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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. This is just awful news. Very sorry to hear, 64 is just too young. Thank you for all you have contributed to our hobby, RIP Jim.
  2. Welcome back! Your lower deck structure is looking really good.
  3. Thank you Allan, I’m still experimenting with the lines as well as a partially framed version. Materials are hard to obtain right now.
  4. That’s a lot for that model. Crazy. I feel much better now as well. Curious to see how the sales go.
  5. Hello Gerd, Thank you for your compliments and interest in the model. I have a few setbacks right now but I will begin building shortly. Stay tuned. JJ
  6. Off to a great start. Have you found the framing plan for the Portland class yet? It’s available at the NMM.
  7. Impressive work Siggi. You make it look too easy.
  8. Excellent work Tom, glad to see you back at it again. This is going to be a nice kit. When will session 5 be available?
  9. CAF does not pirate, Tom produces original work. ZHL may be pirating his work however. I’m not sure.
  10. Looks like a very promising project, well done Richard. Will you offer it in 1:48?
  11. CAF is legit, ZHL is not. Buy directly from CAF.
  12. Lookin good Glenn. Nice and crisp as usual. I didn’t want to cover any of that structure up either. A good planking job will help take the sting out of it though. You’re moving along nicely. JJ
  13. Yes that looks good, as long as the curve is fair and follows the reference lines. But if I remember correctly the whales start just above that.
  14. Thank you Siggi, this is helpful in my design. I will place a toilet in the lower QG.
  15. Incredible work Dusan! And moving right along. I also like how you have made clearance for the channels in your molding already. Wow!
  16. Amazing work Siggi! Where did you find evidence of the toilets on the lower quarter gallery? I have not had any luck with the Portland class drawings. I may adopt your toilet configuration for my Portland. JJ
  17. I bet your material costs alone come close to or exceed $550. I think $800 is a bargain for this model considering laser time, design time, packaging… and at a final cost similar to Winnie which produces just as nice of a model but framed is a steal. A POB version at 1/48 would be nice as well.
  18. Very nice work. Planking is looking good. Do you plan to paint the hull?
  19. Hi Frank and thank you for following along. I don’t have a date yet, I’m making some slight revisions to a few parts on the 1st chapter as well as adding a much needed frame support jig. I will hopefully begin building soon but I need to be well ahead in the construction before I can release anything otherwise I could leave people hanging. This is a hobby for my hobby and I cannot dedicate myself full time yet. But once I complete the hull and planking I plan to move much quicker…unless I decide to rig all the guns again. JJ
  20. Your moldings turned out great. I really like the profile, makes me want to redo the ones on my Winnie. She’s looking very good.
  21. I think it looks great! I’m also fond of the red up above, I think they go together well. All the models I’ve been studying have a darker blue frieze, or at least it appears that way in photos. Are you going to offer a 1/48 version?
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