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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. A strong power vent at peak to pull in that morning air before you turn on that air-conditioner you're going to purchase. HD Carrie's the ones Bob is talking about. And I see you are putting in the proper insulation.
  2. Sweet build, you have been a busy boy! The type of wood you are using? looks like Pear wood. You might want to do some inside planking if you are going to keep the framing somewhat open.
  3. Andre, none of the pictures you posted in #39 and #42 can not be viewed, they are either too big or did not upload correctly. Looking foward to your future post. The build looks fantastic!
  4. Looks like you have a good start. Spend some time perusing some of the other builds similar to yours. This will give you some experience on how to proceed with your build. Keep posting your progress and you will get plenty of responses on what you need to do and how to proceed, good luck Alan S
  5. Sweet! Definately a very interesting build with the exposed frames and interiour layouts. Looks like you have kept the lighting to a minimum that truley represents what a lantern would look like. I look foward to your future additions to the log. The finished SR looks like a fantastic build, I think I will learn a lot from this build.
  6. Bet you can't wait until you start working in the shipyard again! The new shop is looking good.
  7. Hi Greg! The mast and tops look great, onward and upward! Do you plan on bring her to the conference next year at the VCMM? I keep forgetting they changed the name when they moved the Museum, its Channel islands MM.
  8. Bit late but excellent carving and documentations. A great guide for one not sure about one's ability at carving, me included!
  9. You have all the experts oowing and awwing! A fantastic and most professional build.... enjoyed your pictures, instructions and research that you have put into this build. Looks foward to completion.
  10. Well done! Enjoyed all pictures and research documentation of your construction for this model.
  11. A very interesting JIG you have the GEMMA sitting in/on care to expunge on it? You are doing a beautiful job on your framing, perfect joints!
  12. What scale have you actually decided to build in? Glad to see you have rebooted. Look foward to following your build!
  13. Maple is good and easily available, can you mill your own? Pear is better and easiest to work with as less grain than maple. And what your pocket book can afford too, but the preference is up to you as there are many good woods that can be used.
  14. Looks good, both builds! Looking foward to the continuation of your Triton build, stay safe
  15. Ok time for me to get back to this build. I need to straighten out some of the frames and rework the gun ports that have opened up or were located in the incorrect plane, not square, irregular or insufficient size of the cross beam. I will start with building up the insides. I have decided I will do no masting or rigging so I will have to show as much of the interior construction as possible and keep the exteriour as open as possible. Bon voyage!
  16. Well done model, finished or unfinished it is beautiful!
  17. Interesting! For research you might find some helpful research at Texas A&M. Look at the Thesis that are published there. There are a lot of them are downloadable.
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