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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, right I have the next Five KGL Light infantry assembled - I tried to vary the poses of them a bit as they only come in Two position varieties so I just had to move thier arms around a bit. OC,
  2. Hi Phil, loving your canons (as I always do) you push the boundaries and create little pieces of art - keep up the great work my firend. OC.
  3. Thank you kindly Ken, I will be leaning on folk for direction and advice when I start on my scenery as I have never done anything like this before. OC.
  4. Certainly adds more life to the build with the elavators lowerd, and what you say about a "Flying part" off your kit when working on it - so fits in to probably all of our work practices - wouldn't be normal unless something going missing. OC.
  5. Great cars for the money and tons and tons of spares back then - but "Wow" was they rust buckets. OC.
  6. My late farther used to buy cheap old UK Fords Like the Cortina mk 2 and mk 3, he used to get them dirt cheap second hand and do them up as good as he could including brush painting both of them - I helped him hand paint the mk3 with Tekaloid paint he got from his works - he had it made up in his works paint shop, I remember we would mask up an area at a time with newspaper then paint say a whole wing then rear wing - doors bonnet - boot - roof etc not the best in the summer with all those flies and nats in the out doors. I also remember us doing a top end referb putting new guides in and piston seals. Like these pics off the net. OC.
  7. I have been measuring up how much room I have for my display board and it will be 36 Inches x 20 Inches (91.4cm x 50.8cm) the farm building complex I will be getting measure (62cm x 46cm) but that doesn't leave a lot of space at the front where a lot of the action was, so I have decided the best option is to make the rear stables building a "False Building" I will just show the face of the wall with a cut out for the rear entrance and will paint a false hoizon view, by doing this I think I will free up another 5-6cm's to give me more room at the front where the road will go. OC.
  8. You are doing amazing work Ekis - just mind blowing how you achieve this level of artistry and detail. OC.
  9. Thats good progress thare - and good to see both top and bottom hulls went together ok. OC.
  10. Very nice work indeed - the rats and the stays look perfect to me - I would be more than happy with those. OC.
  11. Evening all, got some more progress on my little armies - have started on Five more KGL the light regimant in thier Green uniforms, Five is a good number to do in a go as thier easy to work on without feeling too repetetive, although they have only Two positions I will try to make them look slightly different - I will post some more pics when I have done a bit more. OC.
  12. Glad you have a plan that will sort that little headache brother, by the way I can see the decs on the deck - they are a nice addition to give it some detail, and better than trying to mask and paint them. OC.
  13. Thank you so much Denis, I think its a combination of factors why I seem to be doing a reasonable job on these figures - Good magnifaction, good light, some better thinner brushes and a more controled way of painting them, I have to be honest - I am quietly impressed myself. OC.
  14. Indeed - I was trying to attach the seats pe belts I should have just been patient and not built the kit till the new year. OC.
  15. I am putting this one on hold also as trying to do this is impossible due to working with what I have at the moment (no super glue) so I have managed to wreck my bang seats trying to glue down pe using revel proffesional contacta glue - abit like trying to inflate tyres with water. Oh well thats Two on hold at least my soldiers are simple and need no super glue. OC.
  16. Same here sometime Lou, the postal service can be all over the place - as long as they dont leave it in the only covered thing outdoors - our bin on bin empty day, they have been known to put it in there. OC.
  17. I admire what you all do with these stone buildings - you are doing some really fine work Kevin - your determination to keep challenging what you build shows the range of talent you have my friend. OC.
  18. Superb work, I back up what my collegues have said - "Please show us a build log when you start a new build" OC.
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