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Everything posted by _SalD_

  1. Thanks Gary & Thomas, it's nice to be appreciated. And as always thanks for all the likes.
  2. Chuck, all I can say is your coils good great and if you ever decide to market them at Syren please let me know I'll be first in line. For the life of me I can't make a decent rope coil.
  3. Thanks Dirk, George & Elijah for the nice comments. She is coming alive, don't you just love rigging.
  4. The boom and gaff were assembled as per the drawings and as you can see I decided to paint them black. Finding out the hard way, there is one boo-boo on the drawing. The cleats shown mid-span on the gaff are in the wrong position. They should be located on the sides of the gaff and not the top & bottom as shown on the drawing. I also decided to put the foot ropes on the boom before it was installed on the ship. I went to rig the boom’s topping lifts and discovered I had missed two blocks under the main top when installing them in chapter 17. They are the two blocks attached to the trestle trees. Using a pin vise and lots of patience the holes were drilled below the top and the blocks installed. At the end of the boom topping lift paragraph it says, “Note the “leg” of .008 rigging that runs from the topping lift to the boom. It is shown on the rigging plans. This should be rigged as well.” I don’t believe this is shown on the drawings or at least I couldn’t find it but I think it’s the line shown on page 122 in chapter 20. The staysail rigging was installed per the instructions and the only change I made was to seize some left over split rings to the end of the downhauls instead of making eyes. Now I need more rope coils, my least favorite thing to make.
  5. captgino just catching up with all your builds!! Where do you find the time? New kid, new house, new degree and building three ships, wow. The ships look terrific, nice work.
  6. Thanks Bob, Elijah, Craig, Captgino, Thomas & Jack for all the nice comments and thanks to all for the likes. Elijah, she's not finished yet but getting closer. Still need to do all the yards and their rigging. Craig, It's a great kit and I'm sure you'll enjoy building her. The only major parts I replaced were the cannonades that I got from Bluejacket. I also use the 3mm hooks from the Syren Model Co. SOS, I'll need to send out the press gangs to come up with a crew.
  7. Elijah great work on the stern, she coming along nicely. It appears you've got a lot of great help out there in Chicago.
  8. Rudder coat looks great Jesse. It was good you did it while you could still turn the ship upside down, makes it a lot easier. Sorry to hear about your health issues, wishing you well and stay strong.
  9. I finally finished the standing rigging and I must say this was a challenging chapter. Since I had installed the lower and upper shrouds for the fore mast while I was doing the main mast the rigging for the fore mast went a little quicker. Like the main mast I found it beneficial to install and temporarily secure the topgallant stay and royal stay prior to fixing the royal backstay. This is also when the dyslectic shipwright showed up. I always make a point of going over the directions a number of times to make sure I’m installing the parts on the proper side of the ship but even after doing this I installed the topgallant stay to the port side and the royal stay to the starboard, opposite to the directions. After a few choice words I decided to leave them as is because I figured nobody, well maybe Dirk, would notice anyway. To avoid this happening again I thought I would make a little visual aid. I just need to add some rope coils to finish up.
  10. Thanks Lawrence, I do find doing the rigging enjoyable. Thanks Al, Since this is my first ship of this kind I don't really know the best way for doing the yards. For this ship I will be following Chuck's manual and I haven't read that far ahead yet so I should find out pretty soon.
  11. Nice work Bob. Shroud gang looks great, nicely served. Good luck with the rat lines.
  12. Welcome aboard Telp and thank you for the nice compliments, they're most appreciated.
  13. Thanks Richard, it's a pleasure to have you following along.
  14. Dirk, Elijah, Duff, George & Thomas, thanks for looking in and the kind words and for all the likes.
  15. Not a lot of pictures with this post, it’s getting hard to take a decent picture of all the rigging, I think I need a better back drop. Most of the rigging for the main mast went according to the manual. One thing I did different was when I installed the main topgallant and royal stays. The manual had you installing the main topgallant and royal backstays first and then the stays but I found that when I applied the least bit of tension to the backstays there was a large deflection in the topgallant mast. To help offset this deflection I installed the main topgallant and royal stays but only temporarily. I ran the line from the main mast, through the block on the fore mast and down to the fore top and used an alligator clip to hold the end of the stay to the top. This helped a lot keeping the topgallant from not moving to much while tying the backstays in place. Another little deviation was while I was making the shrouds for the main mast I also made them for the fore mast. I didn’t secure them at this time but just placed them in position on the mast heads and then draped them out of the way. I did this before rigging the main topgallant and royal stays so I could make sure I got the blocks for these stays on the fore mast in their correct position, above the shroud gangs. I'm hoping that's right, not doing this before it seems to make sense that they're above the shrouds. I came into possession of some extra 2.5 mm deadeyes so I thought I would try making my own bullseyes for the stays. I have to admit trying to drill out a deadeye is not the easiest thing to do, but with patience it can be done. These were seized to the ends of the main topgallant and royal stays and then the lanyard was run through the bullseye and eyebolt on the fore top.
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