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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. I have finally been able to work on my dear Bluenose. Starting up where I left off wasn't to hard. A light clean up of the work-area and I was ready again. Creating the Gammon iron for the bowsprit was easier than I thought, using the plywood from bulkheads and false keel, I had the right thickness and with a bowsprit ready shaped I clamped it down and used a plier to get the angles. The aft hatch was created with a center block and strips on the side. The sides are taller to sit the umber top piece. Again this will be natural colored just like the other hatch.
  2. N-gauge..... hmm how I would like to get back to R/R modeling. Back in late 70's in Sweden I had (for me) a huge H0 Märklin landscape. The landscape along with rail covered only 3 x 4 meters. Good enough for several setups. Today I would be happy with an 4'x6' N-scale yard of some kind. However, ship modeling is equally fun and stimulating. Besides I have my good share of ships to build. Dr. PS I like you build …… I didn't remove the false stanchions from the bulkheads. I found them very useful when shaping and installing the remaining "glue-on" stanchions.
  3. Being part of this huge project, (which we never expected from the beginning) I am very honored that the barge design I did got the name of the former president of the union Alan Cote. I would never believe such a thing would happened. As Floyd mentioned, it feels extremely good to have been part of a project that will benefit Maritime students in their learning process of getting a well paid job. I am thankful for all the support and help provided during this time. Without Neal and Floyd this would have never happened. This joint venture has been a challenge and a lot of hair tearing.... lol, but at the end we pulled it together. I am very proud of what we have accomplished. I know for sure there will be a picture of the barge and tug together while being used for educational purpose.
  4. I don't mind the clutter, makes your workspace more alive. Nice rigging though.
  5. I have the drill press plus from Vanda-Lay and the double multi-clamp hold it. Amazing quality of machined aluminium parts. Easy to assemble.
  6. Adding a rendering of the barge. From not knowing anything about Fusion360 and it's tools, I have learned a lot. A great tool where you can send files for 3d printing, laser cutting and CNC/routing machining. The barge has it's name dedicated.
  7. My part of this project is coming to an end, the design of the barge. There are a few small details to be fixed but also being a support to Floyd for remaining part of build period. Looking forward getting back to my Bluenose, who is waiting for attention again.
  8. This build log is so interesting, twice the scale of the regular longboat. From another perspective, I kit bashed my 1:48 scale longboat and added armament before this kit came out on the market.
  9. Thank you Bobby, for the nice comment. She is a nice build, sometimes I have stayed true to the instructions other times other sources have been to help. Right now I am in stand still due other commitments. Looking forward to get going again, and also seeing your build log.
  10. Plywood can be found made out of various material such as basswood, cherry, pear and more. Basswood ply of same thickness is more flexible than birch wood ply. I just did a quick search a got hits on each material.
  11. Rich, What you are doing looks so simple. How long time does one stay take to make and put in place?
  12. Nice work there Floyd. You should had painted them dark green.......... just kidding
  13. Rich, looks there is not much left of the rigging of Argus. Great job you have there and also great help for building Syren. Will be helpful for my build.
  14. Floyd, as we all know..... a picture showing what's happening is helpful. Maybe it's not to bad, how about epoxy with silica. The combo we used building our T37s.
  15. So, Floyd isn't alone in this project as you may have notice. There's Neal who has done all the drafting from real sketches of the tugboat Alert class named Alert as well. Neals experience with Fusion360 is amazing who knows a lot of tricks. And he is self taught! I am behind the drafting and design of the barge, this barge is a hybrid, between two different barges. One is a 400' and the second is a 250', considering the scale we are working at the barge is very long. Measures 85 inches plus ( 7ft +) or in metric 217 cm plus long. Here is three renderings I have done, there are no post photo editing. Position lights and work lights will all be fully functional via a switch-board.
  16. Question, was the patterns left on each frame while being stored? That could be one of the reasons they have warped by moisture.
  17. It's a fun project being involved in, have learned a lot about Fusion360 and computer modelling. What should had been a small and time wise short project turned out to be so much more.
  18. Chris, I like this model. You are doing a great job! If my list of ships to be built first weren't to long I would add this to it.
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