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Louie da fly

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Everything posted by Louie da fly

  1. Silverman, there's a whole section of this forum called "Wood discussion - where to use it? Where to find it? What types are best? How to finish it? which you might find of help.
  2. Obviously not rowing yet - otherwise the bosun would be tearing strips off them for catching crabs and seagulls . . .
  3. Yes, what Strelok said, except that the Empire was actually split in two, with a senior and junior Emperor (Augustus and Caesar) for each half, for purposes of easier administration, quite a while before Constantine. Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantion, but in fact he reuinited the Empire - at least for a while. It stretched from Italy, through the Balkans, to the eastern border of Asia Minor (modern Turkey), and incorporated Egypt and much of North Africa. Territorial losses over the centuries reduced the size of the Empire, but it was a very international phenomenon. Though the language of the Empire after maybe the 6th or 7th century was Greek, (and the term "Byzantine" to describe them was coined by Western scholars much later) they called themselves Romans right up to the end.
  4. That's very interesting, Kris. I hadn't known about it before. Also the frames all lean over slightly in the vertical plane, towards the ends. It certainly looks as if they did that on purpose, and they must have had their reasons, perhaps to oppose the forces of waves crashing against the hull from bow and stern. I can't really see that the diagonals you mention would have affected the structural strength particularly, but the vertical lean might have. Keep in mind that these ships were built "shell-first" with the shape of the hull determined by the planks and the frames added afterwards, so they might not have worried all that much that the frames weren't quite evenly spaced, or exactly square. But in building the model I really can't see that any slight structural advantage that might be conveyed by the diagonal and leaning frames would make any perceptible difference to the strength of the model - your clinker built vessel will be more than strong enough, if my own dromon (even more delicately built - and of carvel construction) is anything to go by. So, it then comes down to whether you want to copy the frames exactly for historical accuracy's sake, or just build it in a way that will be easier on you. I doubt very much that the strength will be affected at all. And I doubt that anybody but you will ever notice the difference.
  5. But also pleased, if she's still around. Worth a try! I've had good success with this kind of thing, and so has Woodrat. Yes, at this period in particular, you often can't fit a vessel into a category (most of which seem to have been invented by academics anyway). I've put together a collection of pics on Pinterest of various periods and types of mediaeval and renaissance ships, at https://www.pinterest.com.au/lowe1847/boards/ which you might find of use.
  6. Well, all I can say is "Every day, if you are not careful, you learn a new thing" So, does this apply to staining where there is a glob of glue? Does preparing the surface with rubbing alcohol avoid that horrible patchiness caused by the glue when you apply the stain?
  7. Yes, the deck beams had two functions - to support the deck, but just as importantly, to hold the frames apart so they kept their shape. And there'd need to be two sets of beams to hold the two decks, but two would also maintain the hull shape even better.
  8. Most likely, but probably best not to overdo it. They were very enthusiastic about colour, and it's possible they'd re-paint the shields if they faded.
  9. If they supported a full deck they'd be called deck beams. The most accurate term might still be "upper deck beam"- but as the upper deck is really what we would call a catwalk, perhaps "catwalk beams"?
  10. That's fascinating, Binho. I had no idea Britain was so intensively farmed that early. I've bookmarked that site so I can read it again at my leisure.
  11. That's very interesting - good to see someone tried it out. Maybe the chest theory is right after all?
  12. In fact this looks very good and there's definite progress here. I find that unfortunately once you've made something it takes very little time for it to become the "new normal", so the amount of progress you've actually made tends to get overlooked. Sometimes it's good to go back over your build log and see just how much has been achieved - it can be very worthwhile and good for morale.
  13. Yes, early 14th century is rather "generic mediaeval" - 15th is the start of a huge change in all kinds of things - tailored clothing, armour, you name it. And, of course, ships - 15th century sees the birth of the carrack. Interestingly, quite a few early 15th century ships seem to be a transition between the cog and the carrack, so it's hard to categorise them as either one or the other. Yes, I tend to agree with you that the lines on the seal could be interpreted as shrouds rather than a bipod mast, and it's a rather thin piece of evidence to base a definitive statement on. However, I agree with you - it's your model, it'll be unusual and interesting, and nobody can prove you wrong . . . I agree with Woodrat about contacting the archaeologists. I've often found them to be (i) amazed than anybody but themselves is interested in this kind of thing, and (ii) very helpful indeed.
  14. Ok, got it now. Maybe you could build the next Titanic model and call it Britannic? Oh, no - she sank as well . . . For any other liner you'd probably have to go over to the Dark Side and scratch build . . .
  15. Nice to see another mediaeval ship, Silverman, and nice to see another cog! I take it you re-enact 15th century stuff? You're already well into it, and the model is already looking very good. I like the fact that you're basing it so firmly on research and archaeological finds. A bipod mast on a cog seems very unusual. What does the author base that on?
  16. That's looking really good, Dick. Those photos show off the beautiful shape of the hull, as well as the fine detail of its construction.
  17. Oops! My bad (though in my defense, the Queen Elizabeth log has only been up for 9 hours. And then there's the time difference to consider . . . ). What's the other build? I couldn't find it.
  18. Welcome to MSW, Tensecondsdown. Interesting name - is there a story attached? Victory is a huge undertaking, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Patience and persistence are your best "tools". In the meantime, I'd recommend starting a build log for your Greyhound - it's a great way to get help and advice,and often solutions to the problems that arise, from people who've already been there. The instructions for starting a buildlog are here: As your model is already part complete, it's probably best to start out with a few photos to bring it up to date, and then proceed from there.
  19. Looking forward to seeing your build log (when you get the chance to start! )
  20. Hi Chris and welcome. When you start your next build make sure you also start a build log. Apart from giving everybody the pleasure of watching yourmodel take shape, it's a greatway to get encouragement, help and advice. The instructions on how to start a build log are here:
  21. Damn! I was going to say that! You beat me to it! BTW, if you have any trouble having a continuous line between the two joined planks, at least below deck-line, it might be an idea to add a slim piece of wood bridging the gap and extending some way either side of the join, on the inside of the hull where it would be invisible. And as well as helping maintain a continuous line in the planking, it would add to the integrity of the whole thing as well. Once you go above deck line, even without adding an extra piece of wood the lower planks might possibly support the upper ones where they join. Eric, I'm very impressed with your persistence and ingenuity in solving the problems the kit has presented to you. You're actually doing very well with this. And don't worry about "complaining too much". The whole point of this forum is to provide encouragement, help and support in ship modelling. And if you can't complain to us, who understand, who can you complain to?
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