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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I thought i should show my face to say to all who follow - I am still alive just having one of those lost lojo type thingies (I know i put it somewhere) Anyway when i find my steam i will be back on the build and ship shape and bristol fashion, as i have a back log of part built ships and a sub not even touched, and the wife keeps shakkking her head at me and says " I am yet to see you finish anything" :o OC
  2. "Core blimmy me hearty thats where i left me little ship then" we should sing a sing-along song as you "me shipmate" build her - "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" and no sign of "old Ned" - "Its a pirates life we live two sheets to the wind me hearty" :dancetl6: OC
  3. Very interesting looking build, in her scale she should really stand out, i will be watching this if i may. Regards OC
  4. Lokking very very nice, Horatio would be well pleased - "All ship shape and Bristol fashion" OC
  5. In all honesty - i would have shaved the props down with a fine sanding stick/file and shortend the prop shaft supports, to bring it more in line with the waterline. OC.
  6. Yep its always a problem - working with just a pair of glasses the pain finish looks ok even under good light, then you take a half decent photo and Shock Horror - all those over painted areas/hairs or just less than stella work show them selves, its not a problem i guess as you move further up the scale ladder. OC.
  7. Here's an update folks - i managed to put our puppy down and put some time on the Warpsite, i have been working on applying a bit of shading and added some of the tiny metal details in the shape of a platform and ladder, its harder than it looks even under a magnifier as even the pliers had trouble holding the tiny parts Also after close inspection on the photos it shows areas were i need to be even more careful with my painting of tiny areas, not that easy even with glasses i will have to work under my magnifier even to paint i fear Here is a few pics -
  8. Just another short update - i am up not boat building but watching over our new pup, going through the yelping crying all night stage she is so missing her mum and brothers/sisters, she is in the bedroon with us but keeps crying wanting to be close to mrs oc, its So hard to ingnore her crying and put her in her basket next to the bed - but i know this is what you have to do when you are puppy training. Role on the next few weeks.... :) OC
  9. Happy Christmas, I have also built kits in the 1/72 scale one of these was a German E boat, you are off to a flying start and doing a great job, plastic is such a workable enviroment as i feel it is more pliable and needs less physical work to bring a model to life.... Regards OC.
  10. Here are two pictures showing a little section of the work i have been doing between playing with our new puppy, the oval shaped surround had to have a false floor fitted after removing the old one, also in the pictures is the flight control room(the one on the end of the small paintbrush) that has had the windows blacked and a little detail on the roof, also the two tone camo is shown on the main structure, this will have more detail added along with some blacked out window details and some weathering(dark around shadow areas and light raised details). OC.
  11. A slightly shorter update folks and minus any pics as we have a newcomer to the house in the shape of a 8 week old yorky puppy, this has been taking all of my time away from the boat yard, as myself and wife have been working our life around this new addition - meaning lots of following her around the house and not forgetting the sleepless nights Anyway while i was able to get a bit of free time(whats that) i worked on the same section as above painting the second camo layer of medium grey, this was masked off first but again - I am just not happy with the solid line tape creates with hand painting(even thin layers) with a brush, even after removing the tape as little as a couple of hours after painting I think in future i will rely on a pencil line and my hand without a tape mask, this is less of a problem with smaller areas i guess, as i can hold the area usually with some kind of kitchen utensil - wooden spoon etc(just hiding it from the wife though) OC.
  12. Very nice work, look at the difference between the plastic one and the one you have detailed OC
  13. Thank you so much mark, it is slow work as I don't want to loose my mojo, and sometimes I just don't feel I can do the build justice or just can not be bothered, so on those days I just leave it alone in its box, then when I get the urge I return to it and do little pieces till I feel I need to put it down. Different days from when I used to build an Airfix plane kit in a few hours... OC
  14. Truly amazing work and not always easy when other commitments around the home cry out for your attention. Regards OC.
  15. Some more progress pictures folks - they show the main section of the rear block constructed minus the roof that will be painted separate then fixed in place, a few of the port holes will need to be cleaned up again after the last coat of paint/top coat, the pictures show the first paint level of light grey, next will be the camouflage layer of dark grey to be applied after taping up. OC.
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