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Posts posted by shipaholic

  1. The Jeers

    I always intended to do the Jeers like they are on the Endeavour Replica, with single blocks, because that made sense for a small vessel of 300 tonnes. But I still had a niggle in the back of my mind whether that was right because the AOTS has two sets of double blocks. Today I found the answer in Steel's book "Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship"


    "JEARS, in merchant-ships, and small ships in the navy, have two single blocks lashed on each side the mast-head, as above, and another, the same size, in the middle of the yard. The tye, which connects with these blocks, reeves through one of the blocks at the mast-head, then through the block on the yard, and afterwards through the block on the other side the mast-head. In the lower ends of the tye is spliced a double-block, which is connected by its fall to a treble-block, that hooks to an eye-bolt in the deck, close to the mast, on each side. By this the power of the tackles below is communicated to the tye, which, connecting with the block upon the yard, easily sways it up, or lowers it down."


    Another case of the AOTS being wrong




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  2. Thanks Mike, good to see you back into it. I have been very slow on my build, I don't get to it very often, too much other stuff to do.


    Dashi, I don't know either way on the gaff. I have just followed the AOTS for all my masts and yards, because it was easy to photocopy the drawings and enlarge them to the correct scale.


    I have mostly finished the standing rigging, except for some ratlines on the fore and mizzen topmast shrouds. I have started ading all the footropes and various blocks to the yards, starting at the bowsprit.




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  3. Hello Mark

    Is this the draught you refer to different to this one?

    This one is the original draught showing how she was as the Earl of Pembroke, with the proposed alterations. The companion in front of the helm was removed at the refit before Cook's voyage. I didn't know there was another with the writing you describe. I'm eager to see it





  4. I haven't posted on here for a while but I have been plugging away doing bits and pieces when time permits.

    I have been working on the rigging and have almost finished the topmast standing rigging.

    This week a little diversion, I bought a ships wheel kit from Syren. Its the correct size and looks much better than the metal one I had there. Great kit from Chuck - everything goes together so precisely. First pic is the metal wheel I replaced.

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  5. Thanks Mike and Michael. Yes soldering is very tricky and takes a bit of practice, yes the hardest part is holding very small pieces together whilst soldering. One trick is to pin the parts onto a sacrificial piece of wood that will inevitably scorch. If the solder is a bit thick or lumpy I just file off the excess. I have a great little blow torch thats good for small work.


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  6. Hi Steve


    I am building this same model, however I am doing a lot of scratch building and have not followed the instructions very much. This is because I am an experienced builder. I have found that although detailed, the instructions aren't very good in places.

    I assume that the only deck you have already planked is the lower deck and will not be seen very well, if so just leave it and move on. Cutting the deck planks short as in the instructions in not a very good way to do it, I left most of my planks their original length. The planking pattern in the instructions is also wrong. Do not use contact adhesive, it looks like your planks are sitting up because there is too much glue under them that has partially hardened before you laid the planks . Use white PVA glue. Check out my build log to see the decking pattern I used. A lot of the joins are just drawn on in pencil.

    If there is any thing you need to know, just ask, we are here to help each other.





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