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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. @Bob Clerk, Minimum quantity 100 units!
  2. Wefalck, you are absolutely right. One of the true good things that came out from Germany after two tragic wars has been the manufacturing and the high standard of quality. My first watch, given to me on my 7 birthday from my fathers-fathers, was a German made. It was so accurate that even later on the digital was far behind. And if the German design and engineering is poor, why is that people all around the world would like to have a BMW, Audi or Mercedes just to mention that industry. Here's a funny twist, but somehow the Ford manufacturing in Europe had a higher quality standard set than in USA. Loved my Ford Escort MK3 and my Ford Escort Cosworth, miss them today. There's nothing wrong with some Chinese products, but quality has never been considered as the first point of interest. Just my two cents. Now back to table saws.
  3. Nice dash, I am to use Valejo paint and airbrushing.
  4. I have a Proxxon FKS/E previous model of the 37070 FET saw. Works well but doesn't have long rip fence as Byrnes which can create weird cuts if you don't pay attention. The nice thing with the saw of mine it has a speed regulator going from 4400 to 680 rpm, and it's "Made in Germany". But I do have my eyes set for a Byrnes table saw and disc sander.
  5. Here's a link: https://www.modelcargarage.com/eshop/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=391
  6. Nick, I have AMT 1965 Ford Mustang, 1/16 scale. And I was thinking making her red as well. A friend of mine has a real 1966 with original 302 engine. Red with red interior, so I was going to base my model from his car. Nice start by the way. Are you to add on etched parts?
  7. Hank, do you have a local lumberliquidator or one somewhat close? Many times they have overstock or non-sellable quantities you can get for the cents to a dollar. I got 100 sq.ft laminated 10mm flooring for less than 30 cents per sq.ft. These sales are not posted. You have to make a visit directly. Just an idea. Or go with real vinyl flooring, one whole piece to glue down. Personally I would go with laminated. And stay away from glue down or sticky vinyl tiles. They are just a pain.
  8. Kenna and Ron, I like to give you a Warm Welcome to Ship Modelling. Kenna, you are in good hands with such supporting father.... and where both of you get stuck, reach out to us - create a build log first - and we will try to help as best as we can. A friend of mine built the Golden Hind with fantastic result and search within our logs for other Golden Hind builders. All the best to you.
  9. Hank, Aren't you looking forward to start creating some dust in that beautiful area?
  10. SO means Special Officer, can be used in many areas both military and civil.
  11. Velkommen Gaffrig, I am building Bluenose but the version of ModelShipway. Modelling being addictive, oh yes it is. Chris Coyle was spot on in that matter, but there is therapy help within our group if needed, just see below. Currently I haven't seen any new patients.😉
  12. Alan, I don't know if I welcomed you to our "World". Well I am impressed, if you know Norm Abram and has built furniture for a long time, this will be easy for you. Having a workshop like yours must be a dream.
  13. Hank, what type of flooring are you going for?
  14. I just told them, get to your positions and get in 😂. It's a simple photo trick everyone can do. I used ACDSee video software to create the sequence. Each move is one frame, then it's just a matter of time of display for the frame. It's a fun feature. I can create a tutorial if someone wants to know how I did it. I won't say mine is the best, but it was my first try.
  15. Dave, I have faith in you. You will finish your Bluenose before me. I also have ideas of scratch building.
  16. Okay Hank, now you are making me miserable, you mentioning smoked brisket and then posting picture of what is to be a wonderful workshop! I am going to bed......lol
  17. Oh, stupid question, how did you work out the curvature between main cabin and deck?
  18. Dave, Your deck furniture is looking so much better than mine, I might reconsider my idea of creating them.
  19. I figured out how to do this, hopefully the video clip will work at your end too. Did a test prior uploading, and it worked on my side.
  20. When it comes to paint, I use satin finish. That's both on walls and ceiling. And I would have done just like Hank, use what I have. Paint ain't cheap. In my workshop, one gallon of primer/paint cost 24 dollars. That was the cheapest they had.
  21. Rob, I have a fantastic photo of her. Very beautiful brig!
  22. Not really on this day, but the battleship USS Nevada was found last Monday, May 11 2020. She is laying at a depth of 15400 feet. Click the link and it will take you to the article.
  23. Belaying pins in place. Have to change the format of the video, so it's playable. Coming soon. Update with video. Belaying pins.mp4
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