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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Thanks for clarifying on your process Popeye. That sounds like a more authentic process for flags. Do you ever have the problem with the ink running when it hits the fabric?
  2. Popeye, something tells me my printer would fall apart if I tried something like running sail cloth through it. The decals aren't a bad idea, but the paper and foil method seems to be okay for now. I might try out the decal paper for some other plastic subjects I'm working on though. I've got a couple of tanks and planes that are going to need some markings. Sjors, thanks for the spot reservation. I'm going to be working on the ship's boats tonight. I'll get some pictures posted as I get these hung.
  3. Tim, the rubber cement worked perfectly. It took some figuring on what to use because there isn't much that will really stick to the foil.
  4. Nils, thanks for the praise. It means a lot to me to receive compliments from such talented builders.
  5. Andy, that ship is incredibly large. I'm sure you mentioned it and I'm just blind, but what is her overall length?
  6. Bob, the riveting detail you have put into the bulwarks is incredible. It goes without saying that the metal stancions you have fabricated are tiny works of art in themselves. When the day comes that we all get together to show off our work, I will definitely raise a glass to your Cutty Sark.
  7. Hey Bob, thanks for the kind words. I printed the flags on regular good old paper and sandwiched the foil in between the two pieces. You have to really exaggerate the round bends in the flag because they spring back somewhat. I'm sure there is a better way than using regular paper. The idea for the flags came from Tim, aka schooner, and it's a method I think I will use for good.
  8. John, thanks for stopping by and for your compliment. Of course we'd all like to see you start yours sooner, but this is definitely a hobby that can't be rushed. I have finished with flags. I got the famous "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" flag and the Pennsylvania state flag hung from their masts. I included a picture of all three flags hung and I like the effect the foil gives to them. This leaves me with the ship's boats and some touch up painting here and there and I'm finished with her.
  9. That is very nice work on the stern framing. Those self-healing mats are very nice to work on.
  10. Ben, that is a sweet looking keel. Your work on this is very crisp and clean.
  11. Sailor and Augie, thanks for dropping in for a look. Popeye, I should have another small update tonight. Sjors, I'll see what I can do for the flag you have suggested.
  12. My many thanks goes out to Tim for the tip on realistic looking flags. I had scoured this website for ideas and tried several out. I had limited success with using the aluminum from a beer can and found it to be a little stiff. The foil did the trick though. I've included some pictures of my process. I've finished with the 15 star flag and will hang the "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" flag tomorrow. I know... I know... A rather small update, but I did include pictures and I am making progress. As always thanks for looking in and if you have criticism to offer, let me have it.
  13. Larry and Bob, thanks for the kind compliments. I'd like to get some flags and boats hung tonight. We'll see...
  14. Sjors and Ben, thanks again for looking in and the words of encouragement.
  15. Tim, that is a fantastic idea. Thanks a million. I will be trying that when I get home from work provided I don't get buried by impending white doom.
  16. The cannons look great Bob. I may follow in your footsteps and order some aftermarket items when I start on my Connie.
  17. Kimberly, nice job with the white stripes and masts. I'm glad you're having good results with the paint pen.
  18. AJ, glad I cold be of some limited help there. Russ and Augie, thanks for looking in. I've got the flags printed up on paper from my printer. My only issue is that I don't think that just paper alone is going to do the trick for me with getting that realistic look. I'm looking for suggestions on if there is something I can adhere these to or another method of making the flags with something besides paper. Popeye, thanks as well for looking in. A three year saga is almost over.
  19. FINISHED WITH RIGGING!!!!!!!!!!! It's time for a beer (or eight). I've got to put some flags and ship's boats on her and I'll notch the old belt for a third time. This has been the most complex rigging I've ever attempted and I have made a ton of mistakes. Most of these mistakes have been left in place because I like the way it looks versus the historical accuracy and it is a good reminder to examine rigging plans more carefully. I should have the ship's boats and flags in place in a couple of days. I'm looking for ideas on flags. I've got the 15 star flag and the famous "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" flag printed up for both sides but I don't think just using paper is going to be enough. Any ideas?
  20. Augie, your Confederacy is awe inspiring. The planking looks outstanding.
  21. The bulwarks look good in red Sjors. The future tells me that your Aggie is going to look awesome and will be a fearsome beast!!! Please keep all those cannons pointed away from me.
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