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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. She looks perfect Matt. It's absolutely perfect what you (and the Squirrels of ST1) have done with her. If you were looking for any opinions from the "horde", the only thing I might think about changing, is the location of the barrels on top of the windlass. Maybe scatter them a bit, making the windlass appear more ready to use. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing. No matter how you decide to do it, it's fantastic. Well done sir! Well done. Cheers
  2. With your attention to details Dennis, she's going to absolutely be something to be marveled. Nice! Cheers
  3. Fine looking grapnel Matt! Reminds me of that movie----"To the last, I will grapnel with thee!" ----or was that "grapple"?
  4. I think we'd all like to get a hold of some of the same squirrels he's using. I wonder what methods he's employed to fend off that evil Beaver Horde.
  5. She looks great Captain!! You've done a marvelous job on her, and I believe the almighty "congrats" are in order. Cheers
  6. Not to berate them, but another thing I found with MM was their pricing practices. As a for-instance, Excel's "Ship Modelers Knife Kit" is priced at $65, and with just a little shopping around, I found the exact same thing at ME for $50. All I'm saying is, there's making a profit, then there's just out and out greed. Don't get me wrong, if you're looking for something, they're one of the most well-stocked outlets out there, and they'll probably have what you need. Ah---shopping around's always a good idea anyway.
  7. No doubt, outstanding work Danny. It'll probably take me 10 years to get my "Connie" to look that good, if then.
  8. She looks fantastic Tom. Good method you've developed for rigging the cannon. Gonna have to remember that for when I start mine. Every month brings me that much closer, but I always get the "itch" every time I check on yours. Cheers
  9. My reasons for taking the plunge with the Byrnes tools was precision, well-built, and most of all, the noise factor. I can't hear the saw over the sound of the vac I have hooked to it, which is a major plus in an apartment type setting.
  10. You're off to a fine start, and I can only echo what Steve and Tom have said. Cheers
  11. Nice work on those galleries Tom! I also like the barrel-height jig. As far as the stripe goes, I've always seen it extended to the galleries, but of course, that would be your call to make. Cheers
  12. Your Aggie's looking better and better all the time Sjors. I'd stick with your HD camera, so we can keep seeing all those great details.
  13. She looks fantastic there Captain. I take it you have provided for safe transport for the "Bring your Launch to Work Day" , a protective case of some kind? It would be a shame to see her get wounded in the process. Something like that might cause you great annoyance and displeasure. Cheers and congrats on a job well done!
  14. Nice job Dennis! I think these guys are right when they say it will be sad to see this build end.
  15. She's getting her width now John. Yards and rigging look great! Cheers
  16. From what I understand, his family is going to keep the site open in his name at least for the time being. A subscription is $45 US for access to the vids and other info.
  17. Don't know much about this ship Dave, but on other ships with a gun deck, the gun-ports pretty much follow the line of the deck, just like the spar deck. But as I said, I don't know much about this ship's design, so I'm probably wrong.
  18. She looks outstanding Dennis! Amazing work as always. Cheers
  19. Those tiny blocks are microscopic Larry, but I'm sure you'll work through it. She looks awesome with her teeth in place. Very nice!
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