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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Very impressive Frank! You have taken planking to another level. Looking forward to the whiskey plank.
  2. Incredible work on the computer and the workbench! Beautifully executed!
  3. Looks really good Glenn, I had the same issues with the char and I actually kind of like it, it’s almost like free weathering on the wheels. The laser does seem to char deeper depending the grain orientation. Overall I’d say your guns turned out perfect.
  4. Wow! What a stunning model! Incredible work!
  5. Thanks Glenn. There’s an incredible amount of work and investment that goes into this, lots of design and redesign and I haven’t even began physically building it yet aside from what I’ve shown. It really adds another layer of admiration to the Winchelsea project as well as others such as the work Chris produces. JJ
  6. Hi Matt, the figurehead was produced exactly as the figurehead for the Winnie. I provided a 3D model of the knee to @Jack H along with the rough dimensions and paintings of the contemporary figurehead and Jack did the sculpting work in Zbrush. From there the file can be produced into a real wood sculpture with a CNC machine. Keep following this log for updates on all the stern carvings as they are in the works currently. I’m finishing up the initial structure design of the model right now. I hope to be building the actual prototype by September.
  7. Stick with model ships, I’d say you’re doing very well with this project.
  8. Nice work on chapter 9! Looks really good Matt. I broke all the same pieces as well! They are very fragile and snap very easy.
  9. Beautiful work! That looks so good with the pear(?) deck beams. Good luck with your move. JJ
  10. Well done Matthias! That just looks so good with the gratings complete. Very nice execution. JJ
  11. Thank you Don. I think you’ll like it out there. Bend is growing into a destination spot but still has a small town feel and great weather year round.
  12. Excellent work Don! Your Winchelsea has turned out just wonderful! Congratulations! Do you plan to build a nice display? I will look forward to following your cheerful progress! JJ
  13. Good luck Ben, glad to see I’m not the only one with a packed up Winnie model. Chuck is right, you will miss the snow!
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