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Everything posted by FrankWouts

  1. A small update before I’m off for a week Holidays at Lago di Garda, Italy. I finished fairing the transom. I managed to get the rounding in it on Chuck’s advice and everything came out equally heightwise starboard and portside. Except for fairing the underside, which seems a bit more complex and which I have to look at again. Hopefully this afternoon I can still finish the q-gallery framing.
  2. In fact that was all that was needed exactly, I just got rid of the laser char on the tops and bottoms and then it fitted exactly on both the plans and my transom. Yes, I’m afraid to make mistakes in this early stage that cannot or are very difficult to correct later Thanks, Frank.
  3. I first formed every filler as an exact copy from the ‘picture’ in the paper plans, and still on the real transom the ‘drawing’ is different than on paper: mysterious! 😀
  4. Not exactly how I want it to be outlined yet, but is this roughly what you tried to tell me Chuck? My plan is to start with the center pair, line them up and glue the filler piece inbetween (while again checking the lining up of the (two) stern frames and window sills/fillers). Ofcourse try to twist the stern framing as little as possible, so the second strip on the second photo for the third stern frame should better be clamped on the left side of the false keel, for less twist. Then the next pair and glue the next two filler pieces, then the outermost pair. I see in other builds people use the stern outline piece also to line up, check the window outlining.
  5. Beautiful progress Bob, keep that beautiness and ofcourse the updates going, always a real pleasure to watch and read! By the way, I took a sneak peak on google maps at Delray Beach and those are some nice surroundings! Any Dutch immigrants there?
  6. Thanks, yes that’s a clear explanation Chuck. I’ll try this tomorrow by first daylight as it’s already dark now here (21:37h local CET).
  7. No it’s not pushed back, it’s shadow working in the picture due to some residual laser char… Thanks for the tip however when in fact they would have been pushed back by a 32nd. But luckily all is flush from bow to stern…
  8. I have a question, or two before I start gluing the fillers … The vertical stern pieces are glued on and dry now. They’re level and symmetrical from the vertical heartline, they have the correct angle viewed from both sides and total width when viewed from the back, as I checked with a cardboard template with a level print glued on it from the drawings (no.2). However, the tops of all two pairs of middle pieces A and B are not exactly in one line when viewed from the top, which would be a coïncidence if they were I think. When clamped with a straight piece of wood, they can easily be forced in one line when glueing in the fillers later. But should they be in a straight line right now, or should they be in a gentle bow when viewed from the top? And then the window spacers 1 to 5… What’s the best reference line to get the window fillers 1 to 5 in the exact position? (They’re not glued on, ofcourse.) I managed to get them right I think with the six cutout prints from drawing 2. I drew a wrong reference line on vertical stern piece print no.1, the most left one as you can see. Checking with a cutout it seems all correct, but a hair too low or too high can spoil a nice clean flow of the horizontal (and vertical) line over all window sills later…
  9. Looking good and beautiful colourful and warm wood tones in an evenso beautiful build! Frank.
  10. Looking good! You sure have a good building temp, lots quicker that mine! I'm measuring everything three times, reading again and again as a beginner...you must have a lot of experience? Cheers, Frank.
  11. Hi Jorge, Great to see you finally sharing your build with us! I will sure follow your build! First of all, I have the greatest and deepest respect for people like you who saw everything themselves! I see you also make the connections in the keel etc. as they actualy should be, wow! Keep the updates coming! Cheers, Frank.
  12. Here a better picture that shows the starboard forward gunport frames are flush and not placed backward some. Now I’m going to spend my Sunday on the stern parts.
  13. Thanks Matt! Steady towards the end of chapter 1, no rush…though it feels like miles and miles behind, looking at the chapter 6 and 7 stuff in other beautiful builds. Okay, I’ll try that later on my PC. Cheers, Frank.
  14. Hi Mike, you’re right, it looks strange in the picture indeed, it’s straight and flat in real life though. It looks as if some left over laser char or shadow plays tricks with the eye here. The vertical piece of the gun port touches the upper cut off frame piece right in the middle like it does below. Together with some laser char that throws a shadow in the upper area of the vertical piece, it looks as if it falls back a little, but in fact it doesn’t… Thanks for looking and checking Mike!
  15. Small update: finished fairing the gunport framing yesterday, I’m now measuring the position and corner of the stern framing parts. I noticed the order of the pictures is from bottom to top...don't know why this happens.... I wanted to show the first (not finished fairing) pictures with the pencil lines on the framing following the earlier faired hull, a tip I read in the build lgo of Paul (PRS). Thanks Paul!
  16. Paul, Just checking your earlier builds and your way of working is even more methodical than mine... Very inspiring, good tips and techniques with beautiful results! Frank.
  17. Hi Paul, no ofcourse not, you're very welcome! The more the merrier and I can use some extra hawk's eyes who spot early errors! I'm only working slow as I'm quite unexperienced, only tried to build Corel's Victory some 30-35 years ago and unfinished as there were errors in gun port placement due to poor instructions for beginners back then.
  18. Thanks for the nice words and likes you all, advice (which is never too late, as more hull filing and sanding will follow after this one!) and tips! Here a little update where I stand now. Slowly progressing towards the end of chapter 1. Scary business to saw parts of the bulkheads away…
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