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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. 9 hours ago, Kevin number whatever said:

    It appears that the Hobbyzone company is not doing business. I looked for this slipway jig on their site and it is shown as temporarily out of stock (plus some other products) so I contacted them to ask how long before they would be restocked. The answer was a terse "tomorrow" which I can only presume was an attempt at sarcasm as two weeks later it is still at the same status and my follow-up query was ignored.  


    Welcome to MSW.


    Are you dealing directly with Poland or the US stockist?

  2. Remember, particulates aren't generally the worst offender. You need to look at fumes.


    Not all acrylic paints are created equal. The carrier substrate can be a factor on how you should tackle exhaust materials. Some acrylics have a water base, but some have a lacquer base. In any respect, you don't want to breathe any of this crap in. At the very least, use a face mask with an active carbon filter cartridge.


    You get one set of lungs. Don't risk them.

  3. No, what I'm simply saying is that when you want to insert a photo within your post/topic, and definitely within your build logs, it just makes more sense to attach/upload them when you are making your post. It's easier than using third-party hosting sites.


    This topic isn't referencing use of other images and whether you have the right to use them. That is an entirely different subject and we have other topics here discussing that. This isn't a thread about copyright.

  4. 8 minutes ago, VTHokiEE said:

    While I’m not exactly thrilled (especially since I set up a self hosting platform a week or so ago 🙂), I’ll try to make the switch. I assume this is accomplished by adding attachments when I’m creating a post? 

    That's correct!


    Dead simple to use. Easier than copy/pasting links from 3rd-party hosting sites.

  5. 6 hours ago, Sailor1234567890 said:

    Saw a FB group about building this model, I presume it's your group James? Started just the other day. I'd love to see a 1:64 Victory kit out there. Somthing to strive for one day. Once I build some other 1:64 kits. I'll be watching this closely. As well as the FB group. That is a gargantuan hull and 1:64 allows some nice detail. 


    It does look pretty impressive. I still can't believe the design of the new kit with cannon ports built into the frames, so no worry about alignment. 


    This is the Facebook group I help to run:




    Also, look at these two hulls. Both designed by the same guy (Chris), but over a decade apart. On the left is his 1:72 Victory from Caldercraft, and the right is the 1:64 Amati. The Caldercraft kit is just stunning, so I can't wait to see the Amati when it soon lands here. 



  6. 8 hours ago, RussR said:

    Is there any reason why this model doesn't have any info about it here or on that forum that advocates model piracy.  It has a decent scale and by a good manufacture. 

    There is a 68 part construction video on youtube:  https://www.agesofsail.com/ecommerce/essex-(occre-1:60).html

    It does't look like a very complicated build.

    And it is on sale here: https://www.agesofsail.com/ecommerce/essex-(occre-1:60).html





    It will be featured here soon,

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