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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. 5 hours ago, Kevin said:

    TY Jon, i am getting some negative comments from other place i use, so i need to show better what i am trying to achieve, LOL i need to work on smaller scales 

    Kevin its looking mighty fine  - take no notice what others think,   your attention to detail and  workmanship  is outstanding  in everything you build.



  2. 9 hours ago, lmagna said:

    To be honest I have not done much on my Huey the last couple of weeks. Although I’m retired and it would seem that with this “Stay Home” order I would have nothing but time on my hands, it seems like nothing but extra work.


    First off, as both my wife and I would be considered as poster children for catching the virus I had to try and find ways around everyday simple needs. The biggest of these was finding a way to limit our exposure in the grocery store and still keeping the two of us and our live-in Velociraptors supplied. I had to learn to do this simple task on line and ended up going through three considerably different store systems before finding one that seems, (So far) to work.


    Then there are the two aforementioned Velociraptors. The schools sent them home two weeks ago and told us not to bring them back! So both the school system and myself have been going back and forth on how to get the kids to study and to get some kind of useful scholastic content while at home. You would think that this would be fairly easy as children all over the country have been home schooled for years with little or no issues. But the public school teachers are acting as if they just landed on an alien planet and are at a complete loss. There have been at last count by me, four different “Lession” systems introduced by teachers by each school my two boys attend. I have not had to do too much for my High School aged boy, he has some computer skills of his own and all I need to do is kick start him now and then to do the work instead of hiding out in his room pretending.  But my twelve year old is another matter. While he has been pretty good at attending the class hours I have assigned to him, his teachers have been all over the map on where to locate the work he has been assigned and that seems to change daily. Plus he has been assigned school logins that are apparently top secret need to know only information and parents are NOT on the inside loop. They are sending me the information of what they expect him to do, but neither he nor I have enough information to get there.


    As an example,  today I ended up emailing one of his teachers to tell her that he would not be able to do the assignment as after spending the morning trying to  access the site he and I were no longer on speaking terms. She said that we were not the only people with location and login issues,(SURPRISE) and  I agreed to a telephone call where SHE tried to walk him through the location and login procedure. I had the whole conversation on speaker phone and was also following the procedure on my computer, so I would know how to do it tomorrow when it would be needed again. When he reached the inevitable unbreachable hurdle I chimed in and asked for his school email and was told that I was a parent and had a different way of entering the site! Needless to say I pretty much went ballistic and handed her over completely to my son and told her good luck. She lasted about another half hour and said she would call back in an hour or two but would be emailing me with added instructions. My wife was also angry with me for losing it so I forwarded the emails to her and told her that she should deal with it then. I had been doing it for the last two weeks and was pretty tired of it. She made a feeble attempt at working with my son and the instructions for about fifteen minutes and then badgered me into taking the chore over again. At that point it was either leave the house and find someone that was contaminated and end it all, or go ahead and tackle it yet again. This time after combining tidbits from four separate emails from the teacher I was able to get him into the required site. I tried to explain to him how I did it but I have my doubts that much of it sunk in as he pretty much had that deer in the headlight look on his face.


    So along with trying to deal with all of the other things that this time of year brings me, this is pretty much how my life has been going and to be honest I have done almost no work on the Huey. Certainly nothing worth documenting. So tomorrow I have a couple of more financial matters to try and clear up and of course the obligatory school session, but I am making it a point to get over to the working space where the Huey has patiently been waiting and get some worthwhile work done. So fair warning to the forum members to look the other way, here comes more of the Huey.         

    Most important thing lou  - try to keep your spirits  up and I am sure everyone else agrees  - this is our family  on here  and we are  all here for each other.



  3. 10 hours ago, lmagna said:

    That is some incredibly nice work OC Truly something to be proud of. Did you have something to use as a reference or did you just do it as you thought it should look?

    Hi Lou,   thank you for the kind words,    the  instrument panel  is made of  pre painted  PE  sections  -  a backing  piece  with the clocks painted on, then next the frontage with the dials  and last a center section,  after fitting them I dropped some semi gloss top coat onto the dials, superb craftsmanship.



  4. Evening all,  hope everyone is ok  - keep up your spirits  we will get through this,     anyway  work continues  starting with the instrument panel,  this is a multi stage thing starting with the frame  - this has three sections of PE  to be attached to it, when  set I painted underneath and around the frame in Green, then I built and painted the compass, this was then glued in place  under the frame,   I then did a bit of shading with a pancil  and finished off by highlighting,    next off was to build the  gun sight  - this is a clear part in two sections, I glued both together  then painted around the frame.





  5. 13 minutes ago, Jack12477 said:

    I assume that is 30% thinner / 70% paint?  I have been using acrylics also but not diluted.  I pour a little into a plastic egg carton shape easel, dip brush in clean water, pickup a dab of paint on brush then apply.  Area depends on size of brush I am using.  For this model I did the hull in enamel to get the color hue I needed. Most everything else will be acrylic if and where I can. For example, the cockpit detail above is all done with acrylic, hand brushed. Ditto interior of cabin. 

    Yep 30% thinner   just enough to get a nice flowing liquid  some say same consistency as milk,   I think All enamels are meant to be diluted somewhat  straight from the tin.



  6. 5 minutes ago, Jack12477 said:

    Only some old Testors Model Master thinners, OC.  What dilution ratio would you recommend? I am using Testors Model Master brand paints. It is mostly enamel. For the non enamel stuff I am using Vallejo . 

    You could try 30/70  something like that,  I tend to use Acrylics  these days  and  dilute these  near 50/50  and try to paint in controled  areas  or mask an area that falls near to a natural  fuselage line / panel line.



  7. 1 minute ago, Jack12477 said:

    Orange, Ken ?  You need a new monitor !  :D   Looks almost fire engine red to my naked eye.  Probably should look at and photograph it outdoors in real sunlight instead of daylight rated LEDs. And man is this enamel ever sticky. Not used to working with enamel. Got really spoiled by Floquil when I did the tanks.  

    Have you got any Enamel thinners Jack?



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