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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. I think masters doing card models are exquisite and well done. Question is will card models hold up to the elements that wood provides?
  2. Bruce, thanks for the encouragement, I am trying hard, doing all the required Pt exercises and then some. I don't have to stand to build, just have access. Yes I would love to follow along with your Mediator. Can you send me the link? I am using my phone to access the site! It will be awhile before I get to my computers. Regards, Guy The Learner
  3. Well life sure gets in the way! I definitely got side tracked for quite sometime and now find myself recuperating from lower left leg amputation, it like it will be a long time before I ever get back to the triton build. Sorry guys, perhaps I can change my name from the learner to "peg leg" Regards. The learner
  4. Yes Greg the tops definitely look better this way and I cannot wait until you apply David's carvings. When you say Chuck did the tops for you are they cut in one piece or many pieces to be built up? like his blocks etc??
  5. What ever push stick you make sure to keep your fingers away as far as possible! EDITED OUT GRAPHIC PHOTO, ADMIN
  6. Greg are you bringing her to the Ventura Conferance?
  7. There are a lot of suppliers here so I am sure you will not have any problems find a supplier there.
  8. Wow fantastic job on the hinges, are they the correct thickness? looks a bit thick to me but might be the pictures. The build is really progressing nicely and I love the shop, wish mine looked that good!
  9. Great time lapse, are you using MS powerpoint? I see you are keeping your helper busy, train her well we need more expert wemon in this hobby.
  10. Thank you for taking time to draw out and enhance your description for the deck height marker! The picture is worth a thousand words! and a copy will definitely go into my box of tricks file.
  11. Impressive jig, what does the horizontal thumb screw do? It appears it holds the ebony marker in place or does it allow for height adjustment? I know stupid question, but just curious.
  12. What is the difference between left and right capsquare? The angle of the frame? At 1/4 scale or less is there enough difference to be noticable if you only make a straight capsquare? On the jig to get left and right is it the angle of the pin thats inserted in the jig right? Well explained, thank you.
  13. Doris so sorry to hear of your loss, I am sure that your husband was very proud of you and your work, it is fantastic!
  14. Fantastic job on the cabin detail! What is the process for making the cushions/mattresses? Perhaps a seperate log.
  15. Bob Thanks for the link! https://uses.plantnet-project.org/en/Ficus_(PROSEA_Timbers) A prostrate or climbing shrub, reaching up to 10 m or more, creeping and clinging close to walls or tree trunks by means of numerous aerial rootlets, ultimate branches 30-80 cm long, erect. Leaves dimorphous, two-ranked, on sterile branches ovate, 1.5-3 cm long and shortly petioled, on fertile branches oblong, 5-10 cm long and with long petioles; figs solitary in the axils of leaves, pyriform, 40-60 mm long, yellow-brown pilose when young, ripening glabrous, red to dark blue. Male flowers in many rows, filling the distal half of the fig, stipitate with 2-3 stamens, female flowers sessile or shortly stipitate. F. pumila is an increasingly common feature in urban areas. I will definitely save as much of the larger pieces that I can when I do cut it down, this plant will take over and does grow fast!
  16. Yes i spent several hours on internet looking for reference to fig ivy wood before i posted this here, the next step will be the library ... a little difficult right now. I can not believe how hard it is!
  17. I had trimmed some fig ivy in my back yard last year and had saved several crooked pieces and set off to the side. This week I cleaned them up and removed the bark. The wood is cream color, has no visible grain and the wood is hard as all get out. Has any one ever used this wood or know where I can find information about wood and has any one in the Community used this wood?
  18. Be interesting to see what you will be able to do with the Mini CNC, will be following your use along with the rest of your build. I have been a little hesitant in purchasing one because of the cost and learning curve. The prices are comming down but I am getting older making the learning curve harder!
  19. Looks like it will be a nice model how is your progress on the build?
  20. Thanks Andre, will look for it here.
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