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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Mike, that's an impressive quarter scale model. Can just imagine the pouring sound from the engine.
  2. Doug, I am happy to be the first greeting you a Warm Welcome to MSW. This from Pacific North West. As for your questions, I am not in any position to help you. Cheers Per
  3. Beautiful final model you made Danny. Take care of yourself..... I do like all the modelling you have shared with us.
  4. Clean and nice look! How many more hours are you guessing in order to finish her?
  5. I also have a Byrnes thickness sander along with an Proxxon Table saw. Yes for me, the thickness sander is a truly valuable tool. Waiting for the day when to invest in a Byrnes table saw.
  6. Aah, you just made my day! Thank you for this wonderful build.
  7. With the move from a "Desert area" of Connell, WA to Centralia, WA
    The Admiral and I has become more active and exploring areas around us.
    This has resulted with many new discoveries, such as many trails and incredible buildings from the 1800's.

    Now I have several areas for R/C sailing...…. one area I know for sure being used for R/C water activities is the Fort Borst Park.
    They even have a step launch..... if I could find some sponsors to build a pond pier, this could be a great competitive for motor and sailing area.

    This from a Google aerial picture.

    East of this lake there is Hayes Lake, I haven't done any research regarding access, but with several restaurants around I guess I could set some R/C event in the future.

    Both lakes in less than 10 minutes drive from home.

    But one location I very curious about is the " No name pond" even closer to home is this one, could walk there for a good exercise.

    Update for this location will come.



  8. A friend of mine has finished a 3d model of 1851 America entirely done in Fusion 360, which will be routered/cnc'd. Personally I haven't tried Blender-Fusion 360 combination, but it seems to be real good combo. Now it's just a question of which scale to make it in. The hull will be solid. And his idea is a model of 2'9" which isn't to bad for putting on display, he offered a 8ft version as well. Kind of big, considering the rigg height. The cnc/router bed is the size of 4'x4'
  9. My deepest condolences for you loss, and sincerest gratitude to a very beautiful detailed USS Missouri build. We are like a big family, sharing what has been lost but also gained, like new friends. We are all here for each other, to support no matter the issue.
  10. Steven, I have an ECB, awaiting to be built. This is just a beautiful job you have done. I like what what you did with the "recipe" of the paint. I did my own mix for Bluenose, but never recorded the mix properly in my book or uploaded to my build log. There are some "blemishes" needed to take care off, so now I have to test me through to find the right ratio.
  11. Kevin, from the PNW a warm Welcome to our corner of ship modeling. Your progress with Syren is fantastic, very nice job! I have a skeleton of her waiting for further attention. I like the idea of your rack (for plans that is). May I take the idea of yours and make my own? My new shop has limited wall space for plans so this would be to great help. Again, warm welcome to MSW.
  12. Terve Mikko, and welcome to MSW. Draken is a great kit to build, and you are doing great with her. Looking forward seeing more of the build.
  13. Have the thickness sander and have used it a lot. Paid only 100 dollars but it was a very light used unit. Have a Proxxon table saw which will be replaced some day. Can't go wrong with Byrnes Machines.
  14. Mark, Welcome to MSW and Happy New Building Year Glad to hear you have found us.
  15. Troy, As a member from the East side of WA soon to be a resident of the west side, A warm welcome to MSW. This is the place when you have a question you will get an answer. Happy NEW Building year!
  16. I have Jim's drawplate and another one from Mikro-Mark, I used the MM just once( did throw it away) while Jim's frequently. Oil the drawplates, no matter the brand as they may start having surface issues later in their life.
  17. Hank, that looks real good. The that porch covered seems to be healthy to. Are you to cover the entrance too?
  18. Thanks for the idea of critter removal. Hope I don't need to use it though.
  19. Hank, it sure was the most expensive Christmas gift we ever got ourselves! But well worth it! When we saw the house we were greeted by five deer across the street munching on old apples.
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