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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Just been re re reading my build - I really can not get my head round all the interest it created - I am so humbled by it - how a plastic kit can turn into such a taliking point is simply amazing - it shows what an amazing site we share here. Thank you One and All OC.
  2. Try replying to different content in different parts of our forum - see if that helps. OC,
  3. Your progress is looking amazing Alan and those tiny little ladders - I used to struggle to bend 1/350 scale ones. OC.
  4. Looking forward to more progress when you are settled Bob, I have to say - this build to my eyes is your best so far - its bursting with quality and detail - loving it my friend. OC.
  5. This wil be so cool Denis - still an amazing looking car - a true one off - I have my seat at the ready. OC.
  6. The dust is from an acrylic paint that I just dry brushed on - I think its has hard wearing as normal acrylic paint, but if I am feeling adventurous - could try using my airbrush and gently spray some flat coat over it - keeping clear of my window glazing. OC.
  7. Evening all, more progress - dust dry brushed on i most lower areas especially the doors, this completes the farmhouse and stables - next the huge barn. OC.
  8. Evening all, another repair job completed this evening - I worked on the other face of the stables adding more White then a bit of wash in a controlled manner - then I blended them in together - I then pushed it against the house for comparison. OC.
  9. Right then - here is the Full story of how I am displaying my dio - During the night the 2nd KGL and the KGL engineers spent the night trying to make any defences at LHS as possible, the weather was terrible torrential rain and muddy water logged conditions everywhere. So the engineers decided to take down both sets of doors (on the barn and end of the passage) the barn ones where set on fire to make a camp fire, also at this time all live stock was killed for meat. During the following morning the engineers left only after re fitting the passageway doors but the barn was left exposed with no door, the 2nd KGL had to make ready what ever defences they could - Major Barring (the regiments leader) instructed them to use what ever they could find for firing tables - yep they used the Kitchen one and any other food frames they could make, they also stabbed at the bricks with their bayonets to make firing holes in the walls nearest the roadway. The also made a temp defence blocking the roadway with the farms karts and any branches and other wood they could find (they would initially use this defence to fire from). Major Barring placed his men outside in the orchard, manning the defence in the roadway and in the rear kitchen garden. The first attack happened around 1pm with skirmishes and the bulk of the the 54th and 55th ligne regiments, the KGL made a good show of themselves and shot a lot of the attacking French, at the same time the KGL's Von Allen sent down the hill from the combined British side 10 companies of Light KGL to repel the French, no sooner than they had reached the farm and joined by many of the KGL at the farm, a troop of Cuirassiers appeared from no where and decimated Von Allens companies, most where slaughtered where they stood as they had no time to form squares, some including many from the farm got inside the safety of the farm, but the rest tried to reach the ranks on the British side and where sliced up by the French. The British repulsed this by sending down a troop of British Cavalry - this made both the French 54th/55th and the Cuirassiers turn back up the hill towards the French Line. Major Barring sent a request for more ammunition as his men had only been issued 60 bullets per man with no spares, his request saw reinforcements in the shape of - Two companies of 1st KGL and One company of 5th Line KGL, this bolstered his men at the farm to about 500 men. Around 2:30-3:00pm a French Cuirassier road down the hill close to the defence in the road (that was now in bits from the French advance) he stood up in his saddle cried out "viv la France" turned around and went back - the defenders did not shoot as they did not know his intentions or if he was a deserter. The next attack happened soon after - same attack motion of both sides of the farm, but this time led by Marshall Ney on his horse, many again where shot down by the farms defenders but the numbers of attacking French was becoming difficult to hold. But just when the situation was looking so bleak Lord Uxbridge released his 15th Hussars to storm down the hill and force the French troops from the farms surroundings - many French ran back up the hill to their ranks, some tried to stay motionless against the wall of the farm, but many where sabred where they stood. Some of the KGL rushed out of the gate by the roadway to chase off the French - trying not to get road over by the Hussars. This will be the stage in the battle I will try to emulate with my dio - with the 54th/55th ligne a few Cuirassiers near the orchard, Marshall Ney retreating, the 2nd and 5th KGL both inside the farm/outside near the kitchen garden and outside the main roadside gate, and a couple of 15th Hussars on the road side and near the garden. Well that's the plane..........
  10. Thanks Ken, I am going by the assumption that the stables would have been quite mucky not just from normal use - horses etc, but also due to the torrential rain during the night nmaking everywhere really dirty looking. OC.
  11. Good work Phil, the seams on aircraft are always the fiddly bit getting them closed up and making the join invisible, can seem like a forever job just doing that, she is coming along nicely the Black primer certainly shows off her shape. OC.
  12. Evening all, a bit more progress on the stables starting with one of those OMG Moments - I had painted the roofs yesterday and they had over night to dry, this evening I set about putting a wash over the tiles - same as I had done to the farmhouse, so no issues here, then I decided to run a wash over the stable walls - after doing this I managed to knock my jar of wash all over the table - it was a case of remove some of the wash on the walls as there was too much - or clean the table, the table won, I then knocked over my jar of water on the table that I use to clean my brushes. By the time I got round to working on the stable walls the wash had dried - so it was a case of re working some of the White and try to blend it into where it would meet the wash/shading from wear and tear - it was a case of wet and dry brush work - followed by a damp cloth to blend them into to each other. I have the one wall done (I think) the same treatment will be done to the other tomorrow. Talk about a palaver. OC.
  13. Thats good - I did buy an expansive £4 cardboard box for a booth should I need it. OC.
  14. Do you spray in a booth mate or on your bench - no over spray or odour to worry about? oc.
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