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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Mike, I have two of the top one and yes they are very helpful. Something I have bought at flea-markets that also might be very useful is the fly tying vise. I don't have this one specific just got an image from internet.
  2. Mike, I just finished reading through your build log, even with the "hickups" you had along the way (and you're not the only one having them, 😉 you have created a beautiful version of Enterprise. Glad you got the sails rigging "under control" .
  3. Robby, Welcome to MSW. I am looking forward of this build, and regarding your question about staggering the planking. The plans or instruction should say something about it.
  4. Mike, warm (87°F) (30°C)
  5. Michael, warm (87°F) (30°C)
  6. Vahur, Byrnes Machines are selling directly to user - in the long run cheaper for you at the end. It may take longer time to get the machines. When you buy from them you will have 100% support.
  7. SkiBee, Warm welcome to MSW and great start on the longboat. This one is surely one of the popular kits to build. Not to big, great challenge but not overwhelming. I will follow along - have already pulled up a chair, now I trying to find the popcorn and something to drink.
  8. Beautiful build, I like seeing a model of a yacht that still are being used on open water. The case is a masterpiece itself.
  9. Axel, Planking both side at the same time. Yes, it's highly recommended this due to get planks uniformed, but also to avoid any possibility to warp with bulkheads. However, if you are confident enough like Henrik it shouldn't be any problem. As of stand for the final ship, there's a company in England, Cornwallmodelboats.com that carries what you are looking for. Henke, your Agamemnon is turning into a real ship. And yes they will get heavy. Make sure you did add support inside on the false keel for the stand.
  10. Tom, Warm , Based on your previous builds specially in the RC boats, the Victory would be a great ship. She is grand ship. I haven't built any ship of that caliber, so when it comes to manufacturer ….. don't ask me. I know other will pinch in and guide you. Here's something funny for everyone, how Tom greeted at the end, Nog een fijne dag (Dutch) , ha en fin dag (Swedish) is so close. Tom, this one is for you, Ha en fin dag!
  11. Another good example how help is available without asking. Thank you Christopher.
  12. Miquel, warm welcome to MSW. As for your username, if you have issue of changes, please reach out to any of us moderators through a pm with username. We can change it for you. As for Dannebrog, I have drawn a blank in the search online to find any instructions. Although I am surprised that BB didn't have any records left. I found that one of members back in 2010 did a build of Dannebrog, unfortunate we suffered a huge server crash in 2013 where we lost majority of data.
  13. Chuck, please reserve one for me. Thank you
  14. Nice to have an answer to the mysterious object. Now it all make sense, inspection hatch for the rudder mechanism.
  15. Svein Erik, Very nice build of yours, I might try the aluminium tape on my Danmark (Billings Boat), since it's will be painted white. That hull looks amazing. Then I have seen some other builds in the background. A Syren, 2 Longboats?, and an upcoming schnellboot Typ S-38. Are you to make the schnellboot as a remote controlled boat?
  16. Must be an issue with the flaps. I can see there is an intense discussion going on. I hope they will be able to figure it out, otherwise they will remain being static.😄
  17. There are several techniques to bend and form wood. I would say just plain soaking is the most common. Not all of us can use the steam iron ( the spouses). I have tried using a tea cottle, the type that releases steam from the tip, it works but it's not pleasant for the fingers. Lately I have been using a heat gun (model version, small nossle), yes it still freaking warm and you can burn yourself if not careful. One advantage with the latter is that the wood will remain its dry characteristics. When soaking, wood expands. Second disadvantage, you can't glue it directly specially if using wood glue. So you have to place the plank in location, pin it down, let it dry to shape. It's time consuming but it works. When I planked the longboat I used the heat gun exclusively. There's an iron that is widely used in the RC airplane building, that you can use, some iron have just one temperature, others variable. https://www.rcplanet.com/tools/covering-tools/hangar-9-sealing-iron-han101/ Best of luck,and feel free to ask questions. That's why we have 37k+ members! Someone will have an answer.
  18. Amalio, What type of tool are you using, which is the dominant one?
  19. Another beautiful piece getting into place.
  20. Olha, I will continue with English only. But if it's true what you wrote "poem for love of planks" Well, I think that was suitable for the occasion. Planking is a time staking process, but your video made it look so effortless.
  21. Louie, can you provide any of us moderators a pm with the build you are referring to. That will certainly help us to look into your specific issue. Thank you
  22. Michael, I've been eyeing that saw as well, I have another scroll saw that vibrates to much in order to be any good.
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