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Everything posted by hof00

  1. How about this one in 1/35? https://www.emodels.co.uk/soar-art-1-35-dora-railway-gun-9511.html Expensive....
  2. Hi Chap, The mouldings, (And your modifications), look pretty good from where I'm standing.... Cheers...HOF.
  3. Greetings Mr. CDW, I had a look at the manufactures site on the "Inter Web thingy...." They have some very interesting subjects, one that piques my interest is the Heinkel HE 219.... (I developed plans many years ago for a 1/6 RC version that never materialised.) Anyway, I'll be following your efforts with the KI 45 with interest. (Would you be able to Grace us with Kit Review as suggested by Mark?) All the best. HOF.
  4. Cheers Ears.... More than happy to put "My two cents worth" in.... Mine, a practical/pragmatic approach. The members on this site have vastly more experience than just this Chap. 🙂 (The Transom worked out o.k.) Anyway, great you are back on this site, and the build looks great, (As previously stated.) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  5. Thanks Rick, I'll excuse myself from the discussion.... 🙂 Thanks Chap.
  6. Hi Chap, In my understanding of stuff, , if you and Rick are discussing the "King" plank is the one that exactly bisects the Deck. (Divided exactly in two, Stem to Stern.) There is not too much issue with "Plank Shift" on the centre line as Deck Furniture covers this. (From the inference that Rick is discussing, it's plans?" Yup, need to understand "Plank Shift" for your Ship, C/S was 5, 2, 4, 3 1 or something similar,_) I don't imagine that "Mermaid" would be anything as complex as that!! 🙂) I guess decide on a "Planking Shift" that suits the model, i.e. the Cutty Sark example was based on a maximum Deck Plank length of 50mm resulting in a four plank "Shift." Maybe Mermaid would be a three Plank shift? (Don't know....) The Deck Planking, and the "Planking Shift" come on either side of the King Plank. Happy to be "Gainsaid" by those more in the know, my understanding anyway.... 🙂 Rick? Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  7. Nice, I've seen this many times on "Trademe." (NZ auction site.) I'll be following with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi Chap, Been wondering where you've been hiding.... 🙂 Welcome back!! (As Rick stated, "It's only been a couple of years.... 🙂) Good to see you, "Back in the fold" so to speak, the build looks good, nice work!! Cheers....HOF.
  9. Hi Tom, Nice work thus far!! Sounds like the set of instructions that you have were much superior to the ones that I received with my C/S. (I got a "One Pager....") I'll follow with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  10. Thank you Sir!! As for the Summer, not too bad, 33'C in the Shade for the past few days, a "Bubble" of heat from our Australian neighbours. All the best for you all, sounds like a perfect time to stay inside and construct!! 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  11. Hi, Mr. CDW, Haven't Googled at this stage, (Too lazy perhaps but saw similar on Nat Geo.....) (Did this thng actually fly??) Cheers....HOF.
  12. Hi Chap, All the best with your piece of "Maritime Art." Looks superb and I'll be following with interest!! Have a go at the Lathe thing, Dowell is cheap and so is the time it takes to work it!! 🙂 (Seems to work o.k. for lots lots of OS/IS diameters.) More than happy to share the solution with you. All the very best, Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  13. Looks awesome Sir!! Great "Bending" of sails to Yards." I am in awe.... Cheers....HOF.
  14. Hi Chap, Very nice work, Esp, Mast Hoops. I tried the thin Veneer and other methods.... With my BNII, (Some time ago), I got fed up with "Shavings/Wrapping/Etc." So, thinking outside of the box, or so I thought, I mounted some Dowell into the "Live" head of my Lathe and offered up the turning part to a drill bit clamped in the other end. I then "Wound" the Drill bit into the Dowell, once the "Live Head" spun up. Once I thought I had enough length, I Stained and cut the Dowell into thin rings, some broke, but not many.... Anyway, just a solution that I found difficult to resolve, and frustration with other methods…. (Worked with many Diameters of Dowell, maybe I should go into Business?) Cheers....HOF.
  15. Thanks Chap.... I'll see how it turns out.... Wheelhouse looks better, have mounted and put a Wheel and Telegraph in there, no "Acetate" windows Onward and Upward? Cheers....HOF.
  16. Ditto to the above comments.... Awesome Build!! Wot's next? Cheers....HOF.
  17. Thanks Chap, Can't dull them down, Deckhouse and associated LED's are firmly affixed. As stated to Carl, the Nav. lights/Masthead lights should be better after the Brass Shrouds go on them. (Another challenge I guess.) Thanks for the suggestions/Ideas, very much appreciated!! That's wot the Forum is all about. 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF)
  18. Hi Chap, I have contemplated this, "The Scrapyard," more than once.... 🙂 I think that I just have to carry on for the mo and see where it lands. Yup the "Christmas" lights are a little bright but should tone down a bit after the Brass Shrouds/Covers go on them. The other LED's are a little bright also, never mind, I cant do much about it, I'd have to re-engineer the Resistor N/W, (Again), and the LED's under the Deck are pretty firmly affixed with CA, so, to late, too bad.... (It is what it is....) I guess time will tell, I have to "Persevere" for now, and if the lights if it gets too much, well, the afore mentioned "Scrapyard." (Don't want to do that, the last resort....) (I'd love to do something else but I'm a one Model type of Chap 🙂) Your humor, (Levity), and constructive criticism, is very well received!! 🙂 Keep it up!! Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF)
  19. Hi Chap, Looking really good!! I like your "Light" mounting solution. Cheers....HOF.
  20. Thanks Carl.... 🙂 I think your probably right!!! O.K. a few photos.... In the dark it looks like a Christmas Tree.... The White/Red/Red LED's on the Bow are for Masthead Lights. Anyway, a work in progress.... (Keep in mind, this a "Tear-Down/Re-Build") At least things are reasonably "Stable" and reasonably confident that it won't combust.... Cheers....HOF.
  21. Small update, Have now completed a "Stable" Resistor N/W, one that will hopefully not Combust the Ship!! Many Hi Intensity LED's of differing Forward Voltages/Currents and sized Resistors as best I can. I have "Burnt-In" the N/W over a few hours, over the past couple of days, parts of the N/W get warm but not burning hot!! All 17 LEDs seem to be o.k. (A bit bright, maybe not 100% scale, but no problem.) (10 Deck Houses, 2 Wheel House, 2 Navigation, 3 Mast Head) I'll attempt to take some Photos after the Sun goes down, and after the (Abyssinians), Cats are fed. (It's been a bit of a mission....) I think that the next step will be to complete the Wheel House, Navigation Light "Boxes," install and complete the first Planking before, sealing the Circuit inside....) As previously stated, once the Planking is done, I cannot access the Resistor N/W, if "Lights go out," there's sod all I can do about it. 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  22. Hi Chap, Yup "Wood" ship models have been described to me, in the past, as the "Pinnacle" of modelling. Got a Build Log/Photos? Yup, from what I have seen, the A/L Bounty is a challenge, so is your current build, (I'm scared of Clinker stuff!....) Many years of Plastic Modelling here also and I have a :1/72 Wolfpack" U-Boat and 1/200 Bismarck waiting in the wings.... I do however prefer the wood stuff. After "Sanson" I'll be looking at the Flying Cloud, (Mamoli), Maybe.... (I love the Clippers, they are fairly easy to build, (Hull is "Pointy" but complex Rigging.) Great to make your acquaintance!! (And a fellow NZ Citizen. ) Have a great weekend!! Cheers....HOF.
  23. Not to mention, Stocking up on "Heaps" of Cat Food, Wine and Cigarettes!! Sounds like a great weekend to "Cab-Out" indoors. Cheers....HOF.
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