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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Auch! And it was so good looking to. But - - the redo will be even nicer. Cheers,
  2. Yes, Igor is an artist, very impressive work. My external drive saved everything up to hurricane Irene when it failed but not the iMac. That failed just a few days ago. If my IT guy cannot retrieve it then a lab most likely can for $1,200, which id a no go for me. There's only a bunch of photos and quite a bit of research work that I'll miss and have start from scratch. As soon as I get my confuser back I'll send you the link to a bunch of dioramas I received from Boris, from Pacific Crossroads. Some really awesome stuff people can do with this polymer stuff. Cheers,
  3. Dyslexia of the fingers Dave. A person of my highly advanced age is allowed a spelling error once in while Note to self - proof read first you dumb old slug Cheers,
  4. Hi Carl, I understand your decision regarding encapsulating the O16 as first time endeavor. I like the idea so much though that I am seriously considering doing that to mine. As you know by now I am going to display Hr. Ms. Java as a diorama and thus have to use polymer casting resin. I am not familiar with this particular resin but have used the other resins and epoxies in aircraft repairs. I have done some research for my project and determined it to be a real no-brainer. The biggest problem for me is to depict the sea as natural as possible, like waves, shell geysers etc. I have pretty much decided to use Delvie's Plastics at www.delviesplastics.com here in the USA. There are several youtube videos but the one from TAP Plastics seems helpful and they also have an e-book on line to read. www.tapplastics.com and for the youtube go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-FyIJF-CTo Most is geared towards craft stuff with very little info on blue ocean water. I'll have to do some experimenting. This is in no means to entice you in trying to encase your 80 Euro model but to give the readers a source for supplies. I'm sure that hobby shops in Europe carry this kind of resin Polyester Casting Resin. Right now my O16 model sits next and below the O19. She is smaller the O19's conning tower. Cant send you a private message, my iMac's hard drive failed and is in for repairs. Just hope they can safe my data. Could not back-up after the hurricane. Be good, stay safe and in good health,
  5. Hello Denis and Jan, good to see you here again. No Jan, I do not have that URL and thanks for sending it, I will certainly look at them and if possible obtaining them, if there is no copy right. A few years ago I did obtain drawings for building a model at 1:50 scale forgets to have them. Besides, at 1:50 it would be much too large for my home and have to reduce it to at least 1:100. I also need to build the Musi for Gwen so this 1:350 scale Java will do just fine. I REALLY appreciate you finding so many good links and info on things I am doing. Last Saturday evening the hard drive in my big iMac augered in and is now at the fixit shop, hoping they can retrieve all the data. My external hard drive also crapped out due to the hurricane and power failure. It'll be some time before I can start a build log for Java and it will be slow progress. Cheers,
  6. Nicely done Dave. The tunnels show up quite well. Cheers,
  7. Thanks for the casting tips Nils. She's looking fantastic. Cheers,
  8. You are right Dave, your maple attempt looks much better. Nice work. Cheers,
  9. Thank you both Patrick and Jan for checking in. Yes, I'm sorry to say that Surabaya is still in the back burner. The Java is indeed a priority project Jan. In the meantime I have been checking availability of casting polymer resin and dies for a possible action diorama. I have also been assembling the appropriate photos of the ship that may be of interest to all. There are the sundry supplies to be bought such as the four different paint colors and glue. Perhaps this weekend I'll start the build log. Cheers to all,
  10. Good to hear from you Lawrence. Yup, we all need some R and R at times. As far as getting back to the VOC ship Surabaya, well, she's taking a backseat for a while. I am still studying physiology and nutrition besides the much needed yard work. I am also spending a few hours each week at painting pictures, just completed a colored pencil drawing of a ghost crab. Hope to be able to submit that one in the international society. Nex on the agenda is the start with the model of Hr. Ms. Java. I received the kit in today from Pacific Cross Roads in St. Petersburg, Russia. That's the Netherlands Navy cruiser my father was killed on during the battle of the Java Sea, February 27, 1942. The kit looks impressive with a gezillion parts. Wish me luck with this one. Cheers,
  11. Making progress Nenad, that's 4 more then yesterday. Rome wasn't build in one day either Cheers,
  12. Very nice work Nils and I hope your "untwist" will hold. Cheers,
  13. Yes Carl, it's always difficult with cases like these to make a viable choice in what color scheme to present our models. For me it was a fore-drawn conclusion to depict the O19 in her peacetime colors because that's when my father served on her. Those were the happy days for us and he loved that boat and crew. He was promoted in January 1941 and was transferred to Hr. Ms. Java. Your motivation is to honoring the crew during their peacetime duty. With my upcoming Java build I am not sure yet how to display her. I am toying with a diorama in her final battle with the JIN on February 27, 1942. Kust thinking mind you. I like the plastic tube idea, that should look really nice. Had the same thought for the O19 model but then as a domed cover that sits on the display board. Cheers,
  14. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your Shadow take shape. Marvelous work Patrick. Your build should be equally enjoyable, different to say the least. Cheers,
  15. Back with you Nils. Superb progress and such lovely work on the stern. Your old jigsaw is exactly the same as the one I received as birthday gift from my mother, back in 1949! Yep, it's on my workbench too! Cheers,
  16. That's a lot of work on those gun port lids Dave but wow, they look super nice. I like the idea of leaving some areas exposed for viewing, why go through all the trouble putting the details in and then and the then closing it off. Cheers,
  17. Nice idea about the clay as a holding device for those odd shaped parts Marcus. She's coming along great. Cheers,
  18. Hi Carl, yes, of course displaying the model in pre war colors is a great idea. I did the same with the O19. However my sentiments were different, ergo my choice of colors. She's looking quite nice. I am awaiting the kit for Hr. Ms. Java from Pacific Crossroads. That's the cruiser my father was killed on during the battle of the Java Sea. Cheers,
  19. Ah yes, that superstructure is coming along quite nicely Kevin. She's beginning to look like a war ship, outstanding. Cheers,
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