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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. OMG Augie, she is absolutely stunning!!! Your work on her is impeccable so far, I am incredibly impressed!
  2. Wolf, very nice work on the ship's boat...she will make a fine addition to the deck!
  3. Good to see an updat Sherry, I had been wondering how you were fairing since your loss, glad to see you building again. I must say, the wait was well worth it, your work is impecable as always, I can't wait to see this beauty finished!
  4. Very excellent work Augie, I am not looking forward to the treenailing part myself, I find it the most tedious process of all the building.
  5. Mobbsie, your rope work looks first class, very neat and tidy and lined up just the way it should be. I am very impressed!
  6. Thanks for the water line marker pics...I did not do well on my longboat, so I will try to do something similar to yours to mark the Syren when the time comes! Paint looks good, and the lathe looks like a fun addition to the shipyard!
  7. Lots of fine progress Meridith!!! As for the do-overs, the nice thing is on each subsequent build you recognize the mistakes earlier when they are easier to re-do lol...you still tend to make them anyway...at least I do!
  8. Looks very nice Adriaan, hope your time line for planking and painting goes according to plan...mine never does .
  9. I have that chopper too, only problem I have is the blades dull very quickly and if I don't change them frequently instead of cutting smoothly through the box wood it tends to break it leaving me with very rough edges and chunks missing.
  10. Charley you notice I stole your idea for the spacers...worked wonders! I did notice that the wood on my ship tends to wander a bit when I turn my back on it as well lol. Question, you have a pic on here with a syringe...is that CA in there? I use one for my PVA, but didn't know if they would work with CA without drying up solid.
  11. WOW Steve, the paint looks great...such a shame to cover over that beautiful planking job, but I understand the necessity. I can't wait to see the next update! Happy New Year as well, hope it brings you smooth sailing!
  12. Mark excellent work, as per par for you! I love the look of the ebony, have never tried it myself, I find my sensitivities to CA and even to boxwood dust have me quite fearful of even attempting something as aggravating as ebony. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year !!
  13. Happy New Year Augie!!! Your paint job is superb!!! No flaws visible at all, it really sets off the fine detail of your planking as well and does the whole ship justice!!
  14. Sam, brilliant work as always!!! I really do enjoy seeing how you improve everything, slow seems to work well for you as well because the result is always first class! Happy new year as well!
  15. Looking very good Sjors! Time is relative, you will finish when you finish, there is no rushing this hobby at all because when you do, you inevitably screw something up as I have learned!
  16. Steve, lots of progress since I was last able to get on and check things out. The float test was awesome! It also highlighted her size in scale to the bathtub, wow again she is quite large. As to the rest of all the techno talk I have nothing to offer since it is all above my head, but I do look forward to seeing more! Hope your Christmas was merry and all is well.
  17. Beautiful work Augie!!! Everything looks so smooth, and the edges are sharp like they should be!
  18. Steve, glad to know I am wise without being aware of it...just seemed logical to me. The epozy finish really does make the woodworking look even more beautiful!
  19. I am amazed at the balance. Yes, the keel may be wide, but for you to have achieved perfect balance like that to me is a very important achievement. Since you intend for this ship to actually float (sail) on the water, to me the balance is a necessary thing to prevent capsizing. My point is, that even at this early stage balance is needed because every step (or error) is compounded from here on out. I realize you can add ballast, but I would think the goal is to not need added ballast to correct flaws in building, so the fact that after planking you still have balance is a great achievement. I can see this is going to be an awesome display of your skills as a builder!!!
  20. Grant sent me that link to EdT's jig awhile back, I found it a simple and perfect way to get those deadeyes lined up correctly. I tried the claw thing, and the wire my claw was constructed out of was not strong enough so it did not hold well when tightening the lanyards. The only problem I had with Gran't jig is getting a bit liberal with the drop of CA holding the shroud line on and then having part of the jig stick to the back of the deadeye. A bit of sandpaper, and then running a micro dril bit back through the eyes corrected the problem. The nice thing is that you can do the all the lines at once on a particular shroud.
  21. Looks great to my eye Mobbsie, I know I have only rigged 1 1/2 ships so far, but it gave me a real appreciation of just how busy and detailed this all gets on this type of ship, and you seem to be handling it all very well!
  22. Big and beautiful. She really does have a graceful beauty to her, I really am beginning to love the lines of this type of ship...may have to try one for myself! Does she just sit on that counter top without any need of support or bracing?
  23. Adriaan, what a wicked looking curve to that hull, I think you did a great job, a bit of filler and she will be perfect! Enjoy your holidays and your vacation, she will be waiting patiently for your return!
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