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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Cap'n, excellent work on the "iron works" and your hull framing. I'm waiting with semi-bated breath to hear of your "toy-box" additions.
  2. Nice little mortars and carronades you've turned there, Matt. Guess those pirate squirrels can be a little touchy; may have to make an example of one or else the blighters will take over and you'll be "walking the plank".
  3. Jay, have you checked out Jeff Staudt's work over on MSB? He's done up a magazine section model and cited a list of 4 references for powder magazines. Another reference, here on MSW, is EdT's Naiad build. Just trying to help, mate. You scratch-builders are my heroes.
  4. Nice planking on the pinnace, Mick. What's your technique for the glue squeeze on the inside? The reason I ask, I have that happening on my Bounty Launch, so I'm scaling back on the glue, but I do have some glue blobs to be removed. I have some narrow chisels and a tool meant to scrape molded on details from plastic railway cars.
  5. You might check the model railroad paint racks for a shade called SP Lettering Gray. It's dull pale bluish gray. Looks like weathered galvanized iron.
  6. Jay, Connie's AOTS shows these spaces on a profile drawing on p 48-49 and the scuttle locations on the Orlop deck plan view/framing on p 72-73.
  7. Cathead, check out Gene Bodnar's build of USS Cairo, an ACW brown water ship, here: http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?5406 Another almost flat bottom (well, it does have a keel) build of a War of 1812 row galley, with an interesting build gantry idea: http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?4335
  8. It looks to me like maybe either a) a gazebo base or a pivot gun platform. This weapons guy likes b. Matt, the decking looks great. My compliments to the Nutz brothers. And Uncle Salty is starting to look like a groundhog or gopher. Get him back to work!
  9. As another with a model railroader (MRR) background, I agree with Andy. It's important to define, if we are going to an IPMS or NMRA event, when you have to categorize the models for a contest. As an occasional contest judge and model evaluator for model railroading, I've been in the cross hairs of some irate contestants. It's a tough spot to be in. I try to avoid contest judging nowadays, but still help to evaluate folks' work, normally in their homes. Can't haul your layout in to my place to look at track-work or scenery, can you? We don't judge here, we support and offer constructive criticism. Big reason why I'm here. For our purposes and usage, super-detailing and kit bashing are equally valid terms and the MRRs here will occasionally slip and call these kit-bashes superdetailing. Let's not fall on our swords over a little semantic issue. C'est la vie!
  10. Rick, where'd you get those glues? I've seen Duco around, but those other must be from Europe?
  11. I have two mates who have the same affliction. And when they get together it's an installment of "The Bickerson's", nattering back and forth on some detail. They're a hoot! This will be a most interesting build.
  12. I've been interested in the Brown Water naval activities of the American Civil War for years. This steamboat is a good project, since a number of those ACW boats were converted transport types. I applaud your choice and will follow along, too.
  13. Don't see why it wouldn't work. Don't leave tape on too long after you're done or it will pull up the paint edge.
  14. A tad late to this clambake, but I'll pull up a seat and an appropriate libation. One of my favorite ships, but my skills need a lot of honing afore I attempt this jewel. here's to a great build, Cap'n !
  15. OC, I've used 3M blue masking tape laid down on a piece of plate glass. That will take some of the stickiness off and you can cut it to width with a knife and metal straight edge. If you have a well stocked local hobby shop (LHS), you might to see if they carry Tamiya brand masking tape. It's low tack and pretty flexible. Comes in various widths. A bit pricier than the blue masking tape, but it is a very good product.
  16. Ahh, my ole bent wing buddy! Got around 4K hours in most USAF marks of the Phabulous Phantom, with about 2.2 K hours in those E models. Thanks for displaying the old girl. Cheers and Slainte!
  17. Druxey, coat the side without printing or both sides? With wood, I'd seal both sides before using acrylics, else we get potato chips/crisps. Pitting paint over the printing seems counter intuitive. Clare, the grates look very good. Last order I got from Poland/Ukraine, it sat in a NY post office over a week. Customs, I presume. Took <1 day to get from NYC to the hinterlands of western NC. Must have used an SR-71.
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