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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. No wonder Chuck is all out of rope, it was all shipped across the Atlantic ocean. lol😁 Svein-Erik, your Syren is coming out very nicely! That tick remover tool is a great idea!
  2. I would suggest a paint shop selling paint for cars. You will get amazing result with that type of paint. You will also lay down couple of layers of putty (preferably auto putty (sanding in-between)) and primer as well, that if you want a great finish. Look at my T37, which is pro-painted (not by me of course). My yacht has 12 layers of blue coating and two layers of clear coat on top of primer.
  3. From another part of PNW, Connell WA I greet you warmly. We have record level of snow, received about two years amount of snow, and more is to come. Ship modelling is a good therapy when stress sets in, well at least for me. Stay warm, find yourself a good starting kit from Bluejacket Inc. or ModelExpo-online. Get a build log started, we are here to help when issues sets in.
  4. Kortes, I just went trough the build log of yours. Beautiful craftsmanship. It's funny how many words from the Dutch that are similar to Swedish.
  5. Robert, from PNW with wind and snow in the air, I greet you warmly to our amazing group. I did a little research and found this website with some picture of the model you are to build. It's not much but maybe to some help.
  6. James, I am pulling up my comfy chair, grabbing my cup of Swedish coffee and getting ready for the build. Hope someone has a Danish bread or something similar.
  7. Attached the laser unit to a camera tri-pod about 4ft away, this way I got some working space. Then use a pencil to make tick marks along the line. Then you can start masking off for painting.
  8. Messis, When I did the waterline on my Bluenose I used a laserlever, I have a cheap one........ you can get them from any hardware store or online. With that tool you will for certain get a straight waterline. I am to buy a new one for my next ship.
  9. Messis, beautiful build you have going there. I truly hope the picture in post #13 is messing with me. But the waterline doesn't seem to be straight to me. If I put a ruler on top of the picture between stern and stem, you have a drop in the middle
  10. Mr. Watton, I am glad to see you are going outside the manufacturer line, and creating your own choice of "kits". Just like Mr. Passaro. I can see a line of potential customers for your products.
  11. Lou, I just looked into this guys ebay sales...... beautiful items, high price but I do have the Revell Connie that I want to modify. Maybe further down the road after the move to the coast and the economy has stabilized. Yes, me and The Admiral is moving this year to the Shelton area.
  12. John, you can't go wrong with kits from BlueJacket Inc or a kit from Chuck Passaro. Both of them are sponsors. Use the search feature in the build logs for the name of ship you like to build. Take it from there. Good luck in your search.
  13. I am using Chuck's cleats in the building of the Bluenose, see the latest picture in my build log where I had to alter them according to the plans. Take a look at this picture of the fife rail, and where you have the base legs.
  14. I have done a couple "hulls" using F360. One thing I figured out was to center the canvas origin on the 00 bulkhead location where the waterline meets. This way I found it easier to work forth and aft in right sequence, naming each plane accordingly to the bulkhead. However, the only issue I have had is to line up the imported sketch to 0/90 angle towards the planes. Looking good though. I am to work the F360 tonight after work.
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