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Found 23 results

  1. Another Heller Soleil Royal in 1/100 scale... but I started this 45 years ago as a freshman in high school. After 2 years, I had much of the hull assembled.. and then the model sat... I was too busy with sports and school, and then I went off to college in 1980. The hull sat as a "prison ship" in my parent's basement, and then my basement. Over the years, gun lids and other small parts fell off; I don't know why I never threw the model away. About a month ago, I somehow stumbled on this website and marveled at what people were doing with this kit! However, after not having done any modeling for 45 years, I decided that if I were to start with a new kit, I would start with the Heller HMS Victory. I told myself that HMS Victory would be my gift to me in the summer of 2024.... until one night last week, I took the Soleil Royal "hulk" down from storage. The thought occurred "what if??"... and I slowly manged to pull the poop deck free from the hull with no damage. Within two hours, I had broken the hull and the decks and - you name it - apart with basically no damage. Now what? I knew that I had to get the old enamal paint off, so a soft plastic brush and lengthy soakings in isopropyl alcohol got almost all of the paint off. In the last week, after studying what other people had done, I realized that I needed to create fenders, drill rope holes for gun port lids, etc. That's it... I devour the build logs of other people and realized the possibilties were practically endless. I am actually really excited - as if I feel like a kid again! The HMS Victory may have to wait a bit, as the Soleil Royal will help me develop some much needed skills.
  2. Sorry for my English "google traslator" A few years ago I wrote a book analyzing and explaining the construction system used in Spain from 1752 to 1768. It was called an English system because its origin was an operation of military espionage against England. For some time now my friend Jose Collado is building a model of 68 canons following the plans I have made strictly following the Spanish regulations of that time. I will be putting pictures of the process. Spanish construction systems are not exactly the same as the French or the English and are little known by foreign researchers. Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or curiosity arise.
  3. So this was a project I started after my friend and naval historian Emir Yener send me the plans of the ship, that he found archived in Russia and had them redrawned. He will publish them along with an article about the ship, so unfortunatelly I cant really post them properly here. Needless to say, I had to try and built it. In fact I have grown to love scrathbuilding ships, especially smaller scaled ones, and this built proved a great lesson for me, as I had only built few ships from scratch, and no ship of the line, or even proper fully rigged ship. My initial thought was to just make a waterline hull to test methods and technics, but the scope grew and grew. Later I added the underwater hull, then I decided to fully rig the ship, and by the end, add a waterline sea-diorama base for her. The project took 8 months of several back and forths, mistakes and a lot of downtime when I was preocupied with other activities and models.. Half way through, and before starting the rigging of the ship, I decided to donate it, once finished, to the Naval Museum in Istanbul. Indeed, last week I visited Emir in Istanbul, took Mahmudiye to the museum, which accepted the small model to my great pleasure and honor. I want to thank Emir Yener for the plans of the ship, as well as for his hospitality! This is going to be one my usual threads, that I will post in the next few hours all of the built, from start till its completion.
  4. As I said in my "new members introduction post" some time ago, I hesitated to start a second build log here, since I have an extensive build log on a Dutch forum. As this Dutch forum is basically/mainly an RC flying forum and over the last half-year/year the historical ship build sub-forum has gotten quieter by the day and most of the ship building persons that are still active there, are also active here on MSW. So now I have decided to also start a build log here on MSW. It might not be an day-to-day active log as on the Dutch forum but I will see how it evolves. The reason is mostly because this forum is much more active and has a much broader reach. In this first post I will give a very short survey from start to the status of today. Why I build something As of January 2014 I have become ‘pensionado’ by lucky circumstances! So a lot of hours spare time. Since my younger years I have always had a hobby whereby my hands played an important part. Plastic motor models, aircraft models where my favourites back then. I switched to electronics (my profession as an engineer) and built my own loudspeakers (woodworkingJ) and HIFI equipment for many years. Now why a ship and particularly why this ship? My family line has a long history (back to the 1700’s) of what we call “binnenschippers”, persons that hauled merchandise/goods by ship from the North sea ports land inwards. My grandfather was the last in line who trade down the Rhine as far as Koblenz. So I started reading books and visiting forums. Now as a child I visited the “Batavia Warf” quite often with my parents and later on with my own kids I have witnessed the start (and death) of the 7-Provinciën. Also a mysterious ship where little was known so it leaves a lot to the builder to decide and come up with. A choice was easily made. My goals! First of all: I have fun and love building and working with the wood!! It’s not my intention at all to build the best looking or the most historical correct ship! Just the fun of building it is my main and first goal. Being busy and figuring out how I can get something done. Getting acquainted with new skills I need and to perform certain tasks. That’s what I like about it. It’s my first build both in wood and as a ship, so I will get to learn and master many things. I have chosen to follow the drawings made by Otte Blom. Not because they are the best but because they appealed to me the most. The whole build might not be completed, I might stop at admiralty level. I am not so much into knitting and roping but who knows…. I started the build around summer 2014. Sometimes I stop for a while, working on other projects. It’s mainly build from European oak, (apart from parts that were in those days also in pine (grenen) or other materials were used). How far I am: The pictures speak for itself I would say. I tried to take some representing pics from the start up to now. Have fun building….. Hans. This is from around November 2014. (I lost earlier pictures:( ) My first method of framing. I changed methods in a later stage. I started working them in lots. A much better way to keep the correct lining of the hull. I finalised the hull around January 2016. The reason for taking that long is that when I got tired of the treadmill of framing I stopped for weeks or worked on other parts, like the windows below.
  5. Hello, Dear ship modelers! My name is Kudin Andrey. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, now I live in Israel. I am pleased to be among you, because I am building a model of a beautiful ship. Construction began here: MODELS WORLD Then I continued building here: ВЕРФЬ НА СТОЛЕ (Verf na stole) At some point, I had an interest in video building on YUTUB: LE FLEURON (YouTube) At the moment, the channel has a number of series from ...FILM 1... to ...FILM 71 Understanding that not everyone speaks Russian, I CORRECT the subtitles (creeping line) so that I can be understood in other countries ... All you have to do is translate the subtitles language in the settings under video. I am interested in communication with the viewer and knowledgeable people, because this will help me build a model! I will inform you about the release of new series and, I hope, it will be interesting to you ... And in order to prove that I am not a shoemaker, I offer some photos of the model ... Thank you!
  6. LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD 1769 / 1805 Hola amigos: Para la realización de este proyecto se ha partido de copias o de planos de época de autenticidad indudable, y correspondientes a su estado en 1797 justo antes de la batalla de San Vicente. En esa batalla la Santísima Trinidad resulto muy dañado y no se conoce con certeza las obras que hicieron de reparación en la popa y en la proa. Los planos necesarios para el modelo que se esta realizando (escala 1 / 72) son obra de nuestro compañero Chimista, partiendo de los planos originales de 1797, y completados por dibujos de los alzados de proa y de popa hechos según su criterio a partir de la vista lateral del casco, así como de otros planos de navíos de 112 cañones de la época correspondiente, planos del Museo Naval de Madrid El dibujo de la peineta o coronamiento de popa es una conjetura del autor del proyecto basado en las formas que aparecen en la vista lateral. Como podéis imaginar este proyecto es el resultado de varios meses de arduo trabajo de investigación, los planos han sido revisados, corregidos, y dibujados, tratando en todo momento de aproximarse al máximo a la imagen que pudo ofrecer este emblemático navío en el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre la ultima reforma a la que fue sometido en la Carraca 1797 y su triste final en la Batalla de Trafalgar 1805. Doy las gracias mas sinceras a nuestro compañero Chimista por la confianza que pone en mí para llevar a cabo este novedoso proyecto… tratare de estar a la altura. Saludos Liberto
  7. Hello everyone, a few years ago, I finished my most beautiful ship - Sovereign of the Seas and I wished to find another similarly beautiful sailing ship which I would be able to build. There are plenty of glorious boats, but only for a few of them there are avalialbe good plans and exact information. I decided to create and build a card model of Royal Katherine from 1664. I do not have exact plans so I will proceed according to other plans of ships from 17th century - HMS Sussex and HMS Prince and use information from professional literature as well. I like great challenges and connection of fun and education, so I am looking forward to this project very much. The model will be created in the scale of 1/55, so there is an oportunity to create many details in a higher level of quality. During creation of previous models I have received many valuable and professional information about sailing ships, their construction and fitting from one of the greatest experts - Captain K.L. who has taught me a lot and I will also use his advice here. The main build log you can find here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763
  8. Hello, so here we are, this is my attempt to build this famous ship ! I always loved period ships, as far as I can remember, but it was a real shock when I got the Heller model kit at christmas when I was 14. The box itself was huge and very impressive, and the model was gorgeous. I still have this model in my workshop, I keep it as a relic ! Then I discovered the Tanneron model, the one which is displayed at the Paris naval museum, and as many I was fascinated by the beautiful carvings. In 2008 the desire to build model ships went back and my interest for the "SR" was still there so I bought the Sergal model kit, but I was quite disappointed with the quality of the materials and I realized if I wanted something more accurate I would have to do it myself... So I began drawing the plans and building a first model based on the Tanneron, until I found it was false, and nothing like a 17th century ship should look like... So I restarted from scratch... For this new project, I relied only on the period drawings of the stern and the bow, and all the dimensions and mesurements that Michel Saunier had patiently collected and eventually shared with me. I thank him for that ! It took me two years of research and work to complete the drawings of the plans, because I had to learn everything on the subject. Early 2014 I finally could start the real work but early 2015 I had to stop because of a newborn baby, and too much work keeping me out of my workshop... I finally could go back to the workshop these last past weeks, here is what I've done so far. At first, some of the drawings, that apparently have already made their way on the internet. I use the Gimp as a software. I did the plans according to the dimensions of the ship, and then adapted the decorations to the result. The drawings of the stern and bow are "artist views", and in no way can be used for architectural purposes. So the drawings had to be modified and distorded, element by element, to fit the plans. But it was not the hard part of the work, the worse was getting the waterlines correct... It took me countless hours !
  9. Ahoy there! Since all the information has been lost, first I want to ask you if I shall post the project in progress till now (I am working now already for two years on it). I could post the photos as I have saved ithen and add some very short comments. ?? Dražen
  10. Hello dear friends , in summer 2012 I have started a scratch build of HMY Royal Caroline 1749 in a scale 1/40. The model is made of card (mainly) and other materials (modeling clay, wood, self-adhesive foils etc.). I will proceed according to plans from the book Anatomy of the ship, which are quite detailed and nicely designed. Other documents and information come from foreign literature, which describes construction, fitting and rigging of ships from this period. Because I want to build a realistic model of the RC as possible, I will be grateful for any comments and suggestions, which could help me to achieve that result. I chose Royal Caroline mainly for her sleek lines and beautiful sculptural decoration, and also because finally I will not have to make so many cannons as on the previous models.... One of the most realistic painting of HMY Royal Caroline and peregrine (second picture) by John Cleveley The Elder Full report of my work is here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=68385#p1324089 For sailing ships lovers - here is a video with my best sailing ships; HMS Bellona and HMS Victory (modified) come from polish manufacturer Shipyard, Sovereign of the seas is my own scratch build. All these models are made of card. Enjoy it: Kind regards, Doris
  11. Hello friends, my next project in the planning: The 74 GUN-SHIP " L E C E N T A U R E 1783 " after the plan drawwings of: Jean Boudriot, publishing company ANCRE, France. Timbering Plans of Jean C. Lemineur as well as numerous photos and pictures of the construction of his 74 GUN -SHIP Gaetan Bordeleau, Canada I here with once again warmly thanks. The construction of the rear section is planned as a cross section model with complete inside removal. Scale : 1 : 48 NEW : 1 : 36 Type of wood : Deutsche Elsbeere Karl Hi friends. Link: all photos during the construction phase: https://cloud.web.de/ngcloud/external?locale=de&guestToken=22n438epR2m22PUrLw7l4A&loginName=karl.weinmann#/_
  12. History USS Pennsylvania was a four-decked 140-gun ship of the line of the United States Navy, named for the state of Pennsylvania. She was the largest sailing warship ever built for the Navy, and the equivalent of a first-rate of the British Royal Navy, but her only cruise was a single trip from Delaware Bay to Chesapeake Bay. She was just as large as the Spanish four-decked ship of the line Santisima Trinidad, built over 60 years earlier. Pennsylvania was one of the "nine ships to rate not less than 74 guns each" authorized by the US Congress on 29 April 1816. She was designed and built by Samuel Humphreys in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Her keel was laid in September 1821, but tight budgets slowed her construction, preventing her being launched until 18 July 1837. She had three complete gun decks and a flush spar-deck and her hull was pierced for 136 guns. Exploding shell guns were replacing solid shot by the time Pennsylvania was fitting out. A Bureau of Ordnance Gun Register for 1846 records her armament as follows: Spar deck: two 9 pounder (4 kg) cannons and one small brass swivel. Main deck: four 8 inch (203 mm) chambered cannons received from Norfolk in 1842, and thirty-two 32 pounder (15 kg) cannons. Middle deck: four 8 inch chambered cannons received from Norfolk in 1842 and thirty 32 pounder cannons. Lower deck: four 8 inch chambered cannons and 28 × 32 pounder cannons. Pennsylvania shifted from her launching site to off Chester, Pennsylvania, on 29 November 1837 and was partially manned there the following day. Only 34 of her guns were noted as having been mounted on 3 December 1837. She stood downriver for New Castle, Delaware, 9 December, to receive gun carriages and other equippage before proceeding to the Norfolk Navy Yard for coppering her hull. She departed Newcastle on 20 December 1837 and discharged the Delaware pilot on the 25th. That afternoon she sailed for the Virginia Capes. She came off the Norfolk dry dock on 2 January 1838. That day her crew transferred to Columbia. Pennsylvania remained in ordinary until 1842 when she became a receiving ship for the Norfolk Navy Yard. She remained in the yard until 20 April 1861 when she was burned to the waterline to prevent her falling into Confederate hands. The model is based on drawings from the book The History of the American Sailing Navy by Howard Chapelle and drawings by Jeff Staudt. It will be 8” long 12” wide and 36” high showing 30 gun ports and the main mast up to and including the fighting platform. The framing will all be made from Yellowheart and the rest will be determined latter. I started this build about three months so I have a lot of pictures to post to catch this log up to date. I revised my gantry to accommodate the new model made it wider and taller and added a level.
  13. Before anything, English is not my mother language so please be kind to my mistakes (there will be too many I'm afraid) and lack of nautical jargon. Well, this is my first build. You may think it's a pretty bold move for a beginner to model such an intricate ship as the Royal Louis but I fell in love at first sight with the model at the Musée National de la Marine in Paris a couple years ago. At the time, I had no interest whatsoever in ship modeling, which is a pity, and missed the opportunity of taking hundreds of pictures at the museum. Either way, that's the one... The model at the museum is huge - I think it's larger than 2.5 meters (8.2 feet?). I wanted to build a model ship like everyone in the forum but I live in a small appartment in Sao Paulo Brazil so I had to settle for something smaller. I also didn't want to buy a kit (another risky choice for a rookie) so I got both model ship makers and historical plans to plan my build. In the end, I planned my little Royal Louis to have a 25 cm hull (9.8 inches?) and sit comfortably on a very small shelf when done. Another reason for the small size is that I don't have much time so, a larger model would take too much time preparing the wood, etc etc. I'm no Lloyd Mccafery so my model will be full of flaws and probably horrible in the end, but I guess it's a nice experience and you can only learn stuff by doing it. I really hope I can learn something from it. Lots of stuff will be out of scale or I'll end up using inadequate materials/techniques, but in the end I'll have fun. I used POB as a start as you can see in the next pic... The bulkheads are really thin, so wood was not an option (at least for my poor skills). I tried with a couples different types of wood but all of them felt too brittle to my taste, so the internal false keel / bulkheads were all made of styrene. They do have some flexibility but at least I didn't break all of the bulkheads. So far, so good.
  14. Hi everyone, been building a 1/72 scratch Victory for quite a while now. keep going off the boil and back again (is this normal) and at the mo I`m building or trying. I picked the Victory at 1/72 simply for the fact that jokita do a fine example at that scale thus giving me a wealth of top notch parts to add to my scratch, cannons, photo etch, e.t.c. It will be made as simply as possible with no fancy interior although i am toying with the idea of full cannons on all decks but we will see
  15. hello to all. this is my build log of the royal Louis. I had the frames laser cut out and scaled to 1/72 scale from the plans of 1/90. a company in pennsylvania did the work from plans I sent him. I have started to build her and am working on the1st planking of the hull. the frames and the decks are in place. the deck planking is maple with a cote of clear on them. so far no problems with anything. made my own holders for the false guns. cutting out the gun ports using a scroll saw blade. will post pictures hopefully this weekend if I can figure it out. terry
  16. Plan sheets arrived today - Carta Augusto (Italian Mfg.).... Appear to be very old, maybe 25 or 30 years or more. My friend tells me he has had them forever and doesn't even remember where he got them from. He came across them while looking for something to donate for the April Show in Fayetteville. Actually, after spending hours going over several really fine build logs posted within MSW, except for the patterns for her keel and frames, I'm not too sure there will be much of these plans I will be using in my build. The drawings of all the ornamentation do not represent anything like I want to create after reading Bill Short's extensive research. For the most part, I will be using his interpretation of this ship. Here is his amazing stern creation..... pretty impressive huh? Here goes nothing! Wish me luck (I'll need all I can get).
  17. Hello everyone I have built ship models since I was 14 years and then it was kits, after my children grown up I started to scratch build The 7 Provincien I started building my model in 2000 in a workshop I had in my garage, but since 2005, work have been down because I divorced and moved abroad. but now when I come back to Sweden I start to build again
  18. HMS Royal William in 1719 Historical Background The HMS Royal William in 1719 was the second ship of that name. The first HMS ROYAL WILLIAM was built in 1692 out of the 1670 HMS PRINCE forth. Rebuilt in this the extent of HMS PRINCE were retained, only the appearance has been significantly modernized. It was in honor of King William III. renamed HMS PRINCE in HMS ROYAL WILLIAM. The HMS ROYAL WILLIAM in 1692 was subjected to this Rebuilt in Chatham by shipwright Robert Lee. William III. reigned from 1689 to 1702. He comes from the house of Oranien Nassau. To make in England, he came through the „Glorious Revolution" 1688/89, at the Stuart King James II was deposed. William III. was married to Mary II Stuart. Mary II Stuart died on December 28, 1694th . After the death of William III. by Maria's sister, Anne Stuart power. Quenn Anne was the last British queen tables from the House of Stuart. Anne reigned from 1702 to 1714. The English Parliament cleared the way for George I from the House of Hanover with the „Act of Settlement“. George I ruled Great Britain from 1714 to 1727. In the reign of George I., the second much Rebuilt HMS ROYAL WILLIAM. In 1719, she was subjected to this Rebuilt in Portsmouth by ship builder John Naish. You still kept the name HMS ROYAL WILLIAM. Rebuilt in 1756 during her next she was from a first rate to a seconde rate of 84 cannon built back. She was one of the ships of the Royal Navy with the longest period of service and was scrapped in 1813. Of the HMS ROYAL WILLIAM, there are three models in the NMM in London and one in Annapolis from the Rogers Collektion. Although the HMS ROYAL WILLIAM is one of the best documented ships of the Royal Navy, so there are very large differences in the models. In this I'll talk more about in the course of my building report. My ROYAL WILLIAM is based on the plans of Euromodel. The keel and the frames are made of poplar plywood and the hull was built of pinewood. After a little bit of boxwood and pear only came to use. Now some pictures, I will soon, when I have more time, to write much more. Regards Kay I hope you understand my bad english, I will learn it here in the forum definitely better.
  19. I started to build the Santisima in 2002 using the plans from the spanish web site. Here are some photos of the start of the build
  20. Starting my build log back up for the new site. This is the HMS Alfred timbering set from Lumberyard. The ship is the 74 gun HMS Alfred from 1778. Scale is 1/8". The framing is Swiss pear wood, and the build will also include some cherry, rosewood, apple, maple, South American boxwood and ebony for the details and planking as included with the set. The ship is being built upside down using the Harold Hahn method which isn't a bad way to do it, but I would never do again as it wastes way too much wood for my liking. My plan is to fully plank one side of the ship and leave the other side unplanked. My plan is to fully plank the gun deck and not include any of the interior details below that level, then to leave some of the upper deck exposed to see down into the gundeck. I'm finding this scale to be a bit on the difficult side, but the model is a nice manageable size. This certainly isn't a speed build, but most of the framing is done. Adam
  21. I think I was amember of this forum a long time ago? does anyone remember my ship model of the Uss Pennsylvania of 1837? My Name is Greg I am 56 years old and the ship is about 90% finished now.
  22. Hello: My name is Luis and I live in Mexico City. I have always admired the ships from the napoleonic era. I have built scale models for quite a few years now, both scratch and from kits, but this is the first time I post a building log. This ship is the spaniard 80 gunner "Neptuno". Built in 1795 in El Ferrol shipyards, in Spain, she fought at Trafalgar under Captain Cayetano Valdez's command. Taken by the British after a four hour combat, she was recaptured by the Spanish crew but was beached and lost during the storm that followed the battle. The model will be completely stratch-built, out of styrene, cardboard, basswood and balsa wood. Cutting out the paper templates for the frames. Designs for transom and stern gallery False keel. The material is styrene False keel, keel and rudder Stem Frames, starting from stern Quarterdeck
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