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About Canute

  • Birthday 10/18/1948

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  • Location
    Western NC
  • Interests
    Napoleonic Age of Sail, ACW

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  1. Coming along nicely, Eric. Excellent work. Looks like you've handled the vertical curves around your bridge with your pre-planned abutments.
  2. You've done a superb job with this window. 👍
  3. Quite a bit of detail in your Lysander, Andrew. Looks very good.
  4. Interesting little kit, Alan. Like OC said, the Flyhawk is chock a block with parts in such a wee scale.
  5. How did you create the Russia blue iron on the boiler? Many a steam engine builder has tried, but you seem to hit that nail square on the head.
  6. That inspection car is a "critter" for some railroads. Doesn't fit into any engine class on the railroad and usually smaller than any company locos. That one just exudes "charm". You might want to find some cats and terrier dogs for the mill. The grain is a lure for the rodents. Our horse barn had several cats and a Blue Healer that "serviced" them. Beat using chemicals.
  7. Amazing patience and manual dexterity, Rob. Beautiful work. WOW!
  8. Halinski is known for this level of detail and you sir are pulling off one fine build. I am in awe.
  9. Could also be for hoisting new equipment up to the top of that tower, Sheaves and duct work break occasionally so they plan ahead for replacements. And the whole place was dusty from grain.
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