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Everything posted by FrankWouts

  1. I looked in our teachers’, Chuck’s and Mike’s logs and they have seem to have done it a little different too, so there’s not really a right or wrong I guess? I hope you don’t mind reposting your pictures, Chuck and Mike? Chuck: Mike:
  2. It seems to be a little off, but not that severe. What I don’t understand though is how you guys all can end up in the middle of stern piece ST-D with the lower part of the wales and make the stern print fit exactly… Should the instructions instead say “the lower part of the wales should touch exactly between steen parts ST-C and ST-D”? Then the print seems to fit exactly…
  3. That’s ofcourse the most obvious thing to check, I’ll do that, thanks! Hopefully it’s only just a matter of flattening the curve, as I ended exactly in the middle of stern piece D with the bottom of the wales as per the instructions.
  4. As a beginner, I have a question though. Is this how the bottom of the wales should touch the lower counter? Or should I sand that pointy edge of the lower counter round?
  5. Thanks JJ! I’m enjoying every inch forming, sanding and glueing and not thinking about how much work lies ahead before reaching chapter 9. Hobbying in the moment as with ‘mindfulness’ hahaha… Placed the second batten now and checking hights per bulkhead port and starboard now. As it’s almost evening now here, so I’ll put her aside in a few moments, read ahead further in chapter two in Chucks very clear instructions. I will eyeball the two battens tomorrow morning in first daylight and maybe make some last adjustments in ‘curve tension’ before using my 3B pencil to mark the lines for the bottom of the wales …
  6. Lovely, simply beautiful work and very good tips making life easier on the gun carriage wheels: thanks! Frank.
  7. Thanks all and also for the likes! This is very encouraging! Yes! Two weeks Christmas holidays finally after working long hours for many, many weeks…finally some time to catch up in my now well-known slow but steady pace… Chapter two, here we go with step 1: getting the gentle S-curve in the batten port and starboard for the bottom of the wales.
  8. Corrected the upper sides of the transom filler pieces I forgot to sand before glueing them in. Checked with the transom piece if I’m still within reasonable boundaries, symmetrical and even. When the bowsprit hole in the bollards piece and in place, I now finally will finish chapter 1 this weekend.
  9. Thanks Steve! I have to work harder on my Winnie than for my boss then! Yours looks very good as well! Friday and yesterday worked 12 and 10 hours.
  10. Getting hungry seeing that stove! Feel like throwing in some pork, chicken and beef! Nice pint of grog or beer with it would be nice too…🍗🥩🥃🍺😉👍🏻
  11. Looking good Steve! You earn 100 points extra from me when scroll sawing your own keel and bulkheads…I cowardly bought the laser cutted stuff from Chuck and it is spot on, I couldn’t beat that in a thousand years with my sawing talents…But then ofcourse now I again miss some practice. So I’m already thinking of after this first one in Alaskan Yellow Cedar, build a Cherry version, both wood colors are so beautiful! Perhaps you can correct that very small bend in your keel when gluing the bulkheads? Or are you afraid risking good precise made bulkheads on the bent keel? Anyway, very warm welcome and I’ll be following your build log as well! Frank.
  12. Small update cutting the bollards. First version, I think the head’s a little too thin or small In this version compared to other pictures here, now I see mine on picture, not? Frank.
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