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Ryland Craze

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Posts posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Welcome to Model Ship World Jake.  You did the right thing by starting a build log for your kit.  The bulkheads may be loose, but be sure that they are properly seated in the false keel and that they are at right angles to the keel.  This is a very important part of the build, so take it slow.  I would use a PVA glue (yellow glue) to set the bulkheads and make sure the glue has set on the bulkhead you are inserting before moving to the next bulkhead.  Good luck on your build and be sure to ask if you have any questions.  We are here to help you be successful with your first build.

  2. Welcome to Model Ship World tomsimon.  You have picked a good kit to get you started in this hobby.  The book, Ship Modeling  Simplified, by Frank Mastini was the first book I purchased on ship modeling and it got me interested in this hobby.  I was fortunate to have known Frank Mastini as he was a member of the Hampton Roads Ship Model Society.  He was mentoring me on the Bluenose shortly before he passed away.  I treasure the time I spent with him.

  3. You are making good progress James.  Another approach you can take in gluing large surfaces is to use a combination of CA and yellow glue (Titebond).  Just put a small amount of CA to tack the surface of the piece being glued and use the yellow glue for the remainder of the bond.  This way, if the part is misaligned, it would be easier to break the bond before the yellow glue sets.  You can also use a small paint brush and water to clean up any of the excess yellow glue in the joints.

  4. 2 hours ago, shipman said:

    As usual, my views are a little off-beat. The pre-painted model on page 4(?) to me looks superb. All these red's and blue's are far too bright at this scale. If you must use colour, it would make a welcome change to try a different selection.

    Can't fault your craftsmanship; an exceptional build.

    Thanks shipman for your comments.  I am glad you like the colors I chose.  I actually painted the cap rails with another red (you can see remnants of the paint in the second picture of your quote) but it was too bright for my liking, so I sanded it off.  The Grumbacher Cadmium Red color was a better choice to me as I felt it closely matched the colors on the contemporary models in the NMM that the kit was modeled after.  The freizes provided in the kit were drawn by Chuck Passaro and were based on the NMM models.  I have attached the pictures of the two models that Chuck Passaro modeled this kit after:






    And here is a picture of my model from page 4 of my build log :


  5. Thanks Chuck and Glen for your comments.  I also appreciate the "Likes".  This is a really nice kit and I am enjoying the build.


    1 hour ago, fnkershner said:

    Ryland - I want to thank you for your log. Your log has the detail that I need for my model. I have been using it extensively for my build. Can you tell me where you found the thumb plane? I have not yet purchased the rigging kit. but I plan to once Chuck has them in stock.

    My miniature block plane is a Kunz 101 that I purchased from a Woodcraft store about 15 years ago.  Stanley, Lie Nielsen and even Ebay have these miniature planes for sale.  I am finding that I am using this plane more than I ever thought I would.


    I have been reading the build logs of other Medway Longboat builders and I find that each one has tips and techniques in it that I will use on my build.  There is a wealth of information out there and I appreciate the efforts of Chuck, Rusty, Bob G, Bob W and others who have posted very detailed build logs. Their build logs are an inspiration for those of us that are building this kit.



  6. Thanks everyone for your replies and for the "Likes".  Progress continues at a snails pace on my Longboat.  I have completed all of the shaping of the mast, boom, gaff and bowsprit and finished painting them and applying WOP on the wood surfaces.  I stepped the mast (temporarily) and I am ready to start the rigging. Here are some pictures of the status of the model that I shared with my Club members on Zoom this past Saturday:





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