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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Well, it's not a ship model kit, so admin and moderator feel free to move this build log. I don't know how many of you have heard of Metal Earth, this is a company located in Seattle, WA that came up with the idea to make PE kits. This light house build will only contain pictures no explanations. Only two tools were used, a fine plier and a cutter. No glue, and no soldering. Build time about an 1 hour.
  2. Someone has ordered the kit - this from SoS Funny, check one of the comments.
  3. Skeeta, sorry for editing your first posting , but this a huge and warm It looks like you are off to an extremely good start. Looking forward to your build log.
  4. Amazon has the book available, worth the price. I have it in my library, rich of information.
  5. No pictures?! Just kidding, I found your log and looking forward to this beautiful ship of Mr. Passaro.
  6. Warm and welcome back to ship modelling. Looking forward to see your build log of Winchelsea.
  7. You better buy some lottery tickets! Even the canopy is there. Build log please!
  8. So I was to late with my posting, lol, still glad you are getting closer to a conclusion.
  9. I was looking at those pictures and didn't want to post them, it might be the Miss Thriftway too. Maybe the hatch was something your father created himself as for radio compartment. Hope the attic will turn up the missing box or plans. The plot thickens...😁
  10. I am sorry to say it's not Miss Thiftway from Dumas. The lines are wrong. Further investigation needed!
  11. Based on the labels in the model, this is from a kit. Maybe it's Miss Thriftway from Dumas, I don't know. Some work but can be fixed, would be nice to have as a memory of your father.
  12. Olya, I am impressed! Not only you are taking amazing pictures but also building small and detailed model ships. I am glad I found your website.
  13. That's an amazing website. Here's a link to their website.
  14. Rodolfo, a warm welcome to our world of modelling. I will keep my eyes open for the build log. It will be an interesting build that I like to follow.
  15. Hank: I am to install Mistubishi Inverter unit, sure it's more money but that way the moisture build up will end up on the outside and not in a tank.
  16. Tom, that's an outstanding kit, so beautiful done with all the detailing. Wish the cameras could be as small as a micro led light, because it's a shame to have those details hidden. Having a tablett right next to the model and being able to click through the various compartments. One question: What software do you use for the process of creating her? Thanks again!
  17. Very nice job Justin. I used my dremel for the belaying pins as well, very tedious and difficult job. But yours looks so much better than mine.
  18. , greetings from WA. Here's a link to the museum in Norway regarding Viking ship.
  19. JS, a low progress is better than no progress, besides this ensures a better eye for details and perfection. Good seeing you back at "Connie".
  20. Either Overhauling or Counting Cars could be the program, probably the latter.
  21. I better chime in and say Welcome to our World.
  22. Byrnes machines are so quiet, I have the thickness sander and very happy with it.
  23. Nick, those decals can be struggle. Nice job of painting the speed dial. What type of brush did you use?
  24. Martin, When it comes to whole good sales, most transactions are done with USD.
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