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Everything posted by clearway

  1. metal bands as opposed to occres rope though Keith
  2. Ty Broden, i think terror did not have made/ composite masts which means the bands would only be needed to hold the cheeks each side of the masts. Keith
  3. believe it or not the set up on yours was and probably still is very much in evidence on recent fishing boats, the compartments either side of the hold are used to stash the boxes of fish with the aforementioned ice. on deck the catch was deposited in the "pound" and a table set up on the starboard side, the fish was then gutted and sorted into boxes according to type (cod in one, herring in another etc etc) we used the baskets fore prawns which back when i was on the boats all had to be "tailed" by twisting the heads off the tails, sometimes around a thousand prawns in a catch)! The fishroom was isolated from the rest of the boat and was only accessed when storing the catch or unloading. I was born in the mid 60's to a fisherman father so was walking around on the old wooden fishing boats from the age of around three! can still remember the polished brass chronometer and barometer in the cabin and the varnished woodwork/ polished brass and the coal stove in the corner, sadly most of them will be gone now. If chasing the herring though they just loaded up and headed back to port (can remember herring boats coming into whitehaven nearly awash and the crew still frantically trying to sort clear the decks as they were 100 feet from the quay they caught that much in one day! Keith
  4. nice work, normally on small fishing vessels like this the catch is sorted into wooden fish crates on deck then stored in the hold and covered with ice (depending on which point in history you are modelling) have also seen some catches stored in wicker baskets on old photos, but when i was on fishing boats the boring old plastic baskets and fishboxes had taken over.
  5. another terror gets the plating treatment😁. You can see why i used the thinner copper self adhesive strip though it does not look as "chunky" as the aluminium. clean the alu just before painting to ensure good bond with paint. Keith
  6. Ty geowolf, as far as i am aware all ships displayed their names (and still do) on the stern though the style and size of lettering did alter. People would have identified ships by their rig and sailplan etc from a distance when the name could not be seen. Keith
  7. you could decide which is going to be the "viewed side" of the ship and make an access panel on the side not in view? Keith
  8. Thanks for comments and views, and glad to see someone else going down the realism road along with keith s and myself Daniel. Back in the shipyard and made/ installed the stern davits (wasn't happy with way occre designed them so made them out of two solid lengths per side tapered along the hull). take care all Keith
  9. Hi Broden- still looking into the mast bands so still not 100%- saying that there is still so much to do on mine it will be a while till i seriously need to apply some grey matter on the subject. Keith
  10. to play devils advocate- you could find a smoke generator out of a model railroad locomotive for the funnel 😉. Though how you would recharge the smoke fluid could be a problem. Keith
  11. best way to work out direction is to see which way the angle of the blades throws the water aft as they cut through the water 😉,
  12. hi seems o.k. to me, if you look on page 8 of the build you see it in operation, it is basically two pieces of wire glued into some scrap planking and bent in a staple shape the space you want the deadeyes set at. place one end on the deadeye on the hull and put the other eye on top set of prongs, then wrap you shroud around and tie off (first tying off shrouds in pairs around crosstrees). Hope that makes sense. Keith
  13. Yep them small drill bits like snapping for fun! based on prototype practice Keith so unfortunately can't charge copyright fees😁 , the real things were made to swing up out of the way when in port or tied up alongside another ship, or in our case being tore off by ice as well! Keith
  14. interesting idea, you could make the section where the philips capstan is on a slightly raised deck and the accommodation hatch removable (though there will be the skids for the boats on stilts there). Keith
  15. Thanks again to everyone who has taken a look so far. Yet more altering of occre fittings😁 (though to be honest a lot of kit manufacturers dumb down on them), and that is the whisker booms on the catheads. I flattened the end of some of the 1mm brass rod and drilled a 0.68mm hole through it and soldered cleats for the jib boom stays. also drilled into the band on the cathead and made wire crutches for the boom to rest on. They are held in place by pins used for planking. take care all and keep up the good work. Keith
  16. What the other keith said daniel😉, i found some elm tree pumps as fittings from either amati or artesania latina (cant remember which now). You can see from keith s and my model you will need to alter occre kit a lot regards fife rails, pumps, masts etc if more realism is your aim (not as hard as it looks at first though). Keith
  17. welcome to the terror club- albeit erebus, keith s and i are having fun making the occre terror actually look like hms terror nevermind changing identity! there were some structural differences on the deck fittings/ boesprit too. the plan in the book (i have this also) is actually for Erebus. Keith
  18. thanks for the comments guys, keiths if you look on previous page i have given a reply on how i taper masts and spars for you (not sure if you seen it) Keith
  19. Thank you for the likes, looks and comments everyone. Back int shipyard and the mantua launch is now finished. Also made a start on the catheads , made new knees out of bass wood to replace the ply kit ones, and drilled/ filed square holes into the hull to take the lower timber take care everyone Keith
  20. nice work with the billboard (that's where the name came from originally) amazing how many expressions/ sayings come from the days of sail. Keith
  21. this is one of the best upgrades i have seen with ye olde airfix kit, years ago i was going to do something similar but replacing the masts and yards with wood/ brass rod. Keith
  22. guns are coming along great and nice piece of research, keep up the good work😉 Keith
  23. ty geowolf, the mantua model just comprises keel/ bow/ transom and bulkheads so needs extra work to look o.k. the thin frames are my own addition. Keith
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