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Everything posted by Bindy

  1. I really like this saying!! I also like "Steve's Glacial Progress Boat Works" because everyone knows that Glaciers are some of the most incredible and beautiful things on the planet
  2. I love the sails Danny! (And I am glad it wasn't me trying to drill the holes after the shroud lines were on haha)
  3. Wow that looks so good Popeye, but I do think you are more the scratch than the bash I love the photo angles too thank you although I think I might need to sit down for a few minutes and recover from the vertigo haha
  4. Hiya Bucknbarney, Sorry but I am not help at all with your question and completely out of my depth on this one. But I do have absolute confidence in you coming up with a solution! If I say your ideas are bad and crazy but in a good way does that help?
  5. Hi Anja, A big congratulations from me too! When I read your words I can tell you really are so happy and excited with the challenges of your new job and that is just so nice to read! This hobby (and community) is a wonderful place but you spend so many hours at work you just have to be happy so that the rest of each week is happy too. Like everybody else I will be following your ship and seeing the progress when you get time to relax with her. Congrats again!
  6. Hmmm the only comment I can think of is .. "That looks just perfect !"
  7. I know your pain! I have had the 100% correct numbers each week for the last three weeks myself. Sadly, the Lottery people had the wrong ones though
  8. Congrats on your new furry family member! The ones that leave us can never be replaced ( I was so sorry too to read of your loss ), but every home is happier for new padded footsteps!
  9. Get well soon Ollie! I do agree with you, but I also have to say that I love the look of your ship both ways (painted and unpainted). Either way, it looks fantastic!
  10. Wow Karl, If you didn't post the step by step pictures (thank you, thank you for doing them) I would never believe this was a wooden canon made by hand. Your work is just incredible! Words don't do it justice!
  11. Nooooooo Well on a plus side I guess you get a 1. a shiny new keel; 2. knowledge that the new keel will be perfect and you can be happy and proud of for years to come; and 3. The "Incredible Hulk" award for "strongest" keel straightener of 2014!
  12. Hi Bcso7, Your Bismark really is coming along so well and the natural light pics show just how good it looks! Get well soon!
  13. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! And today's award for most unique way of writing a build log goes to ...... CaptainSteve! *the crowd goes wild* I will grab my sanga and open a beer and wait for your next post with anticipation
  14. Hahahaha what a good solution to messy superglue! I am sorry to read about your work/employment difficulties and sure hope that all works out the best for you Nenad!
  15. Great work on the Wheelhouse Bala, that looks great!
  16. Hi again Danny! Wow, the ratlines are coming along fantastically! I have to admit you made my heart stop when I read the words "lesson learnt - CA Glue is flammable" !! I am very happy to see you still have a ship for me to follow along with haha
  17. Hi Dan, I just found your log too and am sorry I missed your build. But I have to say the final result is amazing! Thank you for sharing, and also thank you for the extra photos showing some of the finer detail. I really am in awe at your work
  18. The bent flags look perfect Denis! Congrats on getting them how you like them in the end!
  19. Hi Bala, I know exactly how you feel! If you think Isocol is fun, just wait until you try Acetone on the CA Glue/Superglue haha. I think I keep making mistakes just so i can undo them again. But seriously, I am glad you are redoing the parts you were not so happy with and this way you can be forever proud of yourself every time you look at your ship! Keep having fun!
  20. I made it just in time! This sounds like a great project and I can't wait to see each and every step!
  21. Hahahahahaha I think you lost your argument (and wasted $50) about appearing not very manly by revealing you even know what Hello Kitty stickers are! It's ok, I won't give you up to your Admiral though hahaha
  22. That looks fantastic Ollie! And thank you for the video so we can see it how it really is. Great job!
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