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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Thanks Matt. no actually they are not installed on the q-galleys yet but I plan to do it very soon. The roof tops are also still loose. I won’t glue those on or the windows probably until I finish fairing the insides, that way I can clean the q-galleys out prior to sealing up. JJ
  2. Thanks for the Likes and comments guys! Hoping to get started on the stbd side tonight, I always Find the second side harder to do as you have to replicate everything as close as possible so a lot more measuring/worrying/double checking goes on. JJ
  3. So I pretty much finished up the port side tonight aside from a few minor details. Scraped and fit the lower moldings and Added some WOP, that stuff really brings out a pretty color on the boxwood that looks great with the cedar. I’ve had constant anxiety for the last week thinking about how to get these mouldings on perfectly parallel and keeping with the sheer line and it just dawned on me about two hours ago to just clamp on a plank that perfectly follows the middle moulding and simply glue on from there. Seemed to work pretty well. Hope someone else can find it useful when they arrive at this stage. JJ
  4. Good to know as I just ordered a book from them. Card charged so I’ll just hurry up and wait now.
  5. That’s looking good, I would sand as that will be tapered in flush with the rest of the planking later on. It will give you a better landing for your next layer. Definitely start practicing edge bending (if you’re not already) as Chuck describes, as the planks will only get harder to lay as you go further down. JJ
  6. Hi Marsalv, beautiful work! Can you tell me which cnc Milling machine you are Using? JJ
  7. Lol thanks Kevin. I don’t know about that, it’s coming along quite nicely. JJ
  8. Looks very nice. This kit is on my radar for the near future. I like where you’re going with it. Mind if I copy you’re route? Haha JJ
  9. Little progress update, been chugging away slowly at the Q-galleys. Going back and forth between P&S sides. Got all the windows for the q-galleys fitted but not permanent yet. Fitted the drops on both sides and those turned out well, needed a little sanding. Got the port side q-galley Roof tiles finished Today and started working on the moulding and frizzie placement. Still working on the moulding profile that I like for the middle moulding, definitely sacrificed a few pieces of boxwood strips in the process but I’ll get there. Happy so far with the results. JJ
  10. Thanks Marsalv, that’s stunning work. Love the colors of that wood. JJ
  11. Thank you, it’s the first time I planked a hull like this. Chucks guide to planking is wonderful. as you see the hull there she only has WOP but I’m currently adding just a bit of color to give a little warmer color. JJ
  12. I like the Byrnes saw/basket ball analogy. I also took the plunge and bought one and I am building my ship model on a boat, in the engine room. Very compact and easy to move/store. Well worth the money. You can see how small the saw is relative to the model in the second photo. All my planks are ripped from pre milled billets from Syren, affordable and exceptional quality wood when finished. JJ
  13. What kind of wood did you plank your hull with? It looks fantastic! JJ
  14. Hi Fred, she’s coming along nicely, looks really crisp and clean. However I have to say thanks, I’m reading this as I’m having my morning coffee and down stairs I run in a panic to check my transom fillers! Little late in the game but got me wondering. Lol Honestly I’m not quite sure how to post a photo and type underneath it... I just tried what I thought would work and no go. JJ
  15. Thank you for the comments And advice guys, I’ve gotten underway and so far it’s looking ok. Everything is measuring out pretty even so that’s good. JJ
  16. Thank you for the input Guillermo, it’s always nice to have another set of eyes on something. I’m going to measure and double check a few more times and begin proceeding. JJ
  17. Kevin, shall I PM you a mailing address?😂 your build looks great so far, leaving the comfort zone is good.
  18. So I got my q galley templates mocked up tonight and boy what a nail biter. I found that my stbd template held a nice shape where my port one is a little warped, both are in nearly identical positions down to .001”!!! yet the port one really throws the eye off due to the warp. I’m going to sleep on this one and possibly print the port template out again tomorrow, if anyone that’s been here sees anything jump out please let me know! JJ
  19. Very interesting, I’m watching with much interest, considering building this next. JJ
  20. Hi Kevin, are you adding an additional lower deck to this model? She’s looking really nice. JJ
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