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Everything posted by maaaslo

  1. i must say, that you posted almost perfect snaps of i assume majority of the kit. if i was you, i would put something across the pages prior to picture taking, just to make life of pirates a bit more miserable.
  2. I found one in polish lingo for you: http://papermodels.pl/showthread.php?tid=7447
  3. Ahem, answer is not out of business... they are alive and well. http://www.answer.pl/pl/statki/2608-insidioso.html
  4. Mobbsie, she does look nice, the colour variation is spot on in my oppinion. regarding up/down dilemma, try to remember: if you want to put something out for others to see you are uploading. If you want to grab something for yourself to have, you are downloading.
  5. Regarding using isopropil, i thought of that too, but got scared it might attack the inner planking... i will probably just cover it with something. Maybe a bundle of rope, or powder barrels...
  6. hmm, how on earth to rip it out without destroying what has been done already?
  7. very well. i thought we have lost yet another Legend... if i may ask, does your kit come with some kind of rescue boat? i am asking because i have managed to get my hands on a finished kit of Lancia amarta and it has a small rescue boat fitted and glued down. and its terribly out of scale...
  8. really nice and precise work. i like how you made your chain plates
  9. Pencil is a good option, acrylyc paints, water colors... anything really, but stay away from markersz...
  10. Regarding ripping your work appart... i once purchased something off an ebay seller who was building one like you. well, as its a long story i will cut it weeeell short. It was his second build, as the first one he said was badly warped, planks wouldnt sit flush with the frame, decks would be coming off, and this and that... he decided to not glue the frame this time to give him chance to correctly align the frames in the keel. I didnt know what he meant by all that, i had to ask. Well, he didnt fair the frames, the decks would be warped as he didnt check and fit the slots in the part... and so on. He was basically expecting it to work like lego, maybe plastic model. Should have see his face when i told him his approach is completly wrong... i tried to direct him to our forum, but he seemed very stubborn person. Im afraid he was up for a second fail... and maybe a third one too as he apparently promised his in law be would build it for him. so the moral of the story would be: check, double check, tripple check and if not happy rip appart. Exactly what you are doing so damn good. well done job
  11. And of course, your model looks gorgeous too. are you going to make a display case for her? i made one last week for mantua armed pinnace and she looks hot too...
  12. Clare, did you consider expanding foam? i have done a few hulls using this method and its very good. what you do, you assemble your hull frames glue them the usual way. of course, everything have to be nice and straight .and then you grab a can of expanding foam (a small one and one that expands into nice homogenous volume, with not too meny pores) and spray it over the frame. like cover the whole thing in foam. sans the decks. keep those covered and foam free. the foam will expand and turn your hull into basically a log of foam. then after it cures you take any Stanley knife and just trim the excess away. foam sands well and if you end up having holes in it, just use any filler. its like you create a planking layer zero. gives you nice and well developed surface to glue your first paper planking, vertically over the exposed frames. this method works well. it has been proven to work on hulls of any size. actually, bigger the hull better the result. or go the way Doris does the things. just be as precise as possible. have you seen the way she did her Bellona? For those that would also like to see the way Doris does her models, she has a nice gallery here: http://www.papirove-modely.cz/u/148
  13. That means you are done? in that case: weeeeeell done!
  14. that is the best way. part scratch built. you will learn a lot.
  15. They have 1/72 and 1/96 kits. I know at least one of them is being offered in both versions. 1/96 are usually just plain card models, only formers and details are offered as an extra. 1/72 comes as a kit. btw, im still waiting for shipyard to release their newest model... its been over a year since they released a sailing ship...
  16. Just a question shouldnt you put this into scratch built? I mean you have plans but have scratch built everything apart from gun barrels...
  17. Indeed. But only these laser kits in 1/72 scale
  18. seeing your progress, i got in a mood. I've assembled frames for the Duilio ironclad (i am selling second copy). god, i have never faired so many frames in my life...
  19. You have no idea... i have some like 100+ paper models. Most of them are gpm, modelik, i have the whole shipyard collection. Most famous german tanks and halftracks. I have sherman firefly. If you seem the kit, one of the most complicated on the market. I probably will never build it, but its a pleasure going through the pages... t34/76 from halinski. That model was their most advanced. So far have only seen it completed a handfull of times. It has lot more than 1000 parts. none of you probably heard it, but during late 80s, early 90s, in former Czechoslovakia we had this magazine. Called ABC of young pioneers (in sense of you g comrades). They have released a continous stream of the architectural models and called it MPR. Stands for something like historical town centre heritage... was a whole town. have a look: i have a whole lot of those, plus a whole lot more different ones. My collection is nothing, comparing to some geeks i know... they need cellars, i only need a bottom of the wardrobe with a few banana boxes.
  20. I have seen one build, that guy was doing miracles to it. It looked like the real deal...well, that topic was a reason why i bought the kit. A bit of an impulsive buyer i am...
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