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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. "I wonder if the Chinese knock-offs are putting these smaller outfits out of business " Well, that is spot on of what's going on. Companies like Micro-mark are doing this to the market, promoting Chinese knock-offs.
  2. I am pulling up a chair to follow this F360 creation. I think we all have different approaches of making our hulls. You have certainly go the lines right.
  3. John, the plans are scaled to 1:50, so she is just little longer than 23 meters or 76". She was part of a very popular group of luxury yacht in Sweden and Europe.
  4. I have been part of a tug/barge project over the past year. This project has involved designing everything using Fusion360. I am now back to regular physical modelling but started a new private project. This involves a motor yacht from 1930, I have the plans so it will be a fairly easy work to create a 3d model. But I won't stop there, my intention is to create frames and parts for building her as a RC yacht. Here is a picture of her as on plan.
  5. Denis, You should have added some staining from "glue" and "mis-painting" to really throw of us....... lol Your work is outstanding! I am working with Fusion 360 and doing the rendering, but I am lightyears behind you. I have alot to learn!
  6. I have a belt/disc sander combo as in picture but a no-name brand. It's doing a good job when no-precision sanding is required, but is very noisy in comparison to Byrnes disc sander. I am some 100 dollars away from buying a Byrnes sander. Have the thickness sander of his and am very happy. And it's very quiet too. Have an old Proxxon "workhorse" table saw that works real well, so the disc sander is more in consideration than Byrnes table saw.
  7. I had a lot of thoughts around the main cabin, and finally decided to make it out from solid basswood. I am so glad having Byrnes thickness sander, to get the material down to right thickness before applying any roofmaterial. In order to get the cabin shaped correctly I started hollowing it out, to get some walls. More chiseling is to be done. This will also allow to create the port and starboard skylights. Placing a coarse sandpaper over the area where the cabin is to be located I was able to create uniformed "walls".
  8. I am sorry to hear about the burning of dining area and top it off with termites. Not what you want every day. Hope for a quick recovery. Looking good though.
  9. Nice recovery! We all do our oops, and as long items has been covered up, changes will be easier.
  10. Eric, a warm Welcome our amazing world at ModelShipWorld. Glad you found us, you have just entered a world where questions can repeated and you will an answer and guidance. Start a build log, when you get stuck (which will happen) just ask for help and we will do our best to get you past that point. Again, warm welcome.
  11. Good morning Amalio. Thank you for my "morning treat". Even better, it's on a Friday.
  12. Now that makes me excited and more intrigued about the kit. Thank you Chuck.
  13. Rich, I just read up regarding FlexSeal. Nasty stuff, as it can solution can explode just by electrostatic touch.
  14. RPaul, Unfortunate getting them the true way from modelshipbuilder seems to be the only way. I would like to get copies of them as well. Am building ModelshipWays version of Bluenose.
  15. Amalio, this is my morning treat when I have breakfast before heading to work. Enjoying the pictures of your progress. Thank you for a beautiful build.
  16. I used automotive custom tape, seals the painting area extremely well without tacking hard to surface. Used the same type of tape on Bluenose.
  17. I have tried to find a website related to Trident Models, but didn't .... any search on the cutter went to SoS. From ShipofScales website. Uwek the admin is taking orders for the kit. They have been using the plans from " Anatomy of the ship" -The naval cutter Alert. From the Owner of Trident
  18. I think the windlass was removable. When building the small longboat I didn't attached the windless, I omitted it. Yes, leg space must had been an issue.
  19. Aft hatch coming together with eye-connectors on port and starboard side. This is a composite picture, so there might some misalignment within. Sorry about that.
  20. Let me see if I can be true and finish her before the summer is over............ which I doubt...😎
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