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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. Nice work! any more progress or pictures
  2. A very nice model! I like that you are showing her in the throes of her final days with gun ports open. Given all the information available now, how accurate do you feel is Airfix's representation of her is?
  3. Fantastic build! The master has finished another piece of art.
  4. Thanks Ed! Following your builds have been wonderful learning experience and look forward to you next project. Question are you going to post a build log for the PS HOPE? And why did you decide to use this ship for your new book as there is already a lot of material published describing her.
  5. Nice build! Photos on p2-48,52,57 and 3-65 are not available, could you repost? If you are still actively build.
  6. Where are you Cpt Tom? I hope you are still with us? what you have built so far looks good
  7. You know you've done a fantastic job when even the pros ooo and aww! Fantastic work. There are a lot of jealous people out here including me!
  8. I think you scared him off! Hope not.
  9. Don't stop now, you have a good start. Would'nt hurt to get some proper plans.
  10. Thank you for the re-build, quite an interesting ship as read in Marquats book.
  11. The carvings will make a nice addition to the quality and beauty of the model. Great start.
  12. My pleasure! Will you fully rig the pickle?
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