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Introducing Myself to the Forum


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Hi All,

I’m new to MSW and hoping to reactivate a love of modelling that I’ve had since childhood. 
As a child I made literally hundreds of plastic kit models; planes, tanks, ships etc. Mostly WW2 stuff, but some more modern things too.

A few years ago now I saw an advert for a weekly magazine which would guide me through building a model of the Bismarck. I thought this was a great idea and bought the first few editions. However, I began to google what was involved in completing such a venture and soon realised that I would very quickly be out of my depth. There were a whole range of skill sets involved which I knew nothing about. This would be a shed-load of money to spend on something which I knew I would not be able to do justice to.

I decided to shelve the idea and stopped buying the magazine.

Instead I bought a Billings Boats, HMS Renown steam pinnace to try and cut my teeth on. It went OK. Planking was satisfactory, albeit only because I knew the hull would painted and all the filler would be covered over. However, I got cold feet when it came to spray painting the boat. This was another new skill I didn’t have and was concerned about ruining all the hard work I had put in that far. I shelved the build... for ten years!!!

I recently plucked up the courage to complete it though and I’m quite chuffed with the end result.

Confidence boosted, I’ve now bought the Bluenose 2 from Artesania Latina (having decided against the Billings one because of their rubbishy brief instructions). I hope the build logs on here will be very useful, but don’t think I’m brave enough to start a log to expose myself to peer review just yet!



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Welcome to MSW 

Having completed one wooden model places you ahead of a lot of people on this site. Its easy to be inn awe of some of the work done by people in here but most of us are just trying to do the best we can because of the love for the hobby. 

You should definitely start a build log,  because at any turn  you need advice the great people on this site are more than willing to advise and help. 

Thirty thousand heads are better than one.

Good luck with your build.



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Welcome to the site!  I too think you should start a build log, it is a nice record of your build.   Best of luck!

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Welcome to MSW, Penfold.   You wouldn't know someone called "Danger Mouse" by perchance?

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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Hi Colin,

As Peter said above 30,000 heads are better than one.  You may actually wind up with too much information on occasion when asking questions here but that is a good thing.  I have learned more from questions asked by others at MSW than those I have asked on my own.  It is win-win for all 30K of us when you or any of us run into a roadblock and need a bit of help.  



PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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Welcome, Why not post a picture of your Renown. I have just finished that one too only changed it to reflect another boat?


HMAV Bounty 'Billings' completed  

HMS Cheerful - Syren-Chuck' completed :)

Steam Pinnace 199 'Billings bashed' - completed

HMS Ledbury F30 --White Ensign -completed 😎

HMS Vanguard 'Victory models'-- completed :)

Bismarck Amati 1/200 --underway  👍




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It did come out very well, Colin.   The lessons will return as you build and new ones will be learnt.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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On 12/14/2019 at 10:04 PM, Penfold said:

Just had a look at your build log for your steam pinnace... very nice work. I still have a way to go, clearly. 🤔

Thank you :) , I am still new to all of this and learning all the time. I used this build to practice some techniques for later projects 


HMAV Bounty 'Billings' completed  

HMS Cheerful - Syren-Chuck' completed :)

Steam Pinnace 199 'Billings bashed' - completed

HMS Ledbury F30 --White Ensign -completed 😎

HMS Vanguard 'Victory models'-- completed :)

Bismarck Amati 1/200 --underway  👍




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On 12/12/2019 at 5:40 PM, Penfold said:

Thank you all for the kind welcome. Here’s my Renown...


You must be very pleased with how yours turned out :)


HMAV Bounty 'Billings' completed  

HMS Cheerful - Syren-Chuck' completed :)

Steam Pinnace 199 'Billings bashed' - completed

HMS Ledbury F30 --White Ensign -completed 😎

HMS Vanguard 'Victory models'-- completed :)

Bismarck Amati 1/200 --underway  👍




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