC.
  14. I think we are all anxious Craig - think I will just stair into the box and not attempt to build it (only Joking of course - I just wont attempt to paint mine lol) OC.
  15. My thoughts are the same - regarding Hood (we are like teenagers awaiting our first big school) OC.
  16. Thank you kindly Alan, yep its got a fair amount of area to it - when the whole farm complex is assembled it will be roughly Two Feet Square, my display case is Three Feet long by nealy Two Feet wide. OC.
  17. I remembered having fun and games with the stern gallery on my Warspite build - raillings and roof struggled to agree where to meet. OC.
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