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Everything posted by Bindy

  1. Hi Steve! I think the final result looks great too! What a great recovery and thank you for the lesson about staining as that is exactly what I would have done too
  2. Great work on the gunwales Jesselee! I wouldn't even thought of the nails damaging the wood as it bent myself so thank you for the lesson! I hope you didn't get too much sawdust in your tea. I nice biscuit might be a better choice than soggy sawdust for a snack
  3. You really are making quick progress! I can't wait to see (and steal) the method of caulking that works best for you
  4. That looks terrific Captainsteve! The interior colour has transformed it from "fantastic" to umm, ahhh, "more fantastic"? And although the red and white checkered ocean does set it off, I think it will still look just as good with a more traditional stand and base ....
  5. Haha I don't know how anyone could be cruel! I know I am only new at model ship building but for a "before sanding" series of photos I think it looks terrific! I really was surprised reading about not having enough planks though!
  6. A big congrats on your daughter's Master's Degree! And a congrats to you on making your very own Ikea desk! But 2500 to 3000 books ????????????? How on earth do you find time to build ships, work, look after your beautiful house and shave your cat?
  7. What an interesting project! And your deck with the pigment looks just perfect too
  8. And let me be the second! I really am looking forward to following along and watch (and learn) what little upgrades you do I do agree with you about folded up plans though!
  9. Hi Jay! Thank you for a wonderful video tutorial! Haha you should not be embarrassed at all! Although I don't have your tools, it really was a learning experience to see them in action thank you. However, I did learn some really helpful tips from something as simple (but useful) as labeling my drill sizes, to your clamping method with the peg and the board (what a great idea) and how you made the eye bolts was just so clever and easy. Thank you again! You really have helped me
  10. That really is looking great Grant! And congrats on your new bandsaw too
  11. What a great start John! I may not be able to offer much help or advice, but I will be here to cheer you along and hopefully steal some hints and tips from you haha.
  12. Reading you are feeling a bit better is the best news I have had in a long time! Happy modelling (and teaching us) Danny!
  13. Wow, just wow Nenad, Your deck looks fantastic now it is complete. I hope the next step goes just as well for you, but I also hope your cat doesn't end up getting shaved
  14. You HAVE been busy! What a clever jig! Thank you so much for the photos and explanations of how you are making these carriages, as you make it so easy to understand but also to appreciate your skills
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