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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. 3 minutes ago, Edwardkenway said:

    Text blindness,  I meant definite in my liking of the Sherman 😖 

    Battle of the Bulge, another favourite film of a desperate time, touch and go for the allies. Coincidentally just finished re-watching Band of Brothers  episode set in the Ardennes/Bastogne

    One of mine was  "A bridge too far"     after watching the film as a teenager  I went out and brought the Airfix Dio kit  of the same  thing  - soldiers and Tanks and the bridge  all in 1/72.



  2. 6 hours ago, Tigerdvr said:

    Outstanding work on what appears to be an outstanding kit. They even have an arrow embossed inside the fuselage so we know which way to fly🛩️

    Seriously, very well done, enjoying your progress.



    No thats where the Bow  goes  with the Arrows 😉   But thank you for the compliment.



  3. Plan for today  (later)   there is still a hairline gap where the wings meet the fuselage  so I will work some plastic putty into it,    then I will either attach the rudder stabs and Rudder  or  the wing tips  (depends what I fancy doing first).


    I know I keep saying it  - but I really recommend thses Eduard kits  they are simply first rate  in every way.



  4. Yellow ocre  is the colour we all  know for the bulwarks and carriages,  but if you find the shade a we bit too bright you could always dull it a bit by adding a bit of white, its completely how you want to display it my friend  and how pleasing it wil be to your eyes.


    I am loving those canon/carriages though they will look super when finished.



  5. A bit more progress   - no work done in the day time as we were sat out  enjoying that weird bright ornage thing in the sky,    so  I decided to  work on the cockpit glazing,  this is in three sections due to me having the cockpit  open,  first I cut away the front  section and after tyding up the edge I fitted some masks  that came in the kit, this was a three part mask - I then glued it in place and  set it down using the dryer,  next was the rear section  - again tydy up and masked  using two masks, this was then glued down/heated, last was the sliding section  - this had the same prodecure, but it stays off till the last stages of the build.


    Thank you all for the interest people are showing in my build.






  6. 32 minutes ago, Jack12477 said:

    Well, the governor just extended our incarceration till April 29th...............  Boing....... Boing .........  Boing ....... Boing ........ Boing ....... 🙃😷🤕

    Ours is under review next monday to see how many extra weeks we will get added ontop............I feel like a caged animal  (to be fair  it dont worry us to much as we have no family - friends etc   - just keeping the flipping food and gas /electric meters topped up is our priority).


    Our hobbies help though - dont they Jack.👍



  7. 6 minutes ago, mtaylor said:


    When you're done with the bird, unless it's in a case, hang a sigh with something like "Do not touch. The rotors do not turn. "  And maybe some threatening words like they will suffer extreme harm from you fearless watch dogs.

    Or "Mind the Rotors they dont turn - but the body does"😁



  8. 4 hours ago, mfrazier said:

    When I  set up and tried to start the 4 butt shift pattern,  I spent three hours trying to figure it out. I laid a few planks and it would be wrong and I  had to remove them and start over. Finally, once I  got it started, it went okay. I  am sure most of my problem was the fact that I  have major problems with numbers since my stroke a couple years ago. I'm an engineer and I used to be able to do trigonometry problems in my head and now I  can't add 2 and two without a calculator and still get the answer wrong. It gets frustrating.  This planking method requires some counting, a lot of counting. 

    Keep at it mate  you will do it.



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